Ecclesial News
One of the primary goals of The Tidings is to connect the Community through Ecclesial News. You may email your Ecclesial News items here, or use this form to submit information.
“Therefore, my brothers and sisters, you whom I love and long for, my joy and crown, stand firm in the Lord in this way, dear friends!” Philippians 4:1 (NIV)
JANUARY 15, 2025
Newly Updated: Cambridge Ecclesia Fellowship Letter
We are writing to inform the Brotherhood of a change in our fellowship practice regarding the 2014 Commendation Letter. We pray this change will help promote unity and peace in the Central Fellowship in the Great Lakes region.
The Cambridge Ecclesia has consistently endorsed unity efforts. The most recent effort in Ontario used the 2014 Commendation Letter as a vehicle for unity. Although the decade-long Commendation Letter process demonstrated there was no doctrinal barrier to unity, it did not bring unity to the body of Christ. Since the Commendation Letter has not achieved its intended purpose, the Cambridge Ecclesia endorses the following statement:
• “Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity!” (Psalm 133:1)
• “With all lowliness and meekness, with longsuffering, forbearing one another in love; Endeavouring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. There is one body, and one Spirit, even as ye are called in one hope of your calling; One Lord, one faith, one baptism, One God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all.” (Ephesians 4:2-6)
Love in Christ,
Kurt Ruhland
Recording Brother, on behalf of the Cambridge Ecclesia
Update from the Meriden Ecclesia in Connecticut, USA
We have welcomed visitors at the Lord’s Table from many ecclesias in 2024: Baltimore MD, Echo Lake NJ, Granite State NH, Monroe WA, Moorestown NJ, Norfolk VA, Simi Hills CA,South Ozone Park NY, Stoughton (Boston) MA, Tulsa & Joplin MO, Washington DC, Westerly RI, and Worcester MA in the United States. Also, London ON and Sussex NB in Canada, Ware UK, and Wellington NZ. We greatly enjoyed a visit from Bro. Simon and Sis. Lorna Dean from the Ware UK Ecclesia in June. Bro. Simon led our Spring Study Weekend on the theme, Exiles in Babylon, for which we thank him. Thanks also go to Bro. Dan Wilkinson, Worcester MA, and Bro. Andy Davies, Wellington NZ, who exhorted us during the summer.
We are happy to welcome Sis. Rebecca Estey by way of transfer from the Springfield MA Ecclesia. Sis. Becky was baptized in Meriden many years ago, and it is a pleasure to have her back with us again. We rejoice with Bro. Bryan and Sis. Haleigh Camarillo in the birth of their delightful little girl, Harper Dove, in August. We also rejoice with Bro. Joshua Budney (South Ozone Park NY) and Sis. Jackie Shindano (Monroe WA) in their marriage in October. Bro. Josh is the son of Bro. Len and Sis. Julie Budney of our ecclesia.
Many have had illnesses and surgeries this past year and some remain in frail health. In particular, we note Sis. Faith Wight, who has been in and out of the hospital and is now on hospice in a nursing facility. Sis. Helen Sweet, who was also in and out of the hospital, is homebound but doing remarkably well. Sis. Helen is our oldest member, at 99, and was baptized in 1943. Our Bro. Kenneth Stiles is also now in a long-term nursing facility.
Our ecclesia started a new preaching initiative in 2024 called the 4 Minute Bible ( As the name suggests, it is a collection of short video presentations on basic Bible topics, always less than four minutes in length to accommodate the limited attention spans of our overly busy world.
As we look to 2025, we look forward to having Bro. Steve Davis of the Stoughton (Boston) MA Ecclesia lead our Spring Study Weekend. This is planned for the first full weekend in June, followed by our annual Sunday School Picnic at the hall. It is also the turn of our ecclesia to host the Annual New England Fraternal Gathering this year. This will be held on Sunday, October 5th, all plans subject to God’s will.
The brothers and sisters of the Mississauga West ecclesia would like to share the exciting news that we have moved into our new hall! We thank the ecclesial community for their support and our Heavenly Father for His blessing. Sunday School starts at 9:30 am and Memorial Meeting is at 11:00 am, God-willing. Bible class is Tuesdays at 7:30 pm. We would love to have you visit with us!
The Moorestown Ecclesia in New Jersey is now the Marlton Ecclesia. Our Moorestown Hall location was relatively small, and we had been searching for a suitable place to move to for many years. Just this month, we were blessed to find a new hall that perfectly suits our needs. We are deeply grateful to our Heavenly Father for providing us with this blessing.
In God’s grace, He has blessed us with many new baptized members and with families moving into our area. Among those who were baptized and joined us in the last few years include:
Mirako Hickman 11/2024
Keshawn Brewster 8/2024
Dionne Small 2/2024
Kayla Small 2/2024
Kezia Small 2/2024
Lataia Charles née Brewington 11/2023
Jesse Lackwood 8/2023
Crystal Moorer 12/2023
Kester Charles 6/2020
Rachel Kowal 6/2020
Our new address is: 515 E. Main Street, Marlton, New Jersey 08053
Contact is William Lam, lam08053@ gmail. com
April 2024
It has been some time since the Mississauga West ecclesia has provided an update about our activities. Renovations of our new ecclesial hall are ongoing with an expected occupancy of mid-2024, God-willing. We have rejoiced over several baptisms: Sister Madeline Deadman, Brother Jack Deadman, and Sister Olivia Cooper. There have also been several transfers: Brother Jay Goodwin transferred to the Brampton ecclesia and Sister Barbara Pearse transferred to the Cambridge ecclesia. Brother Trevor and Sister Lori Bingham and Brother Tom and Sister Vivian Thorp have withdrawn their membership from the Mississauga West ecclesia. Brother Drew and Sister Nancy Allen have removed themselves from the Christadelphian community.
Brother Jason Fish
Recording Brother, Mississauga West Christadelphian Ecclesia
February 2024
We are happy to report three baptisms in 2023. Bro. Duane Smith Sr. and Bro. Gage Smith were baptized on April 2nd. They are the husband and a son, respectively, of our Sis. Laura Smith. Sis. Karen Kuhne was baptized on June 11th. She was introduced to the Truth by our Bro. Ken Robinson. We welcome our new brothers and sister into fellowship in Christ.
We are also pleased to welcome Bro. Simon Pride who transferred to Meriden from the Westerly RI Ecclesia in April and Sis. Tammy Scarcello who was interviewed and received back in August after a long absence. Bro. Joshua Budney transferred from Meriden to the South Ozone Park NY Ecclesia in December. We commend him in love to the brothers and sisters there.
Bro. Simon Pride and Sis. Abigail Harper were married in a lovely outdoor service on May 7th. We rejoice with them. The service was conducted by our Bro. Jason Cicero. Sis. Abi is a daughter of Bro. Steve and Sis. Brietta Harper, and Bro. Simon is a son of Bro. Eric and Sis. Bonnie Pride of the Westerly RI Ecclesia. We also rejoice with Sis. Rachel and Bro. Jeremy Robideau in the birth of their third son, Desmond Sage, on May 10th.
Bro. Dan, Sis. Betsy, and Bro. Tim Demarest continue to travel to other ecclesial locations in the United States. Bro. Dan is a traveling radiology tech. On New Year’s Eve, 2023, Bro. Tim suffered cardiac arrest in Ohio and was revived on the way to the hospital. We are very grateful and relieved for his full recovery during the next several weeks. Sis. Janice Piskura continues to receive devoted care at home from her husband, Bro. Sandy, with the help of in-home care services. Bro. Warren Phillips, who turned 90 in April, was hospitalized in December with a blood infection. Thankfully, he has responded to treatment and continues to regain strength at a rehabilitation center.
In January 2023, the Meriden Ecclesia celebrated its 130th anniversary with a dinner and special program on ecclesial history. The Sunday School continues to complement its lessons with several service projects. These include sponsoring two children through Agape in Action, participating in the WCF Kits4Kids project at the start of the school year, and collecting toys and turkeys for a local community drive at Thanksgiving. We also enjoyed our Spring Study Weekend in June with an overview of the four Gospels led by Bro. Jim Harper. This was followed by the annual Sunday School Picnic. We look forward to our 2024 study, God willing, when Bro. Simon and Sis. Lorna Dean are scheduled to be with us from the UK. They are much beloved among us, having spent three years in Meriden in the early 2000s.
With the lifting of pandemic restrictions, we have again enjoyed the company of many visitors at the Memorial Service. We thank all of them for their encouraging fellowship. We also thank Bro. Josh Budney, Bro. Bruce Waite (Southern New Hampshire), and Bro. Tim Demarest (twice) for bringing words of exhortation to us during the last year.
One positive outcome of the pandemic has been the ongoing use of Zoom to broadcast our midweek Bible classes, adult Sunday School, and Memorial Services. This has allowed brothers and sisters who are ill or at a distance or away on vacation to continue to participate in ecclesial life. We are especially thrilled that it provides a way for us to have personal contact with our dear Bro. Dmitry in Russia.
Yours in Christ,
Bro. Stephen Harper,
Recording Brother
January 2024
Greetings in the hope we share. It is with great joy that we announce that another one of our Sunday School students has put on the saving name of Jesus in the waters of baptism. On January 14, 2024, Josiah Rivard chose to call Jesus his master and was immersed into his saving name. Our ecclesia has certainly been blessed by the response of our young people to His calling.
The Cambridge Ecclesia also welcomes, by way of transfer, our sister Barbara Pearse from the Mississauga West ecclesia and brother and sister Dan and Karen Stead from the Milton (Dawn) ecclesia. We are glad for their presence and pray that they will be strengthened as we walk together toward God’s kingdom.
With sadness we note the falling asleep of two well loved and faithful brothers. Our brother Bob Green succumbed to frailty of the flesh after much work in His service. Likewise, our brother Patrick Smidt finished his course and now sleeps awaiting the return of his master. We pray that our brothers’ sleep be short and they, along with us, will see the face of their Lord.
Finally, we would like to acknowledge and thank those brethren who have ministered on our behalf in providing word of exhortation and bible classes, namely bro. Reid Ferguson from the Barrie Ecclesia, bro. Mike Leduke of the Kitchener Waterloo Ecclesia, bro. Andrew Hynes of the Grand River Ecclesia, bro. Alan Markwith of the Greenaway Ecclesia and bro. Doug Jackson from the Mississauga West Ecclesia. In addition, we look forward to having our bro. Nathan Giordano from the Norfolk, VA Eecclesia deliver classes at our upcoming Fraternal on April 27.
Yours in Christ,
Bro. Kurt Ruhland
Asst. Recording Brother on behalf of the Cambridge (Ontario) Ecclesia
October 2023
With joy we witnessed the baptism of Camren Neal on June 18, 2023. We look forward to sharing fellowship with him as he begins his new life in Christ.
On August 6, 2023 Bro. Camren Neal and Sis. Laura DeCaussin were married in California. We pray God’s blessings will be upon them as they walk together to His Kingdom.
Stephen Robinson
Recording Brother
September 2023
Greetings in the one hope. It is with great joy that we announce that another one of our young people as put on the saving name of Jesus in the waters of baptism. On September 8, 2023, Abigail Ruhland chose to call Jesus her master and was immersed into his saving name. Our ecclesia has certainly been blessed by this continued example from our young people.
The Cambridge Ecclesia also welcomes, by way of transfer from the Guelph Ecclesia, our brother and sister Shawn and Cathie Moynihan, brother and sister Larry and Vinca Goodridge and sister Laura Purdy. We also welcome in transfer from the Mississauga West ecclesia brother and sister Adrian and Cathy Rose as non-resident members. We are glad for their presence and pray that they will be strengthened as we walk together toward God’s kingdom. We also commend in transfer our brother and sister Tom and Verity Mansfield to the Watagans ecclesia in Australia as well as our brother and sister Steve and Cheryl McKay to the Grand River ecclesia.
Several of our members rejoiced in momentous occasions in their lives. On August 19, 2023 our members William Robinson and Bronte Manser were united in marriage. Our prayers are with them as they begin their walk together in the Truth. We also rejoiced with our bro. Aaron and sis. Rose McKee at the birth of baby Daisy on February 3, 2023, as well as with our bro. Max and sis. Cassidy McIntyre with the arrival of baby Rory on July 12, 2023.
Finally, we would like to acknowledge and thank those brethren who have ministered on our behalf in providing word of exhortation and bible classes, namely bro. Joel Thorp from the Mississauga West Ecclesia and bro. Doug Finlay from the Guelph Ecclesia. In addition, we were very pleased to have our bro. Dev Ramcharan from the Toronto West ecclesia deliver classes at our annual Fraternal.
Yours in Christ,
Brother Kurt Ruhland
On behalf of the Cambridge Ecclesia, Ontario
July 2023
Since 1982, the Pinetown Ecclesia has been involved in the organizing of a Summer Bible School in South Africa, which is held at the end of December. We have been fortunate to secure speakers from oversees on many occasions, which has added tremendous value to those attending, to enhance the greater picture that we are a worldwide community. This also ensures exposure to studies which are of a high standard.
