People Who Knew Jesus – Part 5
God has blessed us with our children. God and Jesus love them, and they look after them. Their prayers will be heard.

Jesus says we need to have the faith and trust of a child.
Do our children know Jesus? They do if we have been teaching them and showing them how to live by faith and trust. Jesus also knows our children, and he listens and answers their prayers. We do not specifically know at what age young Samuel was dedicated to God; maybe he was around seven. When did he hear God speaking to him? Possibly in his early teens? We do not know, but God knew him and used Samuel for a specific task. And so He worked with him to prepare him for being a Judge in Israel.
Here is Gavin’s story of faith and trust.
One time, when I was about ten, my dad, brother, and I went to an island on my step-grandfather’s boat. We decided to camp there on the island and stay the night. We made s’mores, went fishing, and had a great time until we thought it was time to go to bed around ten o’clock.
We had laid out a few blankets to put our sleeping bags on, along with our pillows. When we walked into the small shack my step-grandfather had built on the island, we were greeted with bugs slightly larger than a cockroach, which we later discovered are called “wood roaches.” They were crawling all over the floor.
Of course, we were less comfortable staying the night because of their presence. We could do nothing besides brush away the bugs and try to sleep. That did not work! It was around eleven thirty when I decided I couldn’t take it anymore, so I went outside and tried fishing, lighting a fire, anything to take my mind off sleeping. Finally, I tried praying. I prayed that the mosquitoes and roaches would go away and that I could sleep and not suffer the night of no sleep any longer.
After that, I thought, “God isn’t here. He can’t make the bugs just go away.” At one o’clock, I went back into the shack and laid down in my sleeping bag, and to my surprise, there were no roaches, and the mosquitoes were gone! For the first time all night, I felt comfortable going to sleep. When I woke up in the morning, I thought to myself, “Why did I doubt God?”
It might have been a small thing compared to death and disease, but I’m still grateful that I know God won’t let me down.
A beautiful story of our children who know Jesus and trust God that when they pray, He will answer their prayers.
God has blessed us with our children. God and Jesus love them, and they look after them. Their prayers will be heard.
Rick Hill,
Picton Ecclesia, ON