Bro. Wesley Booker was a humble man who quietly influenced many lives. He lived a simple life, but there was an unfathomed depth behind his apparent simplicity.
For most of his life, Wesley was a fifth grade mathematics teacher. He was also an expert tennis player, and enjoyed coaching others. In later years, he served as a volunteer for Meals on Wheels, and taught retirees to play bridge at a senior center in South Austin. While a strong competitor in most sports and games, he was also a gracious and humble person.
Many of Wesley’s summer vacations were spent leading Truth Corps teams and training them to present the gospel. After retiring, he devoted himself to preaching.
Wesley was a member of the Austin South, TX Ecclesia. He was a leader of the meeting; he taught Bible classes and Sunday school; he presided and gave words of exhortation; he gave people rides; and he visited those who couldn’t make it to meeting. He will be missed.
Combining his teaching ability and his love for the Bible, Bro. Wesley created a set of first principle notes that he used to teach many people the Truth. He also wrote booklets of comments and questions on the readings for Genesis and on the New Testament, and a Bible Jeopardy game. Wesley was a proofreader for The Tidings. He focused on checking the Bible references; based on his nearly photographic assimilation of the Scriptures, he could instantly identify mistakes in the wording of quotations or in verse citations. And typical of his way, Wesley preferred to do this without any public recognition.
Bro. Wesley Booker was born on June 25, 1951 in San Saba, Texas, to Bro. Eldon and Sis. Ruth Booker. He was baptized into Christ on June 28, 1970, and remained faithful to the gospel throughout his life. He fell asleep in Austin on December 4, 2013, at the age of 62. Wesley is survived by his two children, Elizabeth Hudson of Austin, and Daniel Booker of Oakland, California; his brother and sister-in-law Bro. George and Sis. Barbara Booker; his nephew Bro. Adam Booker and his wife Sis. Wallesha, with their daughter, Miriam, of Austin.
Wesley was in excellent health throughout his life. The brain tumor, which came on suddenly, impacted his strength, memory, and speech, but Wesley continued to read his well-marked Bible and to watch his beloved Atlanta Braves. He died in the sure hope of the resurrection, and was laid to rest at the Johnson Family Cemetery in Stonewall, Texas. He will be remembered with love and fondness by many, in both Austin and worldwide. Donations in Wesley’s name can be made to Agape in Action — 521 Valmont Dr., Monrovia, CA 91016.
The Booker family thanks everyone for the hundreds of cards, phone calls, e-mails, and prayers, and now for the sympathy cards as well — even though we cannot acknowledge each one.