We have been fortunate to secure a new venue for the school, which is nestled in a very picturesque part of Kwa Zulu-Natal. The venue is ideal for our purposes, with conference rooms, a dining hall and accommodation. It also has all the sporting facilities for the energetic young people.
Over the past few years, we have enjoyed wonderful studies by Bre. Matt Davies, Jonathan Bowen, Carl Pary, Roger Lewis, Steve Hornhardt and Kitson Reid, who was accompanied by his family. God Willing, Bro. Kitson will be with us this year. We also conduct variety sessions where brethren are asked to lead a discussion session on a particular subject.
During the years of running the Summer Bible School, the demographics of South Africa have changed with the abolishment of Apartheid. As a result of this, the gospel can now be freely preached all over South Africa. With our Heavenly Father’s blessing, the truth has seen much growth in previously disadvantaged areas.
The Summer Bible School now attracts attendees from these previously disadvantaged areas, and we have witnessed a significant growth in attendance from our brothers and sisters in the greater Johannesburg area. We also have visitors from as far afield as Botswana and Zimbabwe. Attendance at the school has come from fifteen ecclesias around Southern Africa.
This has brought with it funding issues. The current unemployment rate in South Africa is at 32.9% (42.4% if you include discouraged work seekers), and this unfortunately impacts many of our brothers and sisters. This means that almost two-thirds of those attending the Bible School rely on funding to do so, including the added cost of transport. There are many who would like to attend the school but are unable due to financial constraints. We believe we have a responsibility to ensure that we can continue to run the school and not turn any away who desire to be at the Bible School. It is always a humbling experience to witness the warmth of fellowship and the growth of friendships between brothers and sisters at the school. Real meaning is found where “in Christ, there is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female, for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.”
To meet the ongoing funding demands, we have implemented a sponsorship program, where for $156 USD, one person can be sponsored for a week. We are now seeking involvement from brothers and sisters from further afield. This year we are under even more financial pressure as we’ve had to move to a new venue (which is more costly) and we are flying in an international speaker (Brother Kitson Reid from the UK).
We would like to raise $5,000 (about R90,000) for the school, which would allow us to cover the airfares and sponsor the same number of brethren that we sponsored last year.
On our website we have opened up a page where donations can be made in a very easy way via debit or credit card. Alternatively, electronic bank transfers can be made to:
Pinetown Christadelphian Ecclesia
First National Bank
Branch – 221526
Account – 62437306170
Swift Code – FIRNZAJJ
Reference – “Sponsor Bible School”
We prayerfully ask for brothers and sisters to visit our website. Even the smallest donation, such as the cost of a coffee, helps in the greater scheme of things. Please feel free to contact the committee members, whose details are on the website, for further information or any questions you may have. We are praying for our Heavenly Father’s blessing on the community in these last days, so that when our Lord returns he may find a people ready and waiting to welcome him with joy and gladness.
Questions can be addressed to Bro Travis Sinclair.
South African Christadelphian Summer Bible School Committee

Brother Barry van Heerden created Instagram reels which can be viewed using the following links: and
April 2023
Ecclesial News from Paris, ON
March 2023
Ecclesial News from Portage, IN
We are pleased to report the confessions of faith and baptisms of Katelyn Asbury, daughter of Bro. Jim & Sis. Jorie Asbury and Owen Pilarski, son of Bro. Nik & Sis. Kim Pilarski on January 23, 2023. We pray that our new brother and sister will walk faithfully to the kingdom and receive an answer of peace when our Lord comes.
With much sadness, we report the falling asleep of Bro. John MacDougall on February 25, 2023. Bro. John was born May 18, 1949. John’s faith was an embedded part of his life. He was a leader in his ecclesial life and participated in many Truth Corp programs and public lectures in preaching the Truth. He was married to his wife, Sis. Lyn for fifty-one years.
Bro. John, a long-standing member of the Verdugo Hills Ecclesia of California, moved to Indiana after the effects of Progressive Supranuclear Palsy and ALS began to make navigating his home difficult. We are thankful to our Heavenly Father for the faithful example Bro. John showed to many and take comfort in the hope of the resurrection. Our prayers are with his wife, Lyn; his brother Donald MacDougall and wife, Ruth; his children Sarah Smenyak and Evan MacDougall, daughter-in-law Brandi McDougall, and son-in-law Jeff Smenyak; his grandchildren Cassidy Smenyak, Andrew Smenyak, Conner Smenyak, Brianna MacDougall and Camden MacDougall.
March 2023
Turkey Refugee Sponsorship Appeal
Two years ago, we learned firsthand of the situation of a large number of brothers and sisters in Turkey (about 250 and growing) who fled Iran due to religious persecution. They registered with the United Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR) and hoped to be resettled to a safe country.
Unfortunately, this has not happened as the UNHCR, feeling overwhelmed by the sheer numbers of refugees coming into Turkey, turned over their files to the Turkish Immigration Department in 2018. Instead of accepting these refugee claimants, tragically, it has been the policy of Turkey to deport them even after many years of waiting to have their claims completed.
One such family we learned about is a brother and sister with a physically and mentally disabled son. The brother was arrested and slated to be deported but was miraculously released and his case is now under appeal. The legal process has been ongoing, and while the family was granted refugee status, they have continued to face the uncertainty of the outcome of the appeal. They also are aware growing numbers of other brothers and sisters who have been deported in the meantime.
At the beginning of last year, we established The Foundation of Hope for Christadelphian Refugees with the aim, God willing, of raising sufficient funds to make a refugee sponsorship application with Canadian Immigration for this family. The Canadian private sponsorship program requires five citizens in a given location (either in the Vancouver, B.C. area where we live, or in any other area with the required number of sponsors) to pledge to support the family monetarily and with settlement help for one year. We appealed to Canadian ecclesias and have raised approximately $10,000.00, which is about a quarter of the funds needed to support a sponsorship application.
Recently we learned of a similar private sponsorship program in the US called The Welcome Corps.
This program requires a three-month minimum period of support compared to our requirement for one year in Canada. The cost to launch a sponsorship would amount to approximately $8,400.00 US compared to around $40,000.00 Canadian for this family. For complete details, please visit the following website:
Our appeal therefore is to see if there is any ecclesia, or a group of brothers and sisters in one area who would be willing to sponsor this family under the American program. While further research is needed, we understand the aim of the program is to expedite the landing of successful applicants to the U.S. in the reasonably near future where in Canada such applications can take up to several years.
The sponsoring brothers and sisters would need to coordinate housing and necessities, transportation and financial support for the family for a minimum of the three months but realistically much longer. The brother’s occupational skill is making knives/blades. An ecclesia where there are members from Iran would be ideal for ease of communication.
We have also learned of an international organization called Talent Beyond Boundaries which helps business owners to sponsor refugees who meet the qualifications for work in their type of business. We hope to spread the word about this so that any brothers or sisters who own businesses in Canada or the U.S. that are looking for new employees might be interested investigate this program.
The Christadelphian Refugee Assistance Council, or CRAC, in Newcastle, Australia is currently making use of this program with success – please visit
We are continuing to raise funds in the hope of launching a sponsorship here, God willing, but we would be happy to support any effort in the US if there is sufficient interest. We pray that our Heavenly Father and our Lord Jesus Christ may guide our efforts to help our brothers and sisters in need. What we do for the least of our brethren we do for Jesus!
Bro. Art, Sis. Beverly, and Bro. Isaac Bull
Foundation e-mail:
February 2023
Announcing a New Ecclesia in Ontario, Canada!
Loving greetings in our one Hope!
The Cambridge Ecclesia wishes to announce that 15 members of our ecclesia have taken the initiative to form another light stand in the Paris, Ontario area, to witness to the Truth in these last days. The Ecclesia will be formed under the BASF and God Willing will hold its first Memorial Meeting Sunday, April 2, 2023 at 11am in the Syl Apps Commemorative Hall, 51 William Strett, Paris, Ontario.
We commend our brothers and sisters in love and fellowship to this endeavour and we pray for God’s richest blessing on the new ecclesia.
Brother Johnnie Abel will serve as the recording brother of the Grand River Ecclesia, and can be contacted for ecclesial information at or (519) 750-4049.
The following brothers and sisters will be transferred from the Cambridge, Ontario Ecclesia (2023 CALS Diary – Ca.23) to the Grand River Ecclesia as members in good standing, as of April 1, 2023:
Bro Johnnie Abel
Sis Beth Abel
Sis Zoe Abel
Bro Dean Bailey
Sis Andrea Bailey
Sis Samantha Bailey
Sis Kassandra Bailey
Sis Yolanda Baldock
Bro Andrew Hynes
Sis Julia Hynes
Bro Caleb Lawrence
Sis Julia Lawrence
Sis Bethany Lawrence
Bro Andrew Pearse
Sis Eleanor Pearse
In our most precious Hope!
Brother Beau Rivard
Recording Brother, Cambridge (Ontario) Ecclesia
2020-2022 update
Meriden, Connecticut, USA
We are pleased to report five baptisms during the past three years. Sis. Yvonne Bruton was baptized on April 4th, 2020, shortly after our in-person meetings were suspended because of the Covid pandemic. Sis. Yvonne is the sister of Sis. Kathleen Lanphear who, along with her husband, Bro. Peter Lanphear, transferred to Meriden from the Sarasota Florida Ecclesia in September 2020.
The three oldest daughters of Bro. Brad and Sis. Sarah Demarest were baptized in 2020 and 2021. Sis. Lily was baptized on July 5th, 2020 (age 13), Sis. Alora was baptized on September 6th, 2020 (age 15), and Sis. Kalynn was baptized on July 18th, 2021 (age 13). Sis. Beula Dey Baidya was baptized on October 31st, 2021. Sis. Beula is the wife of Bro. Jewel (Joel) Baidya who learned the Truth in Bangladesh. The Baidya family moved to the United States several years ago and came to Meriden from the South Ozone Park New York Ecclesia in January 2021.
We are also happy to have Sis. Sarah Waite with us again. She transferred back to Meriden from the Atlanta North Georgia Ecclesia in March 2022.
Three of our members have fallen asleep in Christ since 2020. Sis. Debbie Ferraiolo fell asleep on June 10th, 2020. Sis. Debbie came into the Truth in Pinellas Park Florida in 1982. Our two oldest brothers, Bro. Andrew Waite and Bro. Richard Waite, fell asleep just months apart.
Bro. Andrew succumbed to Covid on August 24th, 2020. He was 96 and lived in isolation in North Carolina. Bro. Richard fell asleep on April 5th, 2021, at the age of 98. Bro. Andrew and Bro. Richard were both baptized on August 11th, 1940, and served in the Civilian Public Service camps during World War II. Bro. Richard was an active member of our ecclesia up to the time he went into a nursing home in January 2020. He is survived by his daughter, Sis. Roberta Tsochandaris (Meriden); his daughter, Sis. Rebecca Estey and her husband Bro. Walter (Springfield Massachusetts Ecclesia), and his son, Bro. Bruce Waite and wife Sis. Patricia (Southern New Hampshire Ecclesia). They will know how much we miss their father’s active presence among us.
On July 11th, 2020, Bro. Bryan Camarillo and Sis. Haleigh Harper (oldest daughter of the over signed and Sis. Brietta Harper) were married in Christ. Their planned wedding venue shut down due to the pandemic and an outdoor service was held instead in the yard next to our ecclesial hall. A large open tent accommodated the reception. Bro. Eric Pride of the Westerly Rhode Island Ecclesia conducted the lovely wedding service.
We also have three births to announce. Ethan and Eden Demarest have been born to Bro. Brad and Sis. Sarah Demarest, Ethan on January 21st , 2020, and Eden on December 29th, 2021. Jessa Joy Sabean was born to Bro. Brad and Sis. Alyssa Sabean on December 13th , 2022.
The emergence of Zoom as a communication tool gave us a new platform for preaching during the pandemic. We conducted four, four-part Bible webinars in 2021 and 2022 under the headings “Learn to Read the Bible Effectively,” “You can Believe the Bible with Confidence,” “Studies in Genesis,” and “Know Jesus Better.” A small but steady following logged on to each of the webinar sessions, including relatives of brothers and sisters from other ecclesias.
Like it has for many ecclesias, Zoom has also provided a way to livestream our adult Sunday School, Memorial Service, and Bible class for members who are sick or away or in isolation. We have been pleased to welcome visitors again since pandemic restrictions lifted. We would especially like to acknowledge the services rendered to our ecclesia by Bro. Joshua Lagasse with Sis. Amy from Norfolk Virginia, Bro. Bruce Waite with Sis. Patricia from Southern New Hampshire, Bro. Jim Sullivan with Sis. Cindy from Boston, Bro. Ron Hicks, now returned to Adelaide Australia, and Bro. Tim Bruce with Sis. Tabea from Monroe Washington. Please know that your fellowship with us has been highly valued.
Bro. Stephen Harper, Recording Brother
September 2022
Albuquerque, New Mexico
We are very pleased to announce the baptism of Bro. Rod St. Pierre on Saturday, September 3rd, 2022. Bro. Rod was first introduced to the Truth by the Thousand Oaks Ecclesia during one of their seminars taught by Bro. Greg Robinson,.
