Registration is open for the Eastern Christadelphian Bible School. ECBS will be held, God Willing, at Franklin Pierce University in Rindge, New Hampshire from July 22 to 29, 2023. Scheduled speakers are:

Bro. Dennis Bevans (Austin-Leander TX)

  • Adults: “Ruth: The Wild Olive Grafted In”
  • Teens: “Joseph, The Redeemer”

Bro. Stan Isbell (Houston West TX)

  • Adults: “Ye Shall be a Kingdom of Priests”
  • Teens: “Y7K – A Magnificent Millennial Means to an Eternal End”

Bro. Kitson Reid (Acock’s Green UK)

  • Adults: “A People Prepared for the LORD”
  • Teens: “Before You Say I Do”

Visit for more information and to register or email for more information.