Israel and Her Foes
We need to explore how God sees the current foes of the region against Israel. Are the nations surrounding Israel incurable enemies to be destroyed as part of God’s plan with Israel? Certainly not.

Few topics are more essential to Christadelphian doctrine than Israel. We have been united as a community for almost 170 years over the critical place of Israel in God’s plan—past, present, and future. Scripture tells us Israel is the apple of God’s eye (Deuteronomy 32:9-10; Lamentations 2:18; Zechariah 2:8). Just as we carefully guard our extremely tender and sensitive cornea, God cares deeply about His people and watches over them.
As we view the constant animosity and conflict between the current nation of Israel and the surrounding nations, it is easy, and perhaps convenient, to view those who are against Israel as evil and irredeemable. When we see atrocities like the Gaza massacre of October 7, 2023, we rightly abhor the behavior of Hammas.
It was a senseless attack that resulted in an escalation of violence and bloodshed. But also, the revenge of Israel and the loss of life of tens of thousands in Gaza is repugnant. Followers of the Lord Jesus Christ need to caution against polarizing our perception that either side of this conflict warrants such violence. When we take a position with friends of our unremitting support of everything that secular Israel does, we sound obtuse.
We need to explore how God sees the current foes of the region against Israel. Are the nations surrounding Israel incurable enemies to be destroyed as part of God’s plan with Israel?
Certainly not.
The Vision of Isaiah 19
There are countless references in Scripture to Israel being God’s people. But Isaiah reminds us of how the work of Jesus Christ will one day unite the household of Abraham in a way we might not expect.
Did you notice which group was called God’s people? Egypt! And who were described as the “work of my hands”? Assyria! Israel is included with Egypt and Assyria and is described as God’s “inheritance.” This vision is remarkable, showing what will be accomplished by the Lord Jesus Christ upon his return. It brings peace and free movement to the household of Abraham: Hagar from Egypt and the houses of Bethuel and Laban from the area we know today as Syria.
This “highway” will also facilitate the recovery of the people of Israel (Isaiah 11:10-12). It encompasses the territory promised to the king that “he shall have dominion from sea to sea, and from the river unto the ends of the earth.” (Psalm 72:8).
As we look at the developing news daily, imagining such harmony and freedom of movement between Israel and her neighbors is almost impossible. Men have tried to craft peace treaties and agreements that would patch together concord. But in every case, it is a bag with holes. There can be no true, lasting peace until the King of Peace rules from Jerusalem.
Our Perspective About Israel’s Enemies
The press shapes the public’s perceptions of what is transpiring. We are shocked by the images of destruction and suffering and the narrative linked to it. In the news in late 2023, the press fed us content that demonized members of Hammas in Gaza, and rightly so. But as time progressed, the narrative shifted because of the extremity of the IDF invasion of Gaza and the unthinkable human suffering. People who once rallied for Israel after the October 7 Gaza massacre are now turning against Israel and its actions.
That is the perspective of the secular world. Public opinion shifts like the wind. However, as believers, we must shape our perspective using the Word of God, not the national broadcasting organizations. How does God see this situation?
When we look back at the history of Israel, we see a long list of countries that were enemies of Israel. They were involved in scenes similar to or worse than the October 7, 2023, Gaza massacre. The prophets documented the list of people who had been enemies of Israel. In some cases, God actually strengthened the nations that became adversaries to Israel. God fought against Israel because of their rebellion to humble them and have them turn to Him.
The persecution of Israel by many nations was often with purpose.
But what is striking when we read Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and other prophets is that these nations were judged for their cruelty and arrogance when persecuting Israel. Nebuchadnezzar had already burned the temple and sacked Jerusalem when he was walking in his opulent palace in Babylon, declaring how he himself had accomplished all these victories. It was then, in his foolish pride, that God abased him and drove him like a wild beast until he came to recognize that “the most High ruleth in the kingdom of men.” (Daniel 4:30-32).
God used nations like Assyria and Babylon to accomplish His will (Isaiah 10:5-7; 43:14). But their Divine punishment was due to the cruelty and pride they exhibited toward God’s people. Others, such as Tyre, were destroyed because they gloated over the desolation of Judah. (Ezekiel 26:1-3). Nations may have military success against Israel, but they will be brought to their knees if they attack the apple of God’s eye. The persecution of Israel by many nations was often with purpose. God used these people to demonstrate that Israel’s only hope was to turn to the LORD of hosts.
Is the hatred and cruelty today of Israel’s neighbors just another manifestation of what God has allowed over the centuries to redeem His people? Israel today is a prideful, secular nation, trusting in their own might and ingenuity and not in God. The October 7 Gaza attack may have been an attempt to wake His people. Sadly, it seems to have driven them even further to trusting in their own arm.
The Bad Guys?
The media and Hollywood frequently demonize the Arab people and Muslims in general. They have become the convenient “bad guys.” They tell a story of all Muslims being suspected terrorists and enemies of the West and Israel. This notion is simply not true. Not all Arab or Muslim people are enemies of Israel, and it is quite inappropriate to put them all into one box of irredeemable people. Are the Arab people and the Egyptians seen by God as people to be discarded because of their adversarial behavior toward Israel? Scripture says, “No!”