After Bro. Rod moved to the Albuquerque area, I was contacted by Bro. Tommy Graham and Bro. Greg Robinson about his move and asked that we resume his lessons. I was happy to do so and met with Rod and his wife. We had continued his study for several years when Rod requested to be baptized. Gale and I would personally like to thank Bro./Sis. Brad and Susie Butts and Josh and Jamie Livermore, members of the Denver Ecclesia who traveled to our area and assisted us with the interview and baptism. Bro. Greg Robinson as well as Bro/Sis. Mark and Jackie Wade (Houston West Ecclesia) and Rod’s wife, Inez, were also able to join with us on this happy occasion. We sincerely welcome Bro. Rod to our spiritual family, and look forward to walking with him Zionward.
Bro. Bill Brinkerhoff, Recording Brother
August 2022
Collingwood, Ontario
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, and our dear young people, God Wiling, the Collingwood, Ontario Ecclesia hopes to hold its first-ever “Praise-Fest” at an outdoor park in downtown Collingwood, God willing, on Sunday, August 28th, 2022, from 12 to 4 pm.
Based on a similar preaching campaign held in Melbourne, Australia this year, we hope to have live music from a number of Christadelphian musicians, who will be singing/playing either Christadelphian originals or Christian music that is doctrinally sound. We also hope to give away free Bibles and books, popcorn, candyfloss and ‘freezies’, do face painting for kids, have some Bible games and other ‘carnival’ type games. There will also be ‘live theatre’ at our Bible story puppet show, and we will be advertising for our upcoming series of 4 talks this fall.
If you are interested in attending or helping with the games or other activities, please email Cindy Aback at: We are in need of some volunteers and also some families to help make ‘a crowd’. Please pre-register if you would like to help us out.
Please keep in mind that this is an event designed primarily for the public, and not a Christadelphian gathering. We ask that anyone who attends is welcoming and friendly to all the visitors and doesn’t distract those who are manning booths and trying to engage the public in conversation. Due to the need to set everything up in the morning, our Sunday service will be held Saturday, August 27th, at 6:30 pm, at the Sales’ home, you can attend in person, or link in on Zoom.
Even if you can’t attend “Praise-Fest” this year, please pray for us that God will bless our efforts by sending good weather and lots of interested friends.
Thank you,
On behalf of the committee,
Chris and Martha
July 2022
Cambridge, ON
It is with great joy that we announce the baptism of another one of Adam’s race into the saving name of Jesus Christ. On July 19, 2022, Max McIntyre, put off the old man and put on the saving name of Christ. We also rejoice in the birth of baby Lincoln William Pearse to our bro. Mike and sis. Lacey Pearse on July 5, 2022. Our sis. Laurie Dunham, has transferred her membership and we commend her into the loving care of our brothers and sisters of the Ann Arbor Ecclesia. We also welcome, by way of transfer from the Brampton ecclesia, our bro. Norm and sis. Juanita Smith. On August 27, 2022 we rejoiced as our sis Cassidy Robinson and bro. Max McIntyre were united in marriage in the Lord. We would like to take this opportunity to thank our bro. Mike Robinson of the Schooley’s Mountain ecclesia for his ministrations to us at our ecclesial retreat. Brother Mike greatly encouraged us in our ecclesia life by his talks on the book of Philippians. We also thank our bro. Brian Carrick of the Toronto West ecclesia and Matt Palmer of the Mariposa ecclesia for their words of exhortation.
Yours in Christ,
Kurt Ruhland
Assistant Recording Brother
June 2022
Sarasota, FL
The sympathy of the Sarasota ecclesia is extended to the family of Sis Lois Johnson who has fallen asleep in Christ.
Sister Lois was a member of the Largo, Florida ecclesia but we had many visits with our dear sister over the years, both here in Sarasota and at her home ecclesia of Largo. We were also impressed with her knowledge, optimistic spirit and ready smile and an abiding love for her Lord and her brothers and sisters in Christ. She has been released from the pain which she had been facing bravely these past months and now awaits the call of the Resurrection trumpet.
We were glad to have visiting with us around the table of the Lord Brother John and Sister Heather Scott of the Brantford, Ont. ecclesia.
James L Wilkinson
Recording Brother
June, 2022
Cambridge Ecclesia, Ontario
Greetings in the Hope we share. It is with great joy that we announce the baptism of another one of Adam’s race into the saving name of Jesus Christ. On March 27, 2022, Aiden Culver, son of our bro. Dennis and late sis. Sarah Culver, and step-son to our sis. Abby Culver, entered the saving waters and put on the name of Christ.
We also rejoice in the birth of baby Alexander Maximus Wilson to our bro. Craig and sis. Elle Wilson on May 24, 2022.
Our bro. Matt and sis. Stephanie Drywood, along with their children – Sis. Cassidy, Bro. Joel and James Drywood – have transferred their membership and we commend them into the loving care of our brothers and sisters of the Hamilton (Book Road) Ecclesia.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank our bro. Jim Styles of the Simi Hills, CA ecclesia for his ministrations to us at our annual study day. Brother Jim greatly encouraged us in our ecclesia life by his talks on the book of Ezra. We also thank our bro. Stephen Bryan of the Portage, IN ecclesia for his words of exhortation.
Please note that the Cambridge (Ontario) ecclesia now meets at the Armenian Community Centre, 15 International Village Drive in Cambridge, ON. For the months of July and August our memorial service will start at 10:30 am instead of our usual 11:00 am start time.
Yours in Christ,
Kurt Ruhland
Assistant Recording Brother
June, 2022
Ottawa Ecclesia, Ontario
We rejoice in the marriage of Sister Siyana Stoycheva and Brother Pelo Mulumba (Montreal) on June 3, 2022; they plan to be regular visitors to the Ottawa ecclesia. Sister Judy Farrar (Woodstock) has moved to the Ottawa area and we are pleased to have her attending our meetings.
After several years of searching for a more suitable room to rent, our ecclesia has been blessed to find a new meeting place: the Beaverbrook Community Centre (second floor), 1002 Beaverbrook Road in Kanata. Please contact a member of the ecclesia for meeting times and directions.
Ethel Archard
June, 2022
Avon Ecclesia, Indiana
Our small ecclesia is once again commending more families to other ecclesias. Last fall our Bro. Matt and Sis. Bethany Livermore, along with their 3 sons, transferred to the Monroe, WA ecclesia. In May 2022, our Bro. Jacob and Sis. Sasha Hallmark, and their 2 children, moved to the Tyler-Longview ecclesia in Texas. This is now 18 members and 14 Sunday School students that we have lost. The good news is that they all went to other ecclesias, and we wish each of them God’s blessing in their new ecclesial home. The bad news is how much it has decimated Avon. Well, there is a silver lining in that, while a brother might move away from Avon, because of Zoom they remain on our speaking rotation! So, you can check out, but you can never actually leave!
On a more somber note, probably one of the most difficult things to hit the ecclesia was the death of our Bro. Ed Binch in 2020. His contributions to our small ecclesia are sorely missed.
Avon has always had families come and go. We now are asking families to prayerfully consider coming to Indianapolis to replenish our membership! Indy’s nickname is the “Crossroads of America” because 6 interstates span the state. It is easy to get almost anywhere from here. The economy is strong and the cost of living is low. A family could move from almost anywhere else and find the housing much more affordable. We have a beautiful ecclesial hall and a loving spiritual environment. We could really use new members.
Bro. Lee Livermore
Recording Brother
April, 2022
Sarasota Ecclesia, FL
This past month our ecclesia had the pleasure of visits from Bro Ian and Sis Judy Macfarlane and Bro John and Sis Tara Solomon of the Book Road, Ontario Ecclesia. Also Sis Louise Archer and Sis Helen Pritchett of the Lapworth UK Ecclesia. And Sis Helen Gibson of the Largo / Tampa Bay Ecclesia. We thank Bros Macfarlane and Soloman for their words of exhortation.
The Sarasota Ecclesia is sorry to say goodbye to Bro Terry and Sis Jean Cannon of the Castle Bromwich, UK Ecclesia. For over 25 years they have been like family to our ecclesia. We shared many good times, both at the Hall and at their home. They will be greatly missed.
James L. Wilkinson
July 2023
Since 1982, the Pinetown Ecclesia has been involved in the organizing of a Summer Bible School in South Africa, which is held at the end of December. We have been fortunate to secure speakers from oversees on many occasions, which has added tremendous value to those attending, to enhance the greater picture that we are a worldwide community. This also ensures exposure to studies which are of a high standard.
We have been fortunate to secure a new venue for the school, which is nestled in a very picturesque part of Kwa Zulu-Natal. The venue is ideal for our purposes, with conference rooms, a dining hall and accommodation. It also has all the sporting facilities for the energetic young people.
Over the past few years, we have enjoyed wonderful studies by Bre. Matt Davies, Jonathan Bowen, Carl Pary, Roger Lewis, Steve Hornhardt and Kitson Reid, who was accompanied by his family. God Willing, Bro. Kitson will be with us this year. We also conduct variety sessions where brethren are asked to lead a discussion session on a particular subject.
During the years of running the Summer Bible School, the demographics of South Africa have changed with the abolishment of Apartheid. As a result of this, the gospel can now be freely preached all over South Africa. With our Heavenly Father’s blessing, the truth has seen much growth in previously disadvantaged areas.
The Summer Bible School now attracts attendees from these previously disadvantaged areas, and we have witnessed a significant growth in attendance from our brothers and sisters in the greater Johannesburg area. We also have visitors from as far afield as Botswana and Zimbabwe. Attendance at the school has come from fifteen ecclesias around Southern Africa.
This has brought with it funding issues. The current unemployment rate in South Africa is at 32.9% (42.4% if you include discouraged work seekers), and this unfortunately impacts many of our brothers and sisters. This means that almost two-thirds of those attending the Bible School rely on funding to do so, including the added cost of transport. There are many who would like to attend the school but are unable due to financial constraints. We believe we have a responsibility to ensure that we can continue to run the school and not turn any away who desire to be at the Bible School. It is always a humbling experience to witness the warmth of fellowship and the growth of friendships between brothers and sisters at the school. Real meaning is found where “in Christ, there is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female, for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.”
To meet the ongoing funding demands, we have implemented a sponsorship program, where for $156 USD, one person can be sponsored for a week. We are now seeking involvement from brothers and sisters from further afield. This year we are under even more financial pressure as we’ve had to move to a new venue (which is more costly) and we are flying in an international speaker (Brother Kitson Reid from the UK).
We would like to raise $5,000 (about R90,000) for the school, which would allow us to cover the airfares and sponsor the same number of brethren that we sponsored last year.
On our website we have opened up a page where donations can be made in a very easy way via debit or credit card. Alternatively, electronic bank transfers can be made to:
Pinetown Christadelphian Ecclesia
First National Bank
Branch – 221526
Account – 62437306170
Swift Code – FIRNZAJJ
Reference – “Sponsor Bible School”
We prayerfully ask for brothers and sisters to visit our website. Even the smallest donation, such as the cost of a coffee, helps in the greater scheme of things. Please feel free to contact the committee members, whose details are on the website, for further information or any questions you may have. We are praying for our Heavenly Father’s blessing on the community in these last days, so that when our Lord returns he may find a people ready and waiting to welcome him with joy and gladness.
Questions can be addressed to Bro Travis Sinclair.
South African Christadelphian Summer Bible School Committee

Brother Barry van Heerden created Instagram reels which can be viewed using the following links: and
April 2023
Ecclesial News from Paris, ON
March 2023
Ecclesial News from Portage, IN
We are pleased to report the confessions of faith and baptisms of Katelyn Asbury, daughter of Bro. Jim & Sis. Jorie Asbury and Owen Pilarski, son of Bro. Nik & Sis. Kim Pilarski on January 23, 2023. We pray that our new brother and sister will walk faithfully to the kingdom and receive an answer of peace when our Lord comes.
With much sadness, we report the falling asleep of Bro. John MacDougall on February 25, 2023. Bro. John was born May 18, 1949. John’s faith was an embedded part of his life. He was a leader in his ecclesial life and participated in many Truth Corp programs and public lectures in preaching the Truth. He was married to his wife, Sis. Lyn for fifty-one years.
Bro. John, a long-standing member of the Verdugo Hills Ecclesia of California, moved to Indiana after the effects of Progressive Supranuclear Palsy and ALS began to make navigating his home difficult. We are thankful to our Heavenly Father for the faithful example Bro. John showed to many and take comfort in the hope of the resurrection. Our prayers are with his wife, Lyn; his brother Donald MacDougall and wife, Ruth; his children Sarah Smenyak and Evan MacDougall, daughter-in-law Brandi McDougall, and son-in-law Jeff Smenyak; his grandchildren Cassidy Smenyak, Andrew Smenyak, Conner Smenyak, Brianna MacDougall and Camden MacDougall.
