Retirement of Bro. John Bilello

The word “retirement” is not a word that one could or should apply to Bro. John Bilello (Ann Arbor Ecclesia, MI). John has served the community in many ways for 31 years, including his roles on the Tidings magazine committee. He was our first chairperson and continued in that role for fifteen years. He also served as a book editor for many years. Now, at 86, he has decided to refocus his energies through further article writing and speaking engagements.
John has been a member of ecclesias in North America from New York to California, and currently, the Midwest at Ann Arbor. On multiple occasions, he lived overseas and was a member of ecclesias in the UK. These experiences gave him great insight into the spiritual needs of brothers and sisters of diverse backgrounds. All this helped to equip him in his contributions to the Christadelphian Tidings Magazine and in sharing the word by teaching at multiple Bible Schools across North America and sharing studies with brothers and sisters in Australia, the U.K., New Zealand, China, and South Africa.
While most visible, his work and contributions to the Tidings were not a solo effort. While not officially a committee member, his wife, sister Mary Bilello, provided John with daily support during his tenure. It began with joint chores of stuffing, addressing, and stamping envelopes for thousands of hard copies of the magazine and fulfilling book orders for many years. Mary’s help went far beyond. She has been that spiritual confidant, a help meet for him, a true partner, providing sound Scriptural counsel on articles and issues that would come to the attention of the Tidings. Some descriptions of a virtuous woman in Proverbs 31 come to mind:
John has provided steady leadership and counsel to the Tidings committee and editorial team for over thirty years, as many topics needed spiritual wisdom based on a sound understanding of Godly principles. John has shared similar counsel through many articles and has authored several books to benefit the community. His book, “Bible Guidelines for a Happy Marriage,” is an example of one that has helped many in the community. A free PDF copy of the book can be downloaded at:
John has worked tirelessly to help build the faith of brothers and sisters in the way of Christ. We would be remiss if we did not mention the disappointment John has felt, that despite 50+ years of prayerful effort, we have not yet seen the uniting of the body of Christ in North America (Amended, Unamended, and CGAF). There are various opinions as to why not. John’s perspective is that it comes down to a lack of trust and humility on the part of all. He believes that if the brethren step up and apply these missing pieces, our Heavenly Father will bless them.
John’s added passion and encouragement for all of us is the need to share the Word and preach more—not just through committees and organized events but personally, one-on-one, with friends, neighbors, colleagues, and family members. We commend his most recent article,, as it reflects the importance he sees in preaching to a world without a shepherd.
While no longer formally on the Tidings Committee, we will no doubt continue to seek his input and counsel as much as possible. Thank you, Bro. John, and Sis. Mary, for all your years of service.
On behalf of the Tidings Committee and Editorial Team,
Alan Markwith,
The Christadelphian Tidings
Publishing Committee