Published September 25, 2024
The key doctrinal issue in New Testament times was the shift from the Law of Moses to salvation by faith, highlighted by Paul's use of the Eden story in Romans. ...continue
Published August 26, 2024
Announcing a transformative project designed to provide children worldwide with an internationally recognized educational qualification at a reasonable cost. ...continue
Published September 25, 2024
We look to big answers when a crisis hits, but what should we really be focusing on? ...continue


Volume 87, Number 9



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“We speak to our God in prayer, and He speaks back to us through His written Word. Without Bible reading, we jeopardize the relationship by talking without even listening.”
~ Dennis Bevans
Read “Noah: Saving Your Family in a Dark World – Part 4”

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Announcing a transformative project designed to provide children worldwide with an internationally recognized educational qualification at a reasonable cost.
Andres Ramos made a heartfelt confession of his faith before entering the waters of baptism.
Paul urges us to stay committed to our faith and remain hopeful by constantly remembering Christ's victory and praying unceasingly.
Oh, if the Lord had only been here! Martha can’t stop thinking it. It goes around and around in her mind. She says it to Mary, for the umpteenth time. Mary says it to Martha just as often.
The story of Sis. Nasha's baptism.
Solomon's principles for righteous living in Proverbs can help us detangle the conflicts and wars among us and improve our relationships greatly.

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“Only conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ, so that whether I come and see you or remain absent, I will hear of you that you are standing firm in one spirit, with one mind striving together for the faith of the gospel;” 

Philippians 1:27 NASB

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