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El Salvador Bible School

We pray God might continue to bless and strengthen the family in the faith that is growing in Latin America.
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Bible school activities began a few days before the formal event. As the out-of-town visitors arrived, they were taken on trips to the beach, to volcanoes, and to special dinners. Newly baptized Bro. Cristian Mamani came from Bolivia, Bro. Nahuel Carmona from Peru, Sis. Marcela Castellanos from neighboring Honduras and Bro. Dante Berbetti from Phoenix, Arizona. In addition, brothers and sisters Jorge, Encarnación, Victor, and Marina, bussed in from Guatemala.

On the eve of the school, a meet-and-greet dinner was held at the San Salvador Hall, allowing the Salvadorans who could not attend the school itself to get to know the foreign visitors. Early the next morning, we undertook the trek north to our usual venue in La Palma, a picturesque town in the hills near the border with Honduras. The trip was much slower than normal due to road construction, but eventually, all arrived safely.

Bro. Jorge Garcia, from Sonsonate, El Salvador

Bro. Jorge García of the Sonsonate satellite ecclesia gave four uplifting adult classes on the Letters of Peter, while the men’s class and the Sunday exhortation were given by Bro. Sergio Armas, also from Sonsonate.

The senior young people’s classes were given by visiting brethren Dante and Nahuel, aided by Bro. Alejandro Alfaro of San Salvador. There were about twenty in the group, and it was lovely to see their enthusiasm. Sis. Marcela organized the games after each class, giving out as prizes the coveted Hershey’s kisses brought from the US!

Sis. Jean led the intermediate classes on “The Birth of Jesus—the Real Story,” provoking some excellent feedback as the group was encouraged to follow the example of Jesus in the temple when he was a young boy, by asking good questions!

The young people presented a dramatic skit that included a toddler who obediently stayed limp in his mother’s arms during the Tenth plague! This was followed by the evening bonfire and hymn sing until late into the evening.

The weekend ended at the San Salvador Hall with another couple of hours of chatting and leave-taking, fueled by fruit salad and doughnuts.

Most of the Salvadoran young people, the visitors from South America, and a few older brothers and sisters flew down to the Costa Rica Bible School over the New Year’s weekend. We are thankful that everyone had a safe and uplifting experience in both schools, and pray God might continue to bless and strengthen the family in the faith that is growing in Latin America.

Jim and Jean Hunter,
L.A. Hispanic Ecclesia, CA
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It was once again a joy to be at the school with the brothers, sisters, and young people. There were more than 80 of us in attendance.
The members and young people in El Salvador spend months planning the annual Bible school, the big event at the end of the year.
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