The inhabitants of ancient Assyria and much of the Arab world represent a people to become a third with Israel and Egypt. That’s incredibly hard to see from the events of our time. The people inhabiting ancient Assyria have been at Israel’s throat for nearly one hundred years. Egypt has vacillated between neutrality and animosity toward Israel for more than sixty years.
We need to be very careful when we speak of Israel’s present enemies. When we speak of nations like Syria, Iraq, and many of the Arab peoples, we must see them as God sees them. He sees in them people with whom He can work—a people who can give glory to His Name. Daniel tells us that when the King of the North rolls through, “many countries shall be overthrown” (Daniel 11:41), not just Israel. Daniel further tells us that the conquering host will “have power over the treasures of gold and silver, and over all the precious things of Egypt.” (Daniel 11:42-43). The King of the North and his confederates will oppress Egypt. The Egyptians will also be looking for a savior. But ultimately, the northern invader who will defy our Lord will face inevitable destruction in the fields of Armageddon. The confederate nations of Ezekiel 38-39 are not the people identified in Isaiah 19.
The Muslim People
I was quite surprised when I listened to a Christmas address by Iranian President Ahmadinejad in 2008. He recognized Christian and Jewish prophets and texts predating Islam in his address. He spoke positively of the Muslim belief that Jesus Christ was a great prophet who would return to the earth. His view, however, was that Jesus would come to condemn Israel and the Western powers for their “bullying, ill-tempered and expansionist” leaders who have strayed far from Jesus’ path.1
We do not intend this article to defend Mr. Ahmadinejad or the current Iranian leaders for their attacks on Israel from Iran. However, we need to consider that while Iran is officially a Muslim nation, it is mainly because of an oppressive government that persecutes those who pursue Christianity. But surprisingly, we learn that “In the past two decades, Iran has had the fastest growing church in the world—even though the Bible is illegal,” points out Nima Alizadeh, one of the many Iranian converts to Christianity in the last couple of decades.2 Of these converts, most are fervently pro-Israel, bowing their knees to the Jewish Messiah—with kindled affection toward the Jewish people.”3 As a community, we are very thankful to have so many Iranian refugee brothers and sisters who, under great duress, embraced the truth and were baptized into Christ.
The Muslim doctrine of Allah is non-Triune. There is a wide gap between how Muslims see God and mainstream Christendom, which embraces the doctrine of the Trinity. Our view of God’s character differs from the way Muslims see Him, but we are similar in our view that there is only one God. Because of this, refugees from Muslim areas are quite surprised to learn of communities like the Christadelphians and others that reject the Triune God teaching and recognize the one true God.
How Could Isaiah 19 Unfold?
There is no way for any man to engineer a lasting peace in the Middle East, such as is described by the Prophet Isaiah. This will only be accomplished by the Lord Jesus. How long will it take for the Muslim people to recognize the Lord Jesus Christ upon his return? How long will it take for them to accept an elevated status along with Israel and Egypt? How long will it take for them to glorify God and accept that “out of Zion shall go forth the law, and the word of the LORD from Jerusalem.” (Isaiah 2:3)? Undoubtedly, the work of the saints will be deployed to make this centuries-old chasm disappear. I suspect these people will be among the first to understand and accept the Lord Jesus Christ.
Egypt has a long and spotty history with Israel. It has been the sustainer, the oppressor, the ally, and the betrayer. Egypt has been, as Rabshakeh said to Hezekiah, reliably unreliable. (2 Kings 18:20-21). How long will it take for a crushed and occupied Egypt to plea to God for deliverance when the King of the North is in their land?
Our Lips
Certainly, we are fully committed to supporting God’s people. That does not mean we endorse the violence and military policies of the current government or IDF. These policies are completely devoid of trust in God. We pray for the redemption of the Jews, but we must also accept that God intends to reunite the terribly fractured house of Abraham. This change will include some nations that are enemies today. We may have to expand our notion of who God considers His people with Isaiah 19 in mind.
In the following article, Bro. Bill Link discusses “Cheering for Israel.” Bill helps us to see that supporting God’s people doesn’t equate to accepting every secular and military objective of the nation today. Doing so is a very slippery slope, and we need to understand what we do and don’t support.
Ultimately, it is God’s plan and purpose to redeem all nations. People we see as arch enemies will, in the powerful hand of God, be transformed into people who give Him glory and honor. Because of this, we need to jettison all thoughts of nationalism that may lead us in opposition to the thinking of our God. God doesn’t view men and women as Iranians, Americans, Canadians, Australians, Chinese, Russians, or any other nation. We are all part of the “sea” that Jesus comes to calm and eventually eliminate (Revelation 21:1). This is the lofty role of the saints: to teach the nations and proclaim liberty and righteousness.
Let our lips speak of love for all men, for it is the very purpose of our Lord to usher in a new world order that includes all nations. That is, after all, the very definition of the gospel message. (Galatians 3:8) Our Lord’s Kingdom will end oppression, cruelty, violence, and antisemitism, finally bringing harmony to the family of Abraham.
Dave Jennings
- The full address of Mr. Ahmadinejad may be viewed on YouTube. The article referenced is from the Los Angeles Times, Ahmadinejad’s Christmas Message, December 25, 2008.
- How Iran Became a Hotspot for Christianity,, April 28, 2023.
- Iran’s Christian Boom, Pipes, Daniel, Newsweek, June 24, 2021.