South African Christadelphian Summer Bible School Appeal
The current unemployment rate in South Africa is at 33.5% and this impacts many of our brothers and sisters - almost two-thirds of those attending the Bible School rely on funding.

Since 1982, the Pinetown Ecclesia has organized a Summer Bible School in South Africa, held each year at the end of December. We have been fortunate to secure overseas speakers who have added tremendous value to those attending, enhancing the picture that we are a worldwide community. This help also ensures exposure to high-standard studies.
We have been fortunate to secure a venue for the school, nestled in a very picturesque part of KwaZulu-Natal. The venue is ideal for our purposes, with conference rooms, a dining hall, and accommodation. It also has all the sports facilities for energetic young people.
Over the past few years, we have enjoyed wonderful studies by Bre. Carl Pary, Roger Lewis, Ron Cowie, Stephen Palmer, Steve Hornhardt, and Kitson Reid. God Willing, Bro. Kitson will be with us this year. We also conduct various sessions in which brethren lead a discussion session on a particular subject.
During the years of running the Summer Bible School, the demographics of South Africa have changed with the abolishment of Apartheid. As a result, the Gospel can now be freely preached all over South Africa. With our Heavenly Father’s blessing, the truth has seen much growth in previously disadvantaged areas.
The Summer Bible School now attracts attendees from these previously disadvantaged areas, and we have witnessed a significant growth in attendance from our brothers and sisters in the greater Johannesburg area. We also have visitors from as far afield as Botswana and Zimbabwe. Attendance at the school came from fifteen ecclesias around Southern Africa.
This success has brought with it funding issues. The current unemployment rate in South Africa is at 33.5% (46.2% if you include discouraged work seekers), and this, unfortunately, impacts many of our brothers and sisters. Almost two-thirds of those attending the Bible School rely on funding, including the added cost of transport. Many would like to attend the school but are unable to attend due to financial constraints. We believe we have a responsibility to ensure that we can continue to run the school, and not turn any away who desire to be at the Bible School. It is always a humbling experience to witness the warmth of fellowship and the growth of friendships between brothers and sisters at the school. Real meaning is found where “in Christ, there is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female, for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.”
To meet the ongoing funding demands, we have implemented a sponsorship program, where for $190 USD one person can be sponsored for a week. We are now seeking involvement from brothers and sisters in other regions. On our website we have opened up a page where donations can be made in a very easy way via debit or credit card.
You can also make donations through the Tidings, earmarking the donation for the South African Summer Bible School. The entity is a registered non-profit company (Reg No 2024/389550/08) and non-profit organization/charity (registration no 310-873 NPO).
We prayerfully ask you to visit our website. Even the smallest donation, such as the cost of a coffee, helps in the greater scheme of things. Please feel free to contact the committee members whose details are on the website for further information or any questions you may have. We are praying for our Heavenly Father’s blessing on the community these last days so that when our Lord returns, he may find a people ready and waiting to welcome him with joy and gladness.
Questions can be addressed to Bro Travis Sinclair:
Travis Sinclair,
South African Christadelphian
Summer Bible School Committee