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Joy in Christ: Perspectives from Younger Years

A collection of thoughts from young people about the joys we have in Christ.
Read Time: 7 minutes

Hello I’m Bro. Medar. I was born in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and am now living and working in Baltimore. I have six younger siblings, and I often think about how my choices influence them. That’s something that happens when you’re the eldest. God chose me to be the eldest, and it’s a good thing to lead my brothers and sisters. 

I can’t say I’m perfect, but every day, I’m trying to be 1% better, to grow, to be a valuable person in including and influencing others by the choices I make.

One of the most important choices I made recently was getting baptized. It was a decision that took a lot of reflection, and I made the decision based on what I wanted to stand for. I felt lonely, confused, and unworthy, but I remembered that if you seek him with all your heart, you will find him. Lots of things impacted my choice to get baptized. Yes, there were lessons, conversations, and youth weekends. But for me, it was when I felt the presence of God outside in the middle of the night while gazing at the stars. The joy was like none other. It’s one of those feelings you can’t really describe. Knowing that I’m a sinner, and through Jesus, I am forgiven. This brings great joy! 

Those who sow with tears will reap with songs of joy. (Psalm 126:5 NIV).

Medar Ebengo,
Baltimore Ecclesia, MD





When I think of joy, I can’t help but think of baptism. I like to say that it’s just the beginning, but it’s the best decision that anyone will ever make—the best day of someone’s life on this side of the Kingdom. In the last year, I have been blessed with the honor and privilege of participating in the baptisms of four young men. These have all been days of the highest emotion. A father choked up, offering the right hand of fellowship to his son. Jubilant hymns of rejoicing were sung. The most passionate wet hugs were given. At each baptism, I couldn’t help but think of all these young men had been through as God shaped and molded each of them. It had all led to that moment. Nothing fills my heart more than seeing those I love choose God. 

In 3 John 1:4, John exclaims, “I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth.” John is talking about those whom he’d guided in the faith. I feel the same way. There is no greater joy than to see God’s family grow as another child of His commits his life to him.

Seth Thomas,
Cranston Ecclesia, MA





Something that gives great joy in Christ is having a worldwide community of Christadelphians. It is truly special to visit other cities or countries worldwide and share fellowship with brothers and sisters who believe the same gospel truth, whether we know them or not. It brings joy because though we may have different cultures, languages, and challenges, we are all trying to follow Jesus Christ and waiting for his return. Bible schools, youth conferences, study weeks, or preaching efforts bring together people from all backgrounds. 

The Apostle Paul experienced the joy of such fellowship: “For what thanks can we render to God for you, for all the joy with which we rejoice for your sake before our God.” (1 Thessalonians 3:9). It creates so much joy and encouragement to praise God, study his word, and serve him as a group of believers united through the hope we share. Because “There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called in one hope of your calling; one Lord, one faith, one baptism; one God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all.” (Ephesians 4:4-6 NKJV). 

Kezia Robinson,
Brighton Ecclesia, SA 





A vivid picture of pure joy for me comes when I remember the song and praise night of the Brisbane Youth Conference 2019. The conference room was packed with 350 young people and was the last night of an encouraging week studying John the Baptist. The song and praise program had finished, and there was a special carnival night supper set up outside, but the praise just kept going on. Song after song, people continued to make requests, and we all continued singing.

The supper was neglected outside as everyone moved from their neat rows and allocated seats to squish up to the front of the room, arms around each other, some people with tears of joy at the opportunity to experience a little taste of the Kingdom, of a group of people with one mind and faith who just wanted to praise God. I remember feeling like there was no place in the world I would rather be, and reminiscing on that moment of connection to God with such a large group of His believers fills me with joy every time I think about it.

Lily Nicholls,
Brighton Ecclesia, SA





We were wrapping up our mid-week Bible class, putting our hymn books back on the shelf as we do each evening. “You hear God in the Bible,” Teddy says quietly, almost as if he is still working out his thoughts. 

I looked down at my three-year-old son, who was waiting for me to confirm that what he had said was right. It was. It is. Where did he get this from, I wondered?

Raising small children can be an all-consuming, exhausting, and sometimes thankless job. Even more, it is one of the greatest joys of my life. Each day brings new joy as I see his mind grow and process this world. I find myself jotting down his little expressions each day, so I don’t miss a thing. I love hearing him relay what he hears about God from his parents, his family, Sunday School teachers, and our ecclesial family. Keep talking to the children about our wonderful God and his son. They are keen to listen and to learn.

I echo the words of the Apostle John, but am talking about my literal children: “I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth.” (3 John 1:4).

Anna Hewitson,
Baltimore Ecclesia, MD





When I reflect on joy, an example that comes to mind is being a Sunday school teacher. I have two students, who are four and three. I feel a deep sense of joy when I teach these two kids each week. Firstly, they are so fun! I find myself laughing so much with them! Secondly, I love watching them learn about the Bible. They are so earnest as they listen and reflect back on what they’re learning. They are joyful and eager to learn. It makes me think about what Jesus meant when he said we should be like little children. Perhaps it’s about fully trusting in God and having joy and wonder! Right now, these are just stories for them, but I know that God is at work, and these stories have the potential to become lessons that impact how they will live as they grow up.

Janet Taylor,
Baltimore Ecclesia, MD





When I think of joy, I can’t help but think of the Apostle Paul and his letter to the Philippians. What inspires me most about this letter is that Paul seems to be overflowing with joy, but he is writing it from prison in what we would consider one of the worst environments and places to be. But the word Paul uses for joy is chara—a “calm delight,” an inner joy not based on circumstances. The truth is, because of our hope, joy can exist despite our circumstances, and this brings me so much comfort in hard times.

I think of Christ, who was able to set his eyes on the joy that was before him and, therefore, endure the pain of the cross (Hebrews 12:2). One of my favorite verses is Nehemiah 8:10: “The Joy of the LORD is your strength.” There is joy in our hope, and we have a beautiful tomorrow to look forward to, singing with thousands of immortal voices, serving without the limitations of our frail mortal bodies and minds. We are so blessed with little cameos of the joy of the Kingdom now: praising God with our brothers and sisters, admiring the beauty of creation, gathering at Bible Schools, the joy of watching young people commit their lives to God. I can’t wait for the time when the joy we experience now will be magnified by a thousand!

Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice. (Philippians 4:4 ESV).

Cilla Tuckson,
Norfolk Ecclesia, VA





As I collected snapshots of “joy in Christ,” it sparked intriguing conversations. Not everyone could contribute, but “joy in Christ” resonates uniquely for each. My father-in-law sometimes hosts evenings titled “Why I’m glad I’m a Christadelphian,” and the varied interpretations are inspiring. What about you? You won’t make this article in time, but I’d love to hear your thoughts—dananddassie@gmail.com. 

For me? We’ve all heard “joy shared is joy doubled.” But the joy in Christ is at the next level. Especially in marriage (Proverbs 18:22). As Hadassah and I navigate life’s adventures, there’s joy in heartfelt advice (Proverbs 27:9), and each day holds little jewels (Proverbs 31:10-12 ESV).

Solomon wrote:

An excellent wife who can find? She is far more precious than jewels. The heart of her husband trusts in her, and he will have no lack of gain. She does him good, and not harm, all the days of her life. (Proverbs 31:10-12 ESV).

Dan Ryan,
Baltimore Ecclesia, MD

Suggested Readings
A collection of thoughts from older people about the joys we have in Christ.
The Bible is full of joy and rejoicing in all kinds of settings. All sorts of lessons are there to guide us from joy to “Joy.”  
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