A Baptism in Panama
Andres Ramos made a heartfelt confession of his faith before entering the waters of baptism.

On May 4, . Some members of both ecclesias, Panama City and Colon, were in attendance to witness the beginning of his walk in our Lord Jesus Christ. The joyous occasion took place at Sherman Beach in the province of Colon, Panama. Regular beachgoers couldn’t help but interrupt their activities, listen to our hymns of praise, and watch the baptism.
Before his baptism, Bro. Andres was a committed attendee of Memorial Service and Sunday School for many years. His mature demeanor, loving disposition, and proactive attitude, and most importantly, his love for God and his Son, are what caused him to ask for baptismal classes, which were led by Bro. Luis Sobers.
We are grateful for everyone’s contributions, both visiting brethren and resident members, to this young brother’s development. We look forward to the contributions he has dedicated himself to supplying to the body of Christ in love.
Ian Neblett,
CBMA Link for Panama