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How I Came to the Truth: Guatemala

Guatemalan brothers and sisters share how they came to learn of Christadelphia.
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Sis. Ruth Noemí Trinidad Guzmán

Sis. Ruth Noemí Trinidad Guzmán

I was baptized in 2019 at the Bible School that is held in El Salvador. My father is Bro. Jorge Trinidad. I am 24 years old, and very grateful that God has chosen me to be part of His family. I am happy to be part of the Christadelphian community since I have found people who really live according to what God has revealed in the Bible. My biggest goal is to live a life in line with God’s purpose for me, and by my example, to encourage some of those close to me to find the truth as I have.


Bro. Jorge Trinidad

Bro. Jorge Trinidad

When I found the Christadelphians, I thought they would be the same as the Evangelical churches I had been a part of, expecting they would teach me the same things. However, I was incredibly surprised to learn that I needed a correct understanding of the Scriptures. It is for this reason that I have remained with my Christadelphian family since the year 2000.


Bro. Juan Palacios

Bro. Juan Palacios

I came to know the Christadelphian ecclesia by means of an advertisement in the newspaper.




Bro. Victor Leonel Garcia

Bro. Victor Leonel Garcia

While looking for employment, I found an advertisement in the newspaper placed by the Christadelphian Bible Mission announcing free Bible correspondence courses. I sent in my name and address and began to receive the Bible studies. This was how I came to know the Christadelphian Bible Mission and learned the truth through the Bible. I have now been baptized for eight years.


Bro. Victor Leonel Garcia, and Sis. Marina Velasquez de Garcia

Bro. Victor Leonel Garcia, and Sis. Marina Velasquez de Garcia

As a couple, we arrived at the Christadelphian Bible Mission with an understanding of the Bible but not with a knowledge of the Truth. By means of the Bible studies we received, we learned the Truth. As we do everything as a couple, we were baptized on the same day and have persevered. We have helped our children and grandchildren learn the Truth of the Bible. During our time on this earth, our mission is to take the message of salvation to a world in need. Our desire is to fulfill the words of our Lord Jesus in Mark 16:15, “And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.”


Sis. Victoria Garcia 

Sis. Victoria Garcia

I learned from my parents, Victor and Marina! I attended a lecture, and it was interesting to me. Thus, I began a journey towards the Truth. From the first day I arrived at the ecclesia, I felt part of the family of Christ! It is never too late to start again and continue advancing step by step!


Sis. Zully Salazar

Sis. Zully Salazar

I was baptized on August 5, 2001, in Guatemala City. Bro. Douglas Vanegas gave me baptismal classes and baptized me. Bro. Ed Binch arrived, along with other brethren from El Salvador, and gave the exhortation. I was gifted a Bible that I still have.



Dan Robinson,
Brampton Ecclesia, ON
CBMA Link for Guatemala

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