March 2023
Turkey Refugee Sponsorship Appeal
Two years ago, we learned firsthand of the situation of a large number of brothers and sisters in Turkey (about 250 and growing) who fled Iran due to religious persecution. They registered with the United Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR) and hoped to be resettled to a safe country.
Unfortunately, this has not happened as the UNHCR, feeling overwhelmed by the sheer numbers of refugees coming into Turkey, turned over their files to the Turkish Immigration Department in 2018. Instead of accepting these refugee claimants, tragically, it has been the policy of Turkey to deport them even after many years of waiting to have their claims completed.
One such family we learned about is a brother and sister with a physically and mentally disabled son. The brother was arrested and slated to be deported but was miraculously released and his case is now under appeal. The legal process has been ongoing, and while the family was granted refugee status, they have continued to face the uncertainty of the outcome of the appeal. They also are aware growing numbers of other brothers and sisters who have been deported in the meantime.
At the beginning of last year, we established The Foundation of Hope for Christadelphian Refugees with the aim, God willing, of raising sufficient funds to make a refugee sponsorship application with Canadian Immigration for this family. The Canadian private sponsorship program requires five citizens in a given location (either in the Vancouver, B.C. area where we live, or in any other area with the required number of sponsors) to pledge to support the family monetarily and with settlement help for one year. We appealed to Canadian ecclesias and have raised approximately $10,000.00, which is about a quarter of the funds needed to support a sponsorship application.
Recently we learned of a similar private sponsorship program in the US called The Welcome Corps.
This program requires a three-month minimum period of support compared to our requirement for one year in Canada. The cost to launch a sponsorship would amount to approximately $8,400.00 US compared to around $40,000.00 Canadian for this family. For complete details, please visit the following website:
Our appeal therefore is to see if there is any ecclesia, or a group of brothers and sisters in one area who would be willing to sponsor this family under the American program. While further research is needed, we understand the aim of the program is to expedite the landing of successful applicants to the U.S. in the reasonably near future where in Canada such applications can take up to several years.
The sponsoring brothers and sisters would need to coordinate housing and necessities, transportation and financial support for the family for a minimum of the three months but realistically much longer. The brother’s occupational skill is making knives/blades. An ecclesia where there are members from Iran would be ideal for ease of communication.
We have also learned of an international organization called Talent Beyond Boundaries which helps business owners to sponsor refugees who meet the qualifications for work in their type of business. We hope to spread the word about this so that any brothers or sisters who own businesses in Canada or the U.S. that are looking for new employees might be interested investigate this program.
The Christadelphian Refugee Assistance Council, or CRAC, in Newcastle, Australia is currently making use of this program with success – please visit
We are continuing to raise funds in the hope of launching a sponsorship here, God willing, but we would be happy to support any effort in the US if there is sufficient interest. We pray that our Heavenly Father and our Lord Jesus Christ may guide our efforts to help our brothers and sisters in need. What we do for the least of our brethren we do for Jesus!
Bro. Art, Sis. Beverly, and Bro. Isaac Bull
Foundation e-mail:
February 2023
Announcing a New Ecclesia in Ontario, Canada!
Loving greetings in our one Hope!
The Cambridge Ecclesia wishes to announce that 15 members of our ecclesia have taken the initiative to form another light stand in the Paris, Ontario area, to witness to the Truth in these last days. The Ecclesia will be formed under the BASF and God Willing will hold its first Memorial Meeting Sunday, April 2, 2023 at 11am in the Syl Apps Commemorative Hall, 51 William Strett, Paris, Ontario.
We commend our brothers and sisters in love and fellowship to this endeavour and we pray for God’s richest blessing on the new ecclesia.
Brother Johnnie Abel will serve as the recording brother of the Grand River Ecclesia, and can be contacted for ecclesial information at or (519) 750-4049.
The following brothers and sisters will be transferred from the Cambridge, Ontario Ecclesia (2023 CALS Diary – Ca.23) to the Grand River Ecclesia as members in good standing, as of April 1, 2023:
Bro Johnnie Abel
Sis Beth Abel
Sis Zoe Abel
Bro Dean Bailey
Sis Andrea Bailey
Sis Samantha Bailey
Sis Kassandra Bailey
Sis Yolanda Baldock
Bro Andrew Hynes
Sis Julia Hynes
Bro Caleb Lawrence
Sis Julia Lawrence
Sis Bethany Lawrence
Bro Andrew Pearse
Sis Eleanor Pearse
In our most precious Hope!
Brother Beau Rivard
Recording Brother, Cambridge (Ontario) Ecclesia
2020-2022 update
Meriden, Connecticut, USA
We are pleased to report five baptisms during the past three years. Sis. Yvonne Bruton was baptized on April 4th, 2020, shortly after our in-person meetings were suspended because of the Covid pandemic. Sis. Yvonne is the sister of Sis. Kathleen Lanphear who, along with her husband, Bro. Peter Lanphear, transferred to Meriden from the Sarasota Florida Ecclesia in September 2020.
The three oldest daughters of Bro. Brad and Sis. Sarah Demarest were baptized in 2020 and 2021. Sis. Lily was baptized on July 5th, 2020 (age 13), Sis. Alora was baptized on September 6th, 2020 (age 15), and Sis. Kalynn was baptized on July 18th, 2021 (age 13). Sis. Beula Dey Baidya was baptized on October 31st, 2021. Sis. Beula is the wife of Bro. Jewel (Joel) Baidya who learned the Truth in Bangladesh. The Baidya family moved to the United States several years ago and came to Meriden from the South Ozone Park New York Ecclesia in January 2021.
We are also happy to have Sis. Sarah Waite with us again. She transferred back to Meriden from the Atlanta North Georgia Ecclesia in March 2022.
Three of our members have fallen asleep in Christ since 2020. Sis. Debbie Ferraiolo fell asleep on June 10th, 2020. Sis. Debbie came into the Truth in Pinellas Park Florida in 1982. Our two oldest brothers, Bro. Andrew Waite and Bro. Richard Waite, fell asleep just months apart.
Bro. Andrew succumbed to Covid on August 24th, 2020. He was 96 and lived in isolation in North Carolina. Bro. Richard fell asleep on April 5th, 2021, at the age of 98. Bro. Andrew and Bro. Richard were both baptized on August 11th, 1940, and served in the Civilian Public Service camps during World War II. Bro. Richard was an active member of our ecclesia up to the time he went into a nursing home in January 2020. He is survived by his daughter, Sis. Roberta Tsochandaris (Meriden); his daughter, Sis. Rebecca Estey and her husband Bro. Walter (Springfield Massachusetts Ecclesia), and his son, Bro. Bruce Waite and wife Sis. Patricia (Southern New Hampshire Ecclesia). They will know how much we miss their father’s active presence among us.
On July 11th, 2020, Bro. Bryan Camarillo and Sis. Haleigh Harper (oldest daughter of the over signed and Sis. Brietta Harper) were married in Christ. Their planned wedding venue shut down due to the pandemic and an outdoor service was held instead in the yard next to our ecclesial hall. A large open tent accommodated the reception. Bro. Eric Pride of the Westerly Rhode Island Ecclesia conducted the lovely wedding service.
We also have three births to announce. Ethan and Eden Demarest have been born to Bro. Brad and Sis. Sarah Demarest, Ethan on January 21st , 2020, and Eden on December 29th, 2021. Jessa Joy Sabean was born to Bro. Brad and Sis. Alyssa Sabean on December 13th , 2022.
The emergence of Zoom as a communication tool gave us a new platform for preaching during the pandemic. We conducted four, four-part Bible webinars in 2021 and 2022 under the headings “Learn to Read the Bible Effectively,” “You can Believe the Bible with Confidence,” “Studies in Genesis,” and “Know Jesus Better.” A small but steady following logged on to each of the webinar sessions, including relatives of brothers and sisters from other ecclesias.
Like it has for many ecclesias, Zoom has also provided a way to livestream our adult Sunday School, Memorial Service, and Bible class for members who are sick or away or in isolation. We have been pleased to welcome visitors again since pandemic restrictions lifted. We would especially like to acknowledge the services rendered to our ecclesia by Bro. Joshua Lagasse with Sis. Amy from Norfolk Virginia, Bro. Bruce Waite with Sis. Patricia from Southern New Hampshire, Bro. Jim Sullivan with Sis. Cindy from Boston, Bro. Ron Hicks, now returned to Adelaide Australia, and Bro. Tim Bruce with Sis. Tabea from Monroe Washington. Please know that your fellowship with us has been highly valued.
Bro. Stephen Harper, Recording Brother
September 2022
Albuquerque, New Mexico
We are very pleased to announce the baptism of Bro. Rod St. Pierre on Saturday, September 3rd, 2022. Bro. Rod was first introduced to the Truth by the Thousand Oaks Ecclesia during one of their seminars taught by Bro. Greg Robinson,.
After Bro. Rod moved to the Albuquerque area, I was contacted by Bro. Tommy Graham and Bro. Greg Robinson about his move and asked that we resume his lessons. I was happy to do so and met with Rod and his wife. We had continued his study for several years when Rod requested to be baptized. Gale and I would personally like to thank Bro./Sis. Brad and Susie Butts and Josh and Jamie Livermore, members of the Denver Ecclesia who traveled to our area and assisted us with the interview and baptism. Bro. Greg Robinson as well as Bro/Sis. Mark and Jackie Wade (Houston West Ecclesia) and Rod’s wife, Inez, were also able to join with us on this happy occasion. We sincerely welcome Bro. Rod to our spiritual family, and look forward to walking with him Zionward.
Bro. Bill Brinkerhoff, Recording Brother
August 2022
Collingwood, Ontario
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, and our dear young people, God Wiling, the Collingwood, Ontario Ecclesia hopes to hold its first-ever “Praise-Fest” at an outdoor park in downtown Collingwood, God willing, on Sunday, August 28th, 2022, from 12 to 4 pm.
Based on a similar preaching campaign held in Melbourne, Australia this year, we hope to have live music from a number of Christadelphian musicians, who will be singing/playing either Christadelphian originals or Christian music that is doctrinally sound. We also hope to give away free Bibles and books, popcorn, candyfloss and ‘freezies’, do face painting for kids, have some Bible games and other ‘carnival’ type games. There will also be ‘live theatre’ at our Bible story puppet show, and we will be advertising for our upcoming series of 4 talks this fall.
If you are interested in attending or helping with the games or other activities, please email Cindy Aback at: We are in need of some volunteers and also some families to help make ‘a crowd’. Please pre-register if you would like to help us out.
Please keep in mind that this is an event designed primarily for the public, and not a Christadelphian gathering. We ask that anyone who attends is welcoming and friendly to all the visitors and doesn’t distract those who are manning booths and trying to engage the public in conversation. Due to the need to set everything up in the morning, our Sunday service will be held Saturday, August 27th, at 6:30 pm, at the Sales’ home, you can attend in person, or link in on Zoom.
Even if you can’t attend “Praise-Fest” this year, please pray for us that God will bless our efforts by sending good weather and lots of interested friends.
Thank you,
On behalf of the committee,
Chris and Martha
July 2022
Cambridge, ON
It is with great joy that we announce the baptism of another one of Adam’s race into the saving name of Jesus Christ. On July 19, 2022, Max McIntyre, put off the old man and put on the saving name of Christ. We also rejoice in the birth of baby Lincoln William Pearse to our bro. Mike and sis. Lacey Pearse on July 5, 2022. Our sis. Laurie Dunham, has transferred her membership and we commend her into the loving care of our brothers and sisters of the Ann Arbor Ecclesia. We also welcome, by way of transfer from the Brampton ecclesia, our bro. Norm and sis. Juanita Smith. On August 27, 2022 we rejoiced as our sis Cassidy Robinson and bro. Max McIntyre were united in marriage in the Lord. We would like to take this opportunity to thank our bro. Mike Robinson of the Schooley’s Mountain ecclesia for his ministrations to us at our ecclesial retreat. Brother Mike greatly encouraged us in our ecclesia life by his talks on the book of Philippians. We also thank our bro. Brian Carrick of the Toronto West ecclesia and Matt Palmer of the Mariposa ecclesia for their words of exhortation.
Yours in Christ,
Kurt Ruhland
Assistant Recording Brother
June 2022
Sarasota, FL
The sympathy of the Sarasota ecclesia is extended to the family of Sis Lois Johnson who has fallen asleep in Christ.
Sister Lois was a member of the Largo, Florida ecclesia but we had many visits with our dear sister over the years, both here in Sarasota and at her home ecclesia of Largo. We were also impressed with her knowledge, optimistic spirit and ready smile and an abiding love for her Lord and her brothers and sisters in Christ. She has been released from the pain which she had been facing bravely these past months and now awaits the call of the Resurrection trumpet.
We were glad to have visiting with us around the table of the Lord Brother John and Sister Heather Scott of the Brantford, Ont. ecclesia.
James L Wilkinson
Recording Brother
June, 2022
Cambridge Ecclesia, Ontario
Greetings in the Hope we share. It is with great joy that we announce the baptism of another one of Adam’s race into the saving name of Jesus Christ. On March 27, 2022, Aiden Culver, son of our bro. Dennis and late sis. Sarah Culver, and step-son to our sis. Abby Culver, entered the saving waters and put on the name of Christ.
