The Empty House
Jesus’ metaphor in our reading from Matthew 12 teaches us about the importance of a positive religion.

Jesus’ metaphor in our reading from Matthew 12 teaches us about the importance of a positive religion.
He told the Jews,
The Jews’ empty keeping of the Sabbath meant that they weren’t replacing their work with anything else. The same is true for us. We can have a negative religion when we think it’s all about avoiding sin. Perhaps you’ve destroyed your music collection full of worldly lyrics, for instance. OK, that might be helping you to a degree, but unless you’re replacing it with something else when it’s your time to chill and listen to some music, what are you going to do? With nothing in its place, the natural way of things, described by Jesus in his parable, is to go back to your old life and do it with gusto.
Peter echoes Jesus’ words from the metaphor “the last state of that person is worse than the first” in his second epistle –
The only remedy is to have a positive religion. The way to deal with sin is not to separate ourselves from everything in the world and avoid it. You can’t avoid yourself and your internal desires. So the way to confront sin is to tackle it head-on by doing the opposite of sin. If we’re so busy filling our time with positive things, then we’ll squeeze out the negative. By doing that, we’ll live a far richer life and grow to hate sin and love righteousness. But if we have a negative religion based on simply eliminating things, then we might have an empty house for a while, all nicely swept clean of sin. Still, eventually, we’ll return to sin, and Jesus’ metaphor will become real in our lives.
This lesson is especially pertinent in our current lockdown situation. Many of us have a lot more free time with nowhere to go. Bible schools have been canceled, vacation plans put on hold, some have time off work. Now is not the time to take a spiritual vacation while we can’t meet together. It’s a time to find positive ways to fill the void with the things of the Truth.
Richard Morgan,
Simi Hills, CA