March 25, 2024
This final installment of this series includes three phrases with no particular connection among them.
March 25, 2024
What could a story about a man and his family approximately 4,500 years ago do to help me today? Doesn’t everyone already know about Noah and the Ark?
February 23, 2024
This month we look at the magnitude of God's grace, our understanding of it and a more simple and accurate way to define it.
February 23, 2024
Jesus' tests give us an important example to follow as we serve God.
January 25, 2024
This month takes on another handful of phrases we’re better off without. Three are monikers for wives, and three pertain to the Lord Jesus: helpmate, helpmeet, sister-wife, elder brother, absent Lord, and broken body.
January 25, 2024
God has provided the New Testament commentary on many Old Testament issues to help us understand what He intended His people to learn.
December 22, 2023
Our prayers are not only to impact and change us, but at times, they can impact God and Jesus and change how they might accomplish His will.
December 22, 2023
This month's entry addressing the topic of original language references regardless of the speaker’s knowledge of Hebrew or Greek.
November 24, 2023
Our heavenly Father loves us and wants us in His family forever. So why does our loving Father sometimes bring troubles and trials into our lives?
November 24, 2023
Christadelphian Cliches, Misquotes, Pat Phrases, Wrested Scriptures, and Legalistic Formulas
October 25, 2023
There are over eight billion people on Earth today. Does everyone get the same opportunity to join God’s family?
October 25, 2023
Often repeated but never verified, “Five is the number of grace” is the poster child for Christadelphian phrases that need to be deep-sixed. Or deep-fived.