July 23-July 30
Eastern Christadelphian Bible School (ECBS) 2022
Registration is open for the 75th anniversary of the Eastern Christadelphian Bible School. God willing, ECBS will be held at Franklin Pierce University in Rindge, New Hampshire.
The scheduled speakers are:
Bro. Rich Dineen Jr., Boston, MA Ecclesia
• Adults and Teens: “Samson, Samuel, Saul, and the Making of a Nation”
Bro. Bill Link, Baltimore, MD Ecclesia
• Adults: “Micah, Prophet of God’s Majestic Name”
• Teens: “Belief Makes Sense!”
Bro. Nigel Small, Moorestown, NJ Ecclesia
• Adults: “Faith, Hope, Love”
• Teens: “The Word is a Lamp and a Light”
All information and registration forms are available on the ECBS website: myecbs.org
You may register by mail or online. Please register as soon as possible to assist us in planning our programs. For questions, please e-mail: ecbsregister@gmail.com