We also rejoice in the birth of baby Alexander Maximus Wilson to our bro. Craig and sis. Elle Wilson on May 24, 2022.
Our bro. Matt and sis. Stephanie Drywood, along with their children – Sis. Cassidy, Bro. Joel and James Drywood – have transferred their membership and we commend them into the loving care of our brothers and sisters of the Hamilton (Book Road) Ecclesia.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank our bro. Jim Styles of the Simi Hills, CA ecclesia for his ministrations to us at our annual study day. Brother Jim greatly encouraged us in our ecclesia life by his talks on the book of Ezra. We also thank our bro. Stephen Bryan of the Portage, IN ecclesia for his words of exhortation.
Please note that the Cambridge (Ontario) ecclesia now meets at the Armenian Community Centre, 15 International Village Drive in Cambridge, ON. For the months of July and August our memorial service will start at 10:30 am instead of our usual 11:00 am start time.
Yours in Christ,
Kurt Ruhland
Assistant Recording Brother
June, 2022
Ottawa Ecclesia, Ontario
We rejoice in the marriage of Sister Siyana Stoycheva and Brother Pelo Mulumba (Montreal) on June 3, 2022; they plan to be regular visitors to the Ottawa ecclesia. Sister Judy Farrar (Woodstock) has moved to the Ottawa area and we are pleased to have her attending our meetings.
After several years of searching for a more suitable room to rent, our ecclesia has been blessed to find a new meeting place: the Beaverbrook Community Centre (second floor), 1002 Beaverbrook Road in Kanata. Please contact a member of the ecclesia for meeting times and directions.
Ethel Archard
June, 2022
Avon Ecclesia, Indiana
Our small ecclesia is once again commending more families to other ecclesias. Last fall our Bro. Matt and Sis. Bethany Livermore, along with their 3 sons, transferred to the Monroe, WA ecclesia. In May 2022, our Bro. Jacob and Sis. Sasha Hallmark, and their 2 children, moved to the Tyler-Longview ecclesia in Texas. This is now 18 members and 14 Sunday School students that we have lost. The good news is that they all went to other ecclesias, and we wish each of them God’s blessing in their new ecclesial home. The bad news is how much it has decimated Avon. Well, there is a silver lining in that, while a brother might move away from Avon, because of Zoom they remain on our speaking rotation! So, you can check out, but you can never actually leave!
On a more somber note, probably one of the most difficult things to hit the ecclesia was the death of our Bro. Ed Binch in 2020. His contributions to our small ecclesia are sorely missed.
Avon has always had families come and go. We now are asking families to prayerfully consider coming to Indianapolis to replenish our membership! Indy’s nickname is the “Crossroads of America” because 6 interstates span the state. It is easy to get almost anywhere from here. The economy is strong and the cost of living is low. A family could move from almost anywhere else and find the housing much more affordable. We have a beautiful ecclesial hall and a loving spiritual environment. We could really use new members.
Bro. Lee Livermore
Recording Brother
April, 2022
Sarasota Ecclesia, FL
This past month our ecclesia had the pleasure of visits from Bro Ian and Sis Judy Macfarlane and Bro John and Sis Tara Solomon of the Book Road, Ontario Ecclesia. Also Sis Louise Archer and Sis Helen Pritchett of the Lapworth UK Ecclesia. And Sis Helen Gibson of the Largo / Tampa Bay Ecclesia. We thank Bros Macfarlane and Soloman for their words of exhortation.
The Sarasota Ecclesia is sorry to say goodbye to Bro Terry and Sis Jean Cannon of the Castle Bromwich, UK Ecclesia. For over 25 years they have been like family to our ecclesia. We shared many good times, both at the Hall and at their home. They will be greatly missed.
James L. Wilkinson
April 2023
Ecclesial News from Paris, ON
March 2023
Ecclesial News from Portage, IN
We are pleased to report the confessions of faith and baptisms of Katelyn Asbury, daughter of Bro. Jim & Sis. Jorie Asbury and Owen Pilarski, son of Bro. Nik & Sis. Kim Pilarski on January 23, 2023. We pray that our new brother and sister will walk faithfully to the kingdom and receive an answer of peace when our Lord comes.
With much sadness, we report the falling asleep of Bro. John MacDougall on February 25, 2023. Bro. John was born May 18, 1949. John’s faith was an embedded part of his life. He was a leader in his ecclesial life and participated in many Truth Corp programs and public lectures in preaching the Truth. He was married to his wife, Sis. Lyn for fifty-one years.
Bro. John, a long-standing member of the Verdugo Hills Ecclesia of California, moved to Indiana after the effects of Progressive Supranuclear Palsy and ALS began to make navigating his home difficult. We are thankful to our Heavenly Father for the faithful example Bro. John showed to many and take comfort in the hope of the resurrection. Our prayers are with his wife, Lyn; his brother Donald MacDougall and wife, Ruth; his children Sarah Smenyak and Evan MacDougall, daughter-in-law Brandi McDougall, and son-in-law Jeff Smenyak; his grandchildren Cassidy Smenyak, Andrew Smenyak, Conner Smenyak, Brianna MacDougall and Camden MacDougall.
March 2023
Turkey Refugee Sponsorship Appeal
Two years ago, we learned firsthand of the situation of a large number of brothers and sisters in Turkey (about 250 and growing) who fled Iran due to religious persecution. They registered with the United Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR) and hoped to be resettled to a safe country.
Unfortunately, this has not happened as the UNHCR, feeling overwhelmed by the sheer numbers of refugees coming into Turkey, turned over their files to the Turkish Immigration Department in 2018. Instead of accepting these refugee claimants, tragically, it has been the policy of Turkey to deport them even after many years of waiting to have their claims completed.
One such family we learned about is a brother and sister with a physically and mentally disabled son. The brother was arrested and slated to be deported but was miraculously released and his case is now under appeal. The legal process has been ongoing, and while the family was granted refugee status, they have continued to face the uncertainty of the outcome of the appeal. They also are aware growing numbers of other brothers and sisters who have been deported in the meantime.
At the beginning of last year, we established The Foundation of Hope for Christadelphian Refugees with the aim, God willing, of raising sufficient funds to make a refugee sponsorship application with Canadian Immigration for this family. The Canadian private sponsorship program requires five citizens in a given location (either in the Vancouver, B.C. area where we live, or in any other area with the required number of sponsors) to pledge to support the family monetarily and with settlement help for one year. We appealed to Canadian ecclesias and have raised approximately $10,000.00, which is about a quarter of the funds needed to support a sponsorship application.
Recently we learned of a similar private sponsorship program in the US called The Welcome Corps.
This program requires a three-month minimum period of support compared to our requirement for one year in Canada. The cost to launch a sponsorship would amount to approximately $8,400.00 US compared to around $40,000.00 Canadian for this family. For complete details, please visit the following website:
Our appeal therefore is to see if there is any ecclesia, or a group of brothers and sisters in one area who would be willing to sponsor this family under the American program. While further research is needed, we understand the aim of the program is to expedite the landing of successful applicants to the U.S. in the reasonably near future where in Canada such applications can take up to several years.
The sponsoring brothers and sisters would need to coordinate housing and necessities, transportation and financial support for the family for a minimum of the three months but realistically much longer. The brother’s occupational skill is making knives/blades. An ecclesia where there are members from Iran would be ideal for ease of communication.
We have also learned of an international organization called Talent Beyond Boundaries which helps business owners to sponsor refugees who meet the qualifications for work in their type of business. We hope to spread the word about this so that any brothers or sisters who own businesses in Canada or the U.S. that are looking for new employees might be interested investigate this program.
The Christadelphian Refugee Assistance Council, or CRAC, in Newcastle, Australia is currently making use of this program with success – please visit
We are continuing to raise funds in the hope of launching a sponsorship here, God willing, but we would be happy to support any effort in the US if there is sufficient interest. We pray that our Heavenly Father and our Lord Jesus Christ may guide our efforts to help our brothers and sisters in need. What we do for the least of our brethren we do for Jesus!
Bro. Art, Sis. Beverly, and Bro. Isaac Bull
Foundation e-mail:
February 2023
Announcing a New Ecclesia in Ontario, Canada!
Loving greetings in our one Hope!
The Cambridge Ecclesia wishes to announce that 15 members of our ecclesia have taken the initiative to form another light stand in the Paris, Ontario area, to witness to the Truth in these last days. The Ecclesia will be formed under the BASF and God Willing will hold its first Memorial Meeting Sunday, April 2, 2023 at 11am in the Syl Apps Commemorative Hall, 51 William Strett, Paris, Ontario.
We commend our brothers and sisters in love and fellowship to this endeavour and we pray for God’s richest blessing on the new ecclesia.
Brother Johnnie Abel will serve as the recording brother of the Grand River Ecclesia, and can be contacted for ecclesial information at or (519) 750-4049.
The following brothers and sisters will be transferred from the Cambridge, Ontario Ecclesia (2023 CALS Diary – Ca.23) to the Grand River Ecclesia as members in good standing, as of April 1, 2023:
Bro Johnnie Abel
Sis Beth Abel
Sis Zoe Abel
Bro Dean Bailey
Sis Andrea Bailey
Sis Samantha Bailey
Sis Kassandra Bailey
Sis Yolanda Baldock
Bro Andrew Hynes
Sis Julia Hynes
Bro Caleb Lawrence
Sis Julia Lawrence
Sis Bethany Lawrence
Bro Andrew Pearse
Sis Eleanor Pearse
In our most precious Hope!
Brother Beau Rivard
Recording Brother, Cambridge (Ontario) Ecclesia
2020-2022 update
Meriden, Connecticut, USA
We are pleased to report five baptisms during the past three years. Sis. Yvonne Bruton was baptized on April 4th, 2020, shortly after our in-person meetings were suspended because of the Covid pandemic. Sis. Yvonne is the sister of Sis. Kathleen Lanphear who, along with her husband, Bro. Peter Lanphear, transferred to Meriden from the Sarasota Florida Ecclesia in September 2020.
The three oldest daughters of Bro. Brad and Sis. Sarah Demarest were baptized in 2020 and 2021. Sis. Lily was baptized on July 5th, 2020 (age 13), Sis. Alora was baptized on September 6th, 2020 (age 15), and Sis. Kalynn was baptized on July 18th, 2021 (age 13). Sis. Beula Dey Baidya was baptized on October 31st, 2021. Sis. Beula is the wife of Bro. Jewel (Joel) Baidya who learned the Truth in Bangladesh. The Baidya family moved to the United States several years ago and came to Meriden from the South Ozone Park New York Ecclesia in January 2021.
We are also happy to have Sis. Sarah Waite with us again. She transferred back to Meriden from the Atlanta North Georgia Ecclesia in March 2022.
Three of our members have fallen asleep in Christ since 2020. Sis. Debbie Ferraiolo fell asleep on June 10th, 2020. Sis. Debbie came into the Truth in Pinellas Park Florida in 1982. Our two oldest brothers, Bro. Andrew Waite and Bro. Richard Waite, fell asleep just months apart.
Bro. Andrew succumbed to Covid on August 24th, 2020. He was 96 and lived in isolation in North Carolina. Bro. Richard fell asleep on April 5th, 2021, at the age of 98. Bro. Andrew and Bro. Richard were both baptized on August 11th, 1940, and served in the Civilian Public Service camps during World War II. Bro. Richard was an active member of our ecclesia up to the time he went into a nursing home in January 2020. He is survived by his daughter, Sis. Roberta Tsochandaris (Meriden); his daughter, Sis. Rebecca Estey and her husband Bro. Walter (Springfield Massachusetts Ecclesia), and his son, Bro. Bruce Waite and wife Sis. Patricia (Southern New Hampshire Ecclesia). They will know how much we miss their father’s active presence among us.
On July 11th, 2020, Bro. Bryan Camarillo and Sis. Haleigh Harper (oldest daughter of the over signed and Sis. Brietta Harper) were married in Christ. Their planned wedding venue shut down due to the pandemic and an outdoor service was held instead in the yard next to our ecclesial hall. A large open tent accommodated the reception. Bro. Eric Pride of the Westerly Rhode Island Ecclesia conducted the lovely wedding service.
We also have three births to announce. Ethan and Eden Demarest have been born to Bro. Brad and Sis. Sarah Demarest, Ethan on January 21st , 2020, and Eden on December 29th, 2021. Jessa Joy Sabean was born to Bro. Brad and Sis. Alyssa Sabean on December 13th , 2022.
The emergence of Zoom as a communication tool gave us a new platform for preaching during the pandemic. We conducted four, four-part Bible webinars in 2021 and 2022 under the headings “Learn to Read the Bible Effectively,” “You can Believe the Bible with Confidence,” “Studies in Genesis,” and “Know Jesus Better.” A small but steady following logged on to each of the webinar sessions, including relatives of brothers and sisters from other ecclesias.
