¡Hola from Quito!
I hope, brothers and sisters, that this short story will fill your hearts.

Please receive the greetings and a big hug from your brothers and sisters of the Quito, Ecuador Ecclesia. It’s our pleasure to share with you a short history of a couple that first came to our meeting in October of 2019. It’s not by chance, but rather the will of God and his son our Lord Jesús Christ, that exactly a year later they were baptized on October 11, 2020.
they felt a desire to meet with us and asked for our address
One Sunday morning, Anita and Jhonny and their two children appeared at our meeting to participate in the meeting. We received them with open arms—that’s something that characterizes us! Anita was a work colleague of our Sis. Maribel, married to Bro. Dan Archibald.
Dan and Maribel had spoken to them about our teachings and doctrines, and they felt a desire to meet with us and asked for our address. With guidance from brother and sister Cesar and Mariana, they tracked us down to join us. Since that time, they have been faithfully meeting with us.
The pandemic in Ecuador led to a total lockdown. In our country, the cases of COVID-19 were skyrocketing, and there was total chaos and fear. Everyone had friends and relatives who had been sick. Some overcame the virus, while others died. People were weeping at the hospitals as they tried to locate the bodies of their family members. More often than not, families were unsuccessful in their search.
Now in October, 2020, it seems that the illness results in death less often. There are many people who are recovering, and it seems like the doctors now know how to treat patients. Therefore, like in all countries, we are just waiting for a vaccine, though we remain constant in our faith in our Savior. For this reason, our ecclesias had to turn to other means to hold our Breaking of Bread and Bible studies.
At that point, Anita and Jhonny had only been meeting with us for a short time. Initially, we thought the pandemic would be brief, but as time passed and it became clear we were in this for the long haul, we looked for a way to keep meeting and to be able to invite our friends to continue with us. They happily accepted the invitation.
This shows us that when you fall in love with God, there are no impediments for those who wish to follow him. In the case of the Quito Ecclesia we held our meetings over Skype. So, while this pandemic brought many challenges to us, it also had a positive outcome.
Anita and Jhonny continued their studies with us. Over the course of these last seven months, with the guidance of the brethren, they have been able to resolve their questions. Thanks to their dedication and commitment, they reached their goal of immersing themselves in the water and receiving the blessing and love that God gives to all his children.
Anita and Jhonny are very happy to be baptized and become part of the Christadelphian family. Our new members are very grateful to all the members of the Quito Ecclesia, who each in their own way were part of their learning process. We, as a community, are thankful to God who is always with us, and despite the challenges this pandemic has brought upon us we know we will get through this too.
I hope, brothers and sisters, that this short story will fill your hearts. Thank you for taking the time to read it. May God and our Lord Jesus Christ fill your lives with peace, love and the hope of his Kingdom.
Written with love,
Jeanneth Cueva, Quito, Ecuador
Submitted by Sis. Jan Berneau, CBMA/C Publicity