Lord, Teach Us to Pray
Various Authors / Published in 2023 / Paperback, Kindle
In 2023, the Tidings magazine ran a year-long series of articles attempting to take a fresh Scriptural look at prayer. Many helpful articles focused on prayer effectiveness and setting prayer as a priority. However, this series attempted to take a more diagnostic look at prayer. How can we better understand the gracious opportunity for prayer in the life of a believer? How can we realize the opportunity for intimacy with our God? What can we do to make prayer a more powerful part of our personal and ecclesial lives?
Our sincere thanks to the brethren agreed to write these articles. We provide them all here in one place for your encouragement.

Doctrines to be Rejected – A study in the second section of the Birmingham Amended Statement of Faith
Hemingray, Peter and Bilello, Peter | Published in 2023 | Paperback (283 Pages), Kindle
The significance and importance of our Statement of Faith is undoubted. Our community is largely bound together by the Biblical Principles that are to be found in the Bible, of which the BASF is regarded as a true account. It is not necessarily the only true account: many ecclesias have adopted their own “Statement of Faith”, but all acknowledge the validity of the BASF. In areas of dispute, we tend to strongly emphasize a few phrases or sections. These were added to clarify the position of the community in times of dispute.

Legalism vs. Faith, Second Edition
Levin, David | Revised in 2023 | Paperback (246 Pages), Kindle, Audiobook
The basic premise of Legalism vs. Faith is: legalism is the human tendency to reduce religion to a set of rules to follow and behaviors to perform. Legalism is about rules, rituals and rewards, not about reliance, trust and gratitude, the values that describe a healthy relationship with God.

The Women of Matthew 1
Booker, George | Published in 2023 | Paperback, Kindle
Matthew 1 traces Jesus’ lineage forward from Abraham through to David. It emphasizes the great Jewish covenants and the progression of God’s purpose, finally fulfilled in Jesus, who is the seed of Abraham and the king of Israel. Here in Matthew 1 is a lengthy list of names, a list that can be very dull to read. But if we make the genealogy personal, it comes alive. Read the genealogy as though it were your own family history. It is! “For if you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham’s seed (Gal 3:26-29), and heirs according to the promises” (Gal 3:16, 27-29).

Parker, Bruce | Published in 2023 | Paperback, Kindle
These “Starters” are brief, intentionally incomplete studies of Bible-related topics intended to aid you in personal meditation, study, group discussions, or preparations for presentations. They are intended to prompt your initial interest, leading you to further thoughts and study, alone or with others. The intended result is the development of encouraging, relevant, and instructive materials.