Like it has for many ecclesias, Zoom has also provided a way to livestream our adult Sunday School, Memorial Service, and Bible class for members who are sick or away or in isolation. We have been pleased to welcome visitors again since pandemic restrictions lifted. We would especially like to acknowledge the services rendered to our ecclesia by Bro. Joshua Lagasse with Sis. Amy from Norfolk Virginia, Bro. Bruce Waite with Sis. Patricia from Southern New Hampshire, Bro. Jim Sullivan with Sis. Cindy from Boston, Bro. Ron Hicks, now returned to Adelaide Australia, and Bro. Tim Bruce with Sis. Tabea from Monroe Washington. Please know that your fellowship with us has been highly valued.
Bro. Stephen Harper, Recording Brother
September 2022
Albuquerque, New Mexico
We are very pleased to announce the baptism of Bro. Rod St. Pierre on Saturday, September 3rd, 2022. Bro. Rod was first introduced to the Truth by the Thousand Oaks Ecclesia during one of their seminars taught by Bro. Greg Robinson,.
After Bro. Rod moved to the Albuquerque area, I was contacted by Bro. Tommy Graham and Bro. Greg Robinson about his move and asked that we resume his lessons. I was happy to do so and met with Rod and his wife. We had continued his study for several years when Rod requested to be baptized. Gale and I would personally like to thank Bro./Sis. Brad and Susie Butts and Josh and Jamie Livermore, members of the Denver Ecclesia who traveled to our area and assisted us with the interview and baptism. Bro. Greg Robinson as well as Bro/Sis. Mark and Jackie Wade (Houston West Ecclesia) and Rod’s wife, Inez, were also able to join with us on this happy occasion. We sincerely welcome Bro. Rod to our spiritual family, and look forward to walking with him Zionward.
Bro. Bill Brinkerhoff, Recording Brother
August 2022
Collingwood, Ontario
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, and our dear young people, God Wiling, the Collingwood, Ontario Ecclesia hopes to hold its first-ever “Praise-Fest” at an outdoor park in downtown Collingwood, God willing, on Sunday, August 28th, 2022, from 12 to 4 pm.
Based on a similar preaching campaign held in Melbourne, Australia this year, we hope to have live music from a number of Christadelphian musicians, who will be singing/playing either Christadelphian originals or Christian music that is doctrinally sound. We also hope to give away free Bibles and books, popcorn, candyfloss and ‘freezies’, do face painting for kids, have some Bible games and other ‘carnival’ type games. There will also be ‘live theatre’ at our Bible story puppet show, and we will be advertising for our upcoming series of 4 talks this fall.
If you are interested in attending or helping with the games or other activities, please email Cindy Aback at: We are in need of some volunteers and also some families to help make ‘a crowd’. Please pre-register if you would like to help us out.
Please keep in mind that this is an event designed primarily for the public, and not a Christadelphian gathering. We ask that anyone who attends is welcoming and friendly to all the visitors and doesn’t distract those who are manning booths and trying to engage the public in conversation. Due to the need to set everything up in the morning, our Sunday service will be held Saturday, August 27th, at 6:30 pm, at the Sales’ home, you can attend in person, or link in on Zoom.
Even if you can’t attend “Praise-Fest” this year, please pray for us that God will bless our efforts by sending good weather and lots of interested friends.
Thank you,
On behalf of the committee,
Chris and Martha
July 2022
Cambridge, ON
It is with great joy that we announce the baptism of another one of Adam’s race into the saving name of Jesus Christ. On July 19, 2022, Max McIntyre, put off the old man and put on the saving name of Christ. We also rejoice in the birth of baby Lincoln William Pearse to our bro. Mike and sis. Lacey Pearse on July 5, 2022. Our sis. Laurie Dunham, has transferred her membership and we commend her into the loving care of our brothers and sisters of the Ann Arbor Ecclesia. We also welcome, by way of transfer from the Brampton ecclesia, our bro. Norm and sis. Juanita Smith. On August 27, 2022 we rejoiced as our sis Cassidy Robinson and bro. Max McIntyre were united in marriage in the Lord. We would like to take this opportunity to thank our bro. Mike Robinson of the Schooley’s Mountain ecclesia for his ministrations to us at our ecclesial retreat. Brother Mike greatly encouraged us in our ecclesia life by his talks on the book of Philippians. We also thank our bro. Brian Carrick of the Toronto West ecclesia and Matt Palmer of the Mariposa ecclesia for their words of exhortation.
Yours in Christ,
Kurt Ruhland
Assistant Recording Brother
June 2022
Sarasota, FL
The sympathy of the Sarasota ecclesia is extended to the family of Sis Lois Johnson who has fallen asleep in Christ.
Sister Lois was a member of the Largo, Florida ecclesia but we had many visits with our dear sister over the years, both here in Sarasota and at her home ecclesia of Largo. We were also impressed with her knowledge, optimistic spirit and ready smile and an abiding love for her Lord and her brothers and sisters in Christ. She has been released from the pain which she had been facing bravely these past months and now awaits the call of the Resurrection trumpet.
We were glad to have visiting with us around the table of the Lord Brother John and Sister Heather Scott of the Brantford, Ont. ecclesia.
James L Wilkinson
Recording Brother
June, 2022
Cambridge Ecclesia, Ontario
Greetings in the Hope we share. It is with great joy that we announce the baptism of another one of Adam’s race into the saving name of Jesus Christ. On March 27, 2022, Aiden Culver, son of our bro. Dennis and late sis. Sarah Culver, and step-son to our sis. Abby Culver, entered the saving waters and put on the name of Christ.
We also rejoice in the birth of baby Alexander Maximus Wilson to our bro. Craig and sis. Elle Wilson on May 24, 2022.
Our bro. Matt and sis. Stephanie Drywood, along with their children – Sis. Cassidy, Bro. Joel and James Drywood – have transferred their membership and we commend them into the loving care of our brothers and sisters of the Hamilton (Book Road) Ecclesia.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank our bro. Jim Styles of the Simi Hills, CA ecclesia for his ministrations to us at our annual study day. Brother Jim greatly encouraged us in our ecclesia life by his talks on the book of Ezra. We also thank our bro. Stephen Bryan of the Portage, IN ecclesia for his words of exhortation.
Please note that the Cambridge (Ontario) ecclesia now meets at the Armenian Community Centre, 15 International Village Drive in Cambridge, ON. For the months of July and August our memorial service will start at 10:30 am instead of our usual 11:00 am start time.
Yours in Christ,
Kurt Ruhland
Assistant Recording Brother
June, 2022
Ottawa Ecclesia, Ontario
We rejoice in the marriage of Sister Siyana Stoycheva and Brother Pelo Mulumba (Montreal) on June 3, 2022; they plan to be regular visitors to the Ottawa ecclesia. Sister Judy Farrar (Woodstock) has moved to the Ottawa area and we are pleased to have her attending our meetings.
After several years of searching for a more suitable room to rent, our ecclesia has been blessed to find a new meeting place: the Beaverbrook Community Centre (second floor), 1002 Beaverbrook Road in Kanata. Please contact a member of the ecclesia for meeting times and directions.
Ethel Archard
June, 2022
Avon Ecclesia, Indiana
Our small ecclesia is once again commending more families to other ecclesias. Last fall our Bro. Matt and Sis. Bethany Livermore, along with their 3 sons, transferred to the Monroe, WA ecclesia. In May 2022, our Bro. Jacob and Sis. Sasha Hallmark, and their 2 children, moved to the Tyler-Longview ecclesia in Texas. This is now 18 members and 14 Sunday School students that we have lost. The good news is that they all went to other ecclesias, and we wish each of them God’s blessing in their new ecclesial home. The bad news is how much it has decimated Avon. Well, there is a silver lining in that, while a brother might move away from Avon, because of Zoom they remain on our speaking rotation! So, you can check out, but you can never actually leave!
On a more somber note, probably one of the most difficult things to hit the ecclesia was the death of our Bro. Ed Binch in 2020. His contributions to our small ecclesia are sorely missed.
Avon has always had families come and go. We now are asking families to prayerfully consider coming to Indianapolis to replenish our membership! Indy’s nickname is the “Crossroads of America” because 6 interstates span the state. It is easy to get almost anywhere from here. The economy is strong and the cost of living is low. A family could move from almost anywhere else and find the housing much more affordable. We have a beautiful ecclesial hall and a loving spiritual environment. We could really use new members.
Bro. Lee Livermore
Recording Brother
April, 2022
Sarasota Ecclesia, FL
This past month our ecclesia had the pleasure of visits from Bro Ian and Sis Judy Macfarlane and Bro John and Sis Tara Solomon of the Book Road, Ontario Ecclesia. Also Sis Louise Archer and Sis Helen Pritchett of the Lapworth UK Ecclesia. And Sis Helen Gibson of the Largo / Tampa Bay Ecclesia. We thank Bros Macfarlane and Soloman for their words of exhortation.
The Sarasota Ecclesia is sorry to say goodbye to Bro Terry and Sis Jean Cannon of the Castle Bromwich, UK Ecclesia. For over 25 years they have been like family to our ecclesia. We shared many good times, both at the Hall and at their home. They will be greatly missed.
James L. Wilkinson
July 2022
Cambridge, ON
It is with great joy that we announce the baptism of another one of Adam’s race into the saving name of Jesus Christ. On July 19, 2022, Max McIntyre, put off the old man and put on the saving name of Christ. We also rejoice in the birth of baby Lincoln William Pearse to our bro. Mike and sis. Lacey Pearse on July 5, 2022. Our sis. Laurie Dunham, has transferred her membership and we commend her into the loving care of our brothers and sisters of the Ann Arbor Ecclesia. We also welcome, by way of transfer from the Brampton ecclesia, our bro. Norm and sis. Juanita Smith. On August 27, 2022 we rejoiced as our sis Cassidy Robinson and bro. Max McIntyre were united in marriage in the Lord. We would like to take this opportunity to thank our bro. Mike Robinson of the Schooley’s Mountain ecclesia for his ministrations to us at our ecclesial retreat. Brother Mike greatly encouraged us in our ecclesia life by his talks on the book of Philippians. We also thank our bro. Brian Carrick of the Toronto West ecclesia and Matt Palmer of the Mariposa ecclesia for their words of exhortation.
Yours in Christ,
Kurt Ruhland
Assistant Recording Brother
September 2022
Albuquerque, New Mexico
We are very pleased to announce the baptism of Bro. Rod St. Pierre on Saturday, September 3rd, 2022. Bro. Rod was first introduced to the Truth by the Thousand Oaks Ecclesia during one of their seminars taught by Bro. Greg Robinson,.
After Bro. Rod moved to the Albuquerque area, I was contacted by Bro. Tommy Graham and Bro. Greg Robinson about his move and asked that we resume his lessons. I was happy to do so and met with Rod and his wife. We had continued his study for several years when Rod requested to be baptized. Gale and I would personally like to thank Bro./Sis. Brad and Susie Butts and Josh and Jamie Livermore, members of the Denver Ecclesia who traveled to our area and assisted us with the interview and baptism. Bro. Greg Robinson as well as Bro/Sis. Mark and Jackie Wade (Houston West Ecclesia) and Rod’s wife, Inez, were also able to join with us on this happy occasion. We sincerely welcome Bro. Rod to our spiritual family, and look forward to walking with him Zionward.
Bro. Bill Brinkerhoff, Recording Brother
August 2022
Collingwood, Ontario
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, and our dear young people, God Wiling, the Collingwood, Ontario Ecclesia hopes to hold its first-ever “Praise-Fest” at an outdoor park in downtown Collingwood, God willing, on Sunday, August 28th, 2022, from 12 to 4 pm.
Based on a similar preaching campaign held in Melbourne, Australia this year, we hope to have live music from a number of Christadelphian musicians, who will be singing/playing either Christadelphian originals or Christian music that is doctrinally sound. We also hope to give away free Bibles and books, popcorn, candyfloss and ‘freezies’, do face painting for kids, have some Bible games and other ‘carnival’ type games. There will also be ‘live theatre’ at our Bible story puppet show, and we will be advertising for our upcoming series of 4 talks this fall.
If you are interested in attending or helping with the games or other activities, please email Cindy Aback at: We are in need of some volunteers and also some families to help make ‘a crowd’. Please pre-register if you would like to help us out.
Please keep in mind that this is an event designed primarily for the public, and not a Christadelphian gathering. We ask that anyone who attends is welcoming and friendly to all the visitors and doesn’t distract those who are manning booths and trying to engage the public in conversation. Due to the need to set everything up in the morning, our Sunday service will be held Saturday, August 27th, at 6:30 pm, at the Sales’ home, you can attend in person, or link in on Zoom.
Even if you can’t attend “Praise-Fest” this year, please pray for us that God will bless our efforts by sending good weather and lots of interested friends.
Thank you,
On behalf of the committee,
Chris and Martha
June 2022
Sarasota, FL
The sympathy of the Sarasota ecclesia is extended to the family of Sis Lois Johnson who has fallen asleep in Christ.
