CSN Fellowship weekends aim to give everyone the opportunity to refocus their lives through fellowship, relaxation and renewal.
The theme for the weekend will be “I am a Child of God”, and there will be time for discussion and reflection as well as enjoying one another’s company.
The event is being held at Holland House, near Pershore. Apart from its tranquil setting above the banks of the River Avon, Holland House has very comfortable accommodation and the staff make everyone feel very welcome and provide excellent meals throughout the weekend.
The cost per person for the weekend will be £225, to cover the accommodation, all meals and administrative expenses. A deposit of £60 per person is requested on booking, with a collection taken during the weekend allowing those attending to contribute as much towards the remainder as they are able. We don’t want cost to put off those for whom the weekend would be most helpful! Your ecclesia might also be able to offer financial support to members who would benefit from attending but might struggle with the cost.
We can also offer day places on Saturday 9th and/or Sunday 10th for those who would prefer this option. The cost is £35 for each day which includes morning and afternoon coffee/tea and lunch.
We are pleased to be able to return to meeting in person at Holland House this year. We have been assured by the management that they take all reasonable precautions to make your stay as safe as possible but we would request that everyone attending take a lateral flow test within 24h of arrival and if this shows a Covid positive result, please, for the safety of all, stay at home.
To help our planning, and to minimise the cost to CSN, please book early, ideally by 25 Feb. Bookings should be made on-line at our web site here
Further information can be obtained from Roy Dean if needed. (07711706157 roy.dean@chsn.org.uk)
Thank you for your help in publicising this event.
With love in Jesus,
Chris & Caroline Peel, Arno & Sally Spaarkogel, Brian & Ruth Cox, Georgie Hall, Roy & Julia Dean