Walking with Jesus Christ: The Bible as Your Guide
We are excited to preview for our community a new seminar series that was taped in July in Southern California. The series is “Walking with Jesus Christ: The Bible as Your Guide.”

This series was designed for a public audience, especially during this time of the Coronavirus pandemic, when many families are reflective about their priorities and interactions with their loved ones, as well as with God. Some are genuinely looking for answers, which they are not finding in the world around them.
The intent of the seminar is to refer viewers back to Scriptures to see how there are real, tangible answers to the challenges that they are facing in modern times.
This six part series contains mini-modules, which deal with specific points made in the six classes. The classes deal with Interpersonal Relations, The Use of Money, Marriage and Family, Overcoming Stress and Anxiety, Citizenship and Having a Future Focus. They are designed to provide an overview on these topics for those not familiar with the Bible.
This series is also available on the Bible Truth and Prophecy website for public distribution. Series page: https://cdvideo.org/wwj Additional seminar videos can be accessed here: https://bibletruthandprophecy.com/learn-with-bible-seminars/
A special thank you to Bre. Ed and Doug Hawthorne and their video and editing crew, for the rapid turnaround of these materials.
Introduction and Overview:
Interpersonal Relationships
Presented by Brother Dave Jennings
In this class, session one discusses how we must have a fundamental belief that God is in control of all aspects of our lives. Session two deals with understanding and applying forgiveness, both when there is reconciliation and even when there is not. Finally, in session three we will look at some of the Scriptural principles for navigating through conflict and other interpersonal challenges.
Use of Money
Jesus teaches frequently about money in the Gospels. In these sessions, we will look at four principles: generosity, warnings about the love of money, how to not be dependent on money, and warnings about debts and loans. Presented by Brother Jeff Gelineau.
Marriage and Family
In this class, we will look at three aspects of Marriage and Family. First we will examine how marriage was Divinely created and what the purpose of marriage was. In session two, we will examine the goals of a Godly marriage and how the wisdom of God is seen in His design. The third session examines the priorities for families and God’s direction for raising children. Presented by Brother Greg Robinson.
Overcoming Stress and Anxiety
In this class, three sessions examine the challenges associated with stress and anxiety. In session one, there is a diagnosis of what causes stress and anxiety. Session two examines how men and women of faith learned that they could overcome stress and anxiety by following Jesus. The third session speaks specifically how we can apply these righteous principles into our lives. Presented by Brother Erik Sternad.
This class looks at the important principles of being good citizens in the countries we are living in. Session one discusses how we are to prioritize our citizenship in a Heavenly Kingdom. In session two, we examine our relationship to government and authorities and compliance to such issues as payment of taxes. Presented by Brother Jim Styles.
Having a Future Focus
This class looks at the positive and uplifting skill of having a focus on what God will bring about in the future. Session one looks at how God is creating a family of believers. Session two discusses God’s Plan for His family and how he will accomplish His purpose through the redeemed nation of Israel and Saints out of every land. In session three, we close with a refreshing and motivating look at the coming Kingdom of God, and why we should seek it and God’s righteousness in our lives. Presented by Brother Richard Morgan.