Sister Lois was a member of the Largo, Florida ecclesia but we had many visits with our dear sister over the years, both here in Sarasota and at her home ecclesia of Largo. We were also impressed with her knowledge, optimistic spirit and ready smile and an abiding love for her Lord and her brothers and sisters in Christ. She has been released from the pain which she had been facing bravely these past months and now awaits the call of the Resurrection trumpet.
We were glad to have visiting with us around the table of the Lord Brother John and Sister Heather Scott of the Brantford, Ont. ecclesia.
James L Wilkinson
Recording Brother
June, 2022
Cambridge Ecclesia, Ontario
Greetings in the Hope we share. It is with great joy that we announce the baptism of another one of Adam’s race into the saving name of Jesus Christ. On March 27, 2022, Aiden Culver, son of our bro. Dennis and late sis. Sarah Culver, and step-son to our sis. Abby Culver, entered the saving waters and put on the name of Christ.
We also rejoice in the birth of baby Alexander Maximus Wilson to our bro. Craig and sis. Elle Wilson on May 24, 2022.
Our bro. Matt and sis. Stephanie Drywood, along with their children – Sis. Cassidy, Bro. Joel and James Drywood – have transferred their membership and we commend them into the loving care of our brothers and sisters of the Hamilton (Book Road) Ecclesia.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank our bro. Jim Styles of the Simi Hills, CA ecclesia for his ministrations to us at our annual study day. Brother Jim greatly encouraged us in our ecclesia life by his talks on the book of Ezra. We also thank our bro. Stephen Bryan of the Portage, IN ecclesia for his words of exhortation.
Please note that the Cambridge (Ontario) ecclesia now meets at the Armenian Community Centre, 15 International Village Drive in Cambridge, ON. For the months of July and August our memorial service will start at 10:30 am instead of our usual 11:00 am start time.
Yours in Christ,
Kurt Ruhland
Assistant Recording Brother
June, 2022
Ottawa Ecclesia, Ontario
We rejoice in the marriage of Sister Siyana Stoycheva and Brother Pelo Mulumba (Montreal) on June 3, 2022; they plan to be regular visitors to the Ottawa ecclesia. Sister Judy Farrar (Woodstock) has moved to the Ottawa area and we are pleased to have her attending our meetings.
After several years of searching for a more suitable room to rent, our ecclesia has been blessed to find a new meeting place: the Beaverbrook Community Centre (second floor), 1002 Beaverbrook Road in Kanata. Please contact a member of the ecclesia for meeting times and directions.
Ethel Archard
June, 2022
Avon Ecclesia, Indiana
Our small ecclesia is once again commending more families to other ecclesias. Last fall our Bro. Matt and Sis. Bethany Livermore, along with their 3 sons, transferred to the Monroe, WA ecclesia. In May 2022, our Bro. Jacob and Sis. Sasha Hallmark, and their 2 children, moved to the Tyler-Longview ecclesia in Texas. This is now 18 members and 14 Sunday School students that we have lost. The good news is that they all went to other ecclesias, and we wish each of them God’s blessing in their new ecclesial home. The bad news is how much it has decimated Avon. Well, there is a silver lining in that, while a brother might move away from Avon, because of Zoom they remain on our speaking rotation! So, you can check out, but you can never actually leave!
On a more somber note, probably one of the most difficult things to hit the ecclesia was the death of our Bro. Ed Binch in 2020. His contributions to our small ecclesia are sorely missed.
Avon has always had families come and go. We now are asking families to prayerfully consider coming to Indianapolis to replenish our membership! Indy’s nickname is the “Crossroads of America” because 6 interstates span the state. It is easy to get almost anywhere from here. The economy is strong and the cost of living is low. A family could move from almost anywhere else and find the housing much more affordable. We have a beautiful ecclesial hall and a loving spiritual environment. We could really use new members.
Bro. Lee Livermore
Recording Brother
April, 2022
Sarasota Ecclesia, FL
This past month our ecclesia had the pleasure of visits from Bro Ian and Sis Judy Macfarlane and Bro John and Sis Tara Solomon of the Book Road, Ontario Ecclesia. Also Sis Louise Archer and Sis Helen Pritchett of the Lapworth UK Ecclesia. And Sis Helen Gibson of the Largo / Tampa Bay Ecclesia. We thank Bros Macfarlane and Soloman for their words of exhortation.
The Sarasota Ecclesia is sorry to say goodbye to Bro Terry and Sis Jean Cannon of the Castle Bromwich, UK Ecclesia. For over 25 years they have been like family to our ecclesia. We shared many good times, both at the Hall and at their home. They will be greatly missed.
James L. Wilkinson
August 2022
Collingwood, Ontario
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, and our dear young people, God Wiling, the Collingwood, Ontario Ecclesia hopes to hold its first-ever “Praise-Fest” at an outdoor park in downtown Collingwood, God willing, on Sunday, August 28th, 2022, from 12 to 4 pm.
Based on a similar preaching campaign held in Melbourne, Australia this year, we hope to have live music from a number of Christadelphian musicians, who will be singing/playing either Christadelphian originals or Christian music that is doctrinally sound. We also hope to give away free Bibles and books, popcorn, candyfloss and ‘freezies’, do face painting for kids, have some Bible games and other ‘carnival’ type games. There will also be ‘live theatre’ at our Bible story puppet show, and we will be advertising for our upcoming series of 4 talks this fall.
If you are interested in attending or helping with the games or other activities, please email Cindy Aback at: We are in need of some volunteers and also some families to help make ‘a crowd’. Please pre-register if you would like to help us out.
Please keep in mind that this is an event designed primarily for the public, and not a Christadelphian gathering. We ask that anyone who attends is welcoming and friendly to all the visitors and doesn’t distract those who are manning booths and trying to engage the public in conversation. Due to the need to set everything up in the morning, our Sunday service will be held Saturday, August 27th, at 6:30 pm, at the Sales’ home, you can attend in person, or link in on Zoom.
Even if you can’t attend “Praise-Fest” this year, please pray for us that God will bless our efforts by sending good weather and lots of interested friends.
Thank you,
On behalf of the committee,
Chris and Martha
June 2022
Sarasota, FL
The sympathy of the Sarasota ecclesia is extended to the family of Sis Lois Johnson who has fallen asleep in Christ.
Sister Lois was a member of the Largo, Florida ecclesia but we had many visits with our dear sister over the years, both here in Sarasota and at her home ecclesia of Largo. We were also impressed with her knowledge, optimistic spirit and ready smile and an abiding love for her Lord and her brothers and sisters in Christ. She has been released from the pain which she had been facing bravely these past months and now awaits the call of the Resurrection trumpet.
We were glad to have visiting with us around the table of the Lord Brother John and Sister Heather Scott of the Brantford, Ont. ecclesia.
James L Wilkinson
Recording Brother
June, 2022
Cambridge Ecclesia, Ontario
Greetings in the Hope we share. It is with great joy that we announce the baptism of another one of Adam’s race into the saving name of Jesus Christ. On March 27, 2022, Aiden Culver, son of our bro. Dennis and late sis. Sarah Culver, and step-son to our sis. Abby Culver, entered the saving waters and put on the name of Christ.
We also rejoice in the birth of baby Alexander Maximus Wilson to our bro. Craig and sis. Elle Wilson on May 24, 2022.
Our bro. Matt and sis. Stephanie Drywood, along with their children – Sis. Cassidy, Bro. Joel and James Drywood – have transferred their membership and we commend them into the loving care of our brothers and sisters of the Hamilton (Book Road) Ecclesia.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank our bro. Jim Styles of the Simi Hills, CA ecclesia for his ministrations to us at our annual study day. Brother Jim greatly encouraged us in our ecclesia life by his talks on the book of Ezra. We also thank our bro. Stephen Bryan of the Portage, IN ecclesia for his words of exhortation.
Please note that the Cambridge (Ontario) ecclesia now meets at the Armenian Community Centre, 15 International Village Drive in Cambridge, ON. For the months of July and August our memorial service will start at 10:30 am instead of our usual 11:00 am start time.
Yours in Christ,
Kurt Ruhland
Assistant Recording Brother
June, 2022
Ottawa Ecclesia, Ontario
We rejoice in the marriage of Sister Siyana Stoycheva and Brother Pelo Mulumba (Montreal) on June 3, 2022; they plan to be regular visitors to the Ottawa ecclesia. Sister Judy Farrar (Woodstock) has moved to the Ottawa area and we are pleased to have her attending our meetings.
After several years of searching for a more suitable room to rent, our ecclesia has been blessed to find a new meeting place: the Beaverbrook Community Centre (second floor), 1002 Beaverbrook Road in Kanata. Please contact a member of the ecclesia for meeting times and directions.
Ethel Archard
June, 2022
Avon Ecclesia, Indiana
Our small ecclesia is once again commending more families to other ecclesias. Last fall our Bro. Matt and Sis. Bethany Livermore, along with their 3 sons, transferred to the Monroe, WA ecclesia. In May 2022, our Bro. Jacob and Sis. Sasha Hallmark, and their 2 children, moved to the Tyler-Longview ecclesia in Texas. This is now 18 members and 14 Sunday School students that we have lost. The good news is that they all went to other ecclesias, and we wish each of them God’s blessing in their new ecclesial home. The bad news is how much it has decimated Avon. Well, there is a silver lining in that, while a brother might move away from Avon, because of Zoom they remain on our speaking rotation! So, you can check out, but you can never actually leave!
On a more somber note, probably one of the most difficult things to hit the ecclesia was the death of our Bro. Ed Binch in 2020. His contributions to our small ecclesia are sorely missed.
Avon has always had families come and go. We now are asking families to prayerfully consider coming to Indianapolis to replenish our membership! Indy’s nickname is the “Crossroads of America” because 6 interstates span the state. It is easy to get almost anywhere from here. The economy is strong and the cost of living is low. A family could move from almost anywhere else and find the housing much more affordable. We have a beautiful ecclesial hall and a loving spiritual environment. We could really use new members.
Bro. Lee Livermore
Recording Brother
April, 2022
Sarasota Ecclesia, FL
This past month our ecclesia had the pleasure of visits from Bro Ian and Sis Judy Macfarlane and Bro John and Sis Tara Solomon of the Book Road, Ontario Ecclesia. Also Sis Louise Archer and Sis Helen Pritchett of the Lapworth UK Ecclesia. And Sis Helen Gibson of the Largo / Tampa Bay Ecclesia. We thank Bros Macfarlane and Soloman for their words of exhortation.
The Sarasota Ecclesia is sorry to say goodbye to Bro Terry and Sis Jean Cannon of the Castle Bromwich, UK Ecclesia. For over 25 years they have been like family to our ecclesia. We shared many good times, both at the Hall and at their home. They will be greatly missed.
James L. Wilkinson
August 2022
Collingwood, Ontario
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, and our dear young people, God Wiling, the Collingwood, Ontario Ecclesia hopes to hold its first-ever “Praise-Fest” at an outdoor park in downtown Collingwood, God willing, on Sunday, August 28th, 2022, from 12 to 4 pm.
Based on a similar preaching campaign held in Melbourne, Australia this year, we hope to have live music from a number of Christadelphian musicians, who will be singing/playing either Christadelphian originals or Christian music that is doctrinally sound. We also hope to give away free Bibles and books, popcorn, candyfloss and ‘freezies’, do face painting for kids, have some Bible games and other ‘carnival’ type games. There will also be ‘live theatre’ at our Bible story puppet show, and we will be advertising for our upcoming series of 4 talks this fall.
If you are interested in attending or helping with the games or other activities, please email Cindy Aback at: We are in need of some volunteers and also some families to help make ‘a crowd’. Please pre-register if you would like to help us out.
Please keep in mind that this is an event designed primarily for the public, and not a Christadelphian gathering. We ask that anyone who attends is welcoming and friendly to all the visitors and doesn’t distract those who are manning booths and trying to engage the public in conversation. Due to the need to set everything up in the morning, our Sunday service will be held Saturday, August 27th, at 6:30 pm, at the Sales’ home, you can attend in person, or link in on Zoom.
Even if you can’t attend “Praise-Fest” this year, please pray for us that God will bless our efforts by sending good weather and lots of interested friends.
Thank you,
On behalf of the committee,
Chris and Martha
June 2022
Sarasota, FL
The sympathy of the Sarasota ecclesia is extended to the family of Sis Lois Johnson who has fallen asleep in Christ.
Sister Lois was a member of the Largo, Florida ecclesia but we had many visits with our dear sister over the years, both here in Sarasota and at her home ecclesia of Largo. We were also impressed with her knowledge, optimistic spirit and ready smile and an abiding love for her Lord and her brothers and sisters in Christ. She has been released from the pain which she had been facing bravely these past months and now awaits the call of the Resurrection trumpet.
We were glad to have visiting with us around the table of the Lord Brother John and Sister Heather Scott of the Brantford, Ont. ecclesia.
James L Wilkinson
Recording Brother
June, 2022
Cambridge Ecclesia, Ontario
Greetings in the Hope we share. It is with great joy that we announce the baptism of another one of Adam’s race into the saving name of Jesus Christ. On March 27, 2022, Aiden Culver, son of our bro. Dennis and late sis. Sarah Culver, and step-son to our sis. Abby Culver, entered the saving waters and put on the name of Christ.
