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Persecution: Matthew 10

Let’s not let persecution take us by surprise, but be determined to stand strong no matter what happens until our Lord returns.
Read Time: 1 minute

In one of the many times Jesus and other New Testament writers speak about the persecution of the followers of Christ, Jesus said this: “You will be hated by everyone because of me, but the one who stands firm to the end will be saved.” (Matthew 10:22 NIV).

There are two things to note here. The first is that persecution comes because of our relationship with Jesus. This situation might seem hard to imagine at the moment, especially if we live in a tolerant Western culture, but things can change very quickly. Jesus did not say that some people would hate us because of him. He said that all men would hate us because of him. It appears likely that there will be a real swing in attitude toward Christians.

The second point to note is what we should do about it. Stand firm. When persecution comes, the end will not be far away. Don’t give up. It would seem so much more hopeless if we were not expecting persecution. If we were surprised by it, we would feel like giving up. But we have been warned. Now that we know we will probably be persecuted, we can anticipate it and be prepared to stand firm.

Let’s not let persecution take us by surprise, but be determined to stand strong no matter what happens until our Lord returns. May our faith and strength grow stronger through the coming year.

Robert Prins,
Pakuranga Ecclesia, NZ

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