We also rejoice in the birth of baby Alexander Maximus Wilson to our bro. Craig and sis. Elle Wilson on May 24, 2022.
Our bro. Matt and sis. Stephanie Drywood, along with their children – Sis. Cassidy, Bro. Joel and James Drywood – have transferred their membership and we commend them into the loving care of our brothers and sisters of the Hamilton (Book Road) Ecclesia.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank our bro. Jim Styles of the Simi Hills, CA ecclesia for his ministrations to us at our annual study day. Brother Jim greatly encouraged us in our ecclesia life by his talks on the book of Ezra. We also thank our bro. Stephen Bryan of the Portage, IN ecclesia for his words of exhortation.
Please note that the Cambridge (Ontario) ecclesia now meets at the Armenian Community Centre, 15 International Village Drive in Cambridge, ON. For the months of July and August our memorial service will start at 10:30 am instead of our usual 11:00 am start time.
Yours in Christ,
Kurt Ruhland
Assistant Recording Brother
June, 2022
Ottawa Ecclesia, Ontario
We rejoice in the marriage of Sister Siyana Stoycheva and Brother Pelo Mulumba (Montreal) on June 3, 2022; they plan to be regular visitors to the Ottawa ecclesia. Sister Judy Farrar (Woodstock) has moved to the Ottawa area and we are pleased to have her attending our meetings.
After several years of searching for a more suitable room to rent, our ecclesia has been blessed to find a new meeting place: the Beaverbrook Community Centre (second floor), 1002 Beaverbrook Road in Kanata. Please contact a member of the ecclesia for meeting times and directions.
Ethel Archard
June, 2022
Avon Ecclesia, Indiana
Our small ecclesia is once again commending more families to other ecclesias. Last fall our Bro. Matt and Sis. Bethany Livermore, along with their 3 sons, transferred to the Monroe, WA ecclesia. In May 2022, our Bro. Jacob and Sis. Sasha Hallmark, and their 2 children, moved to the Tyler-Longview ecclesia in Texas. This is now 18 members and 14 Sunday School students that we have lost. The good news is that they all went to other ecclesias, and we wish each of them God’s blessing in their new ecclesial home. The bad news is how much it has decimated Avon. Well, there is a silver lining in that, while a brother might move away from Avon, because of Zoom they remain on our speaking rotation! So, you can check out, but you can never actually leave!
On a more somber note, probably one of the most difficult things to hit the ecclesia was the death of our Bro. Ed Binch in 2020. His contributions to our small ecclesia are sorely missed.
Avon has always had families come and go. We now are asking families to prayerfully consider coming to Indianapolis to replenish our membership! Indy’s nickname is the “Crossroads of America” because 6 interstates span the state. It is easy to get almost anywhere from here. The economy is strong and the cost of living is low. A family could move from almost anywhere else and find the housing much more affordable. We have a beautiful ecclesial hall and a loving spiritual environment. We could really use new members.
Bro. Lee Livermore
Recording Brother
April, 2022
Sarasota Ecclesia, FL
This past month our ecclesia had the pleasure of visits from Bro Ian and Sis Judy Macfarlane and Bro John and Sis Tara Solomon of the Book Road, Ontario Ecclesia. Also Sis Louise Archer and Sis Helen Pritchett of the Lapworth UK Ecclesia. And Sis Helen Gibson of the Largo / Tampa Bay Ecclesia. We thank Bros Macfarlane and Soloman for their words of exhortation.
The Sarasota Ecclesia is sorry to say goodbye to Bro Terry and Sis Jean Cannon of the Castle Bromwich, UK Ecclesia. For over 25 years they have been like family to our ecclesia. We shared many good times, both at the Hall and at their home. They will be greatly missed.
James L. Wilkinson
April, 2022
Toronto West Ecclesia, ON
It is with great joy that we announce the baptism of Christopher Carrick, son of Reuben and Wendy Carrick, on 27 March 2022. We pray that our walk together towards God’s Kingdom will be mutually beneficial.
With Covid restrictions gradually being lifted, we recently hosted a Senior CYC weekend at Hidden Acres Retreat which was well attended by 59 young people and 17 adults from across Ontario and Quebec. Bro Mark Carr spoke on “Visions of the Kingdom”.
We continue to stream our Memorial services and Bible classes to our members as well as those in isolation in Athens, Greece, and Lachine, Quebec, especially the ecclesias in Larissa, Greece and Montreal, Quebec, and many others in North America. We also host an online Memorial service in Swahili for members across North America and the Congo. Please contact the undersigned for links and more information. All our past services (in English) are recorded and can be viewed on our website at
Bro Brian Carrick
Recording Brother, Toronto West Ecclesia
24 Langside Avenue, North York, ON
Canada M9N 3E3
April, 2022
Barrie, ON
We are grateful for divine blessing in the continuance of our small light stand here in Central Ontario on the edge of Ontario’s renowned ‘cottage country’, having resorted to virtual services and then reopening a couple of times. We now function with a hybrid format which suits the current situation well.
Occasional feedback from the travelling public near and far indicate that we are known to them as the “church with the sign”. With a four-lane highway on our front doorstep, it provides a unique opportunity to display a brief scriptural message to rushing commuters, volumes of truck drivers and the travelling public at large to take time and engage the gracious invitation of the Gospel.
It is regrettable to report that our Sis. Maria Perks, wife of Bro. Walter Perks suddenly and untimely fell asleep in the Lord on September 27, 2020, a few days following surgery. We all miss Sis. Maria greatly and continue to seek God’s blessing of comfort and consolation in the sure hope of the resurrection to Bro. Walter in his time of loss and bereavement. Sis. Mazie & Bro. Don Berdan have also both now fallen asleep in the Lord Jesus. Sis Mazie on Sept 2, 2018 after a long battle with Alzheimer’s and Bro. Don recently on Feb. 13, 2022. He had moved to Wallaceburg to the care of his daughter, but connected via phone on Sundays as long as his health permitted. The Berdans were faithful members here since the inception of this ecclesia.
Bro. Kevin & Sis. Kim Cooper and family have moved to Manitoulin Island ON and transferred their membership to the Manitoulin Island ecclesia. Bro. Dan & Rachelle Perks and family have moved to Australia. Bro. James & Sis. Laura Pearce and family have transferred to the Cambridge, ON Ecclesia. We commend them all in fraternal love to their respective ecclesias. On the receiving end, we take pleasure in welcoming Bro. Tom Briggs; Bro. Jason & Sis. Sylvia Grant and family, all from the former Orangeville ON Ecclesia and look forward to their support and fellowship as we all await the day of the Lord’s appearing and Kingdom.
Our thanks are extended to the many brethren who have ministered to our needs through the last few years by in-person and by virtual arrangement. We also have received much spiritual benefit through the use of recorded presentations provided by and others.
It is a pleasure for our ecclesia to recently give assent to assuming the role of financial sponsorship to the Lakefield Bible School (formerly Niagara Falls Bible School) which has functioned for many years as a full-service Bible School and the venue is near Peterborough, ON. The Toronto East Ecclesia had faithfully pioneered the sponsorship from the school’s beginning. Six members of our ecclesia also serve with others on the LCBS Committee.
We are looking forward to once again providing a booth at the local Oro World’s Fair this year in September, Lord willing. It has been a useful opportunity to engage the public in our area and to preach a message of Hope to a world in chaos, but the venue has been closed with the onset of Covid 19.
Bruce Abel
April, 2022
Halifax, NS
Our ecclesia, legally known as the Bedford (Central) Christadelphian Ecclesia for many years, is now called “The Halifax Christadelphians”. After two years of meeting online, our ecclesia will be recommencing in-person meetings in the coming months. Lord willing, for Breaking of Bread and Bible Class services we will be returning to the Scott Manor House in September 2022 (details as in CAL Diary). Anyone travelling to this region before then should contact the oversigned at Please see our Halifax Project appeal published elsewhere in this magazine.
The Halifax Project
In 2002, shortly after our family arrived in Halifax, Nova Scotia, we sent out an appeal to the ecclesial world called “The Halifax Project”. We asked open-hearted brothers and sisters to think about supporting our small ecclesia through holiday visits or relocating to become members. God blessed our effort with a number of brothers and sisters who supported a domestic mission in 2002 and several others who move to the province. During the COVID pandemic, Nova Scotia did relatively well, benefiting from being almost an island. This and other factors have made Nova Scotia an attractive destination: more than 10,000 people moved to the province from other parts of Canada during the pandemic — including those who are able to work remotely. At this time we are renewing our appeal to brothers and sisters to consider Nova Scotia in their holiday plans, university training (the city has five universities) or relocation for work or retirement. The province is surrounded by the ocean and is filled with sites of natural beauty. Despite the recent migration to the province, real estate prices are still much below the national average. Those who move here will find a less hectic pace of life and a warm ecclesial environment. Please visit the following site to learn more about the province and opportunities here:
Our ecclesial website is:
Those interested in reaching out should feel free to contact us at:
Steve and Julie Snobelen
Halifax, Nova Scotia Christadelphian Ecclesia
March, 2022
Vancouver Ecclesia
During the past year since we last reported, like so many, much of our ecclesial activity has remained limited by local COVID mandates. Our Sis. Beverly Ferguson who resides in a retirement home, we commended to the New Westminster ecclesia with whom she has enjoyed Zoom meeting fellowship for several years. Transferring to us from the Rolling Hills Alberta ecclesia by way of Victoria is Sis. Sarah Kohlman. May our Lord bless our sisters as they continue in their new spiritual homes. Our Sis. Ruth Parman fell asleep in October after suffering for several years from an irresolvable medical condition. We rejoiced in Sis. Ruth’s unshaken faith in the day of resurrection and in our Lord’s boundless grace. May her rest be short. The blessing of marriage in our common faith came to Bro. Peter Pennington and Sis. Esther Isobe (New Westminster ecclesia) in August and to Bro. Steven Fedorski and Sis. Sarah Kohlman, united in September. Our prayers are for our Lord’s blessing on their walks together. Little ones arrived to two families: Bro. Wesley and Sis. Silvia Butler welcomed Shaphan their third, while Bro. Gavin and Sis. Reyah Orsetti welcomed Aniyah, their first. May our Lord bless these young ones as they grow in his loving care.
Finding suitable affordable housing in our metro area continues to challenge all so we are thankful that six families completed successful moves during the year. Stimulating exhortations and classes by visiting brothers are a blessing many are enjoying in this ‘Zoom’ era and we thank the many who generously served, including Bro. Jason Hensley (Simi Hills)providing 2021 fraternal classes, “Giving Grace”. Our 2022 fraternal classes, October 8-9, will be presented by Bro. Dafydd Jenkins (Cardiff, Museum Place).
February, 2022
Orlando Ecclesia
We rejoice in the baptism of our new brother, Shiloh Markwith, on January 8th, 2022. Brother Shiloh is the son of Brother Aaron and Sister Rhonda Markwith.
We welcome as new members Brother Stephen and Sister Betty Lou Lewis who have transferred from the Largo Ecclesia.
We are very sad to report the loss of our brother Nick Parrino who fell asleep in Christ this past year. We yearn to see our brother again at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Our annual study weekend was held January 28-30, and we are very grateful to Brother Tony Isaacs from Atlanta Georgia for his classes on the subject, “God’s Prophetic Utterances – Attestation to His Reality.”
We continue to stream our Memorial services via Zoom to brothers and sisters unable to meet with us in person.
Dan Garan
January, 2022
Mississauga West Ecclesia
In March 2021, we rejoiced to witness the baptism of Madeline Deadman, daughter of brother Jason and sister Maryanne Deadman. We pray for our Heavenly Father’s blessing on our new sister as we journey together to the kingdom and age to come.
September 2021 marked the 25th year since the founding of our ecclesia. We started with 28 brothers and sisters who lived in the area but had traveled significant distances to their previous ecclesias. With our Heavenly Father’s blessing, we have grown to a family of 70 members and about 18 Sunday School scholars.
In November 2021, we hosted a Study Day comprised of in-person and remote attendance using Zoom with brother Matthew Drywood (Cambridge, ON) presenting the topic He revealeth the deep and secret things (Daniel 2:22). The classes were very encouraging and the event was well attended by brothers and sisters from near and far. We thank our brother for his service on our behalf. We also thank the members of the Toronto West ecclesia for allowing us to use their ecclesial hall for this event.
In 2018, we purchased a property that will be used as a new ecclesial hall. In June 2021, we issued a financial appeal to ecclesias in Canada and the United States. Our appeal noted that necessary renovations were estimated to be approximately $275,000 and that, with our existing funds and expected additional member donations, we expect to have a funding shortfall of approximately $85,000. We are very grateful to our Heavenly Father for the generous and loving support of the ecclesias which responded to our appeal. To date, we have received approximately CAN$40,000 from other ecclesias. The first phase of renovation activities started in late 2021 despite the ongoing challenges presented by the COVID-19 pandemic and associated restrictions. We expect that this activity will be ongoing throughout much of 2022, God willing.
Joel Thorp
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