August 25, 2021
Genesis 1:26 has dual application: history and prophecy. Both must be clearly identified and not confused with each other.
August 25, 2021
When we read the book of Galatians, we often think about salvation by works versus salvation by faith, as this is one of the major teaching points of the epistle. At the same time, somehow supporting this theme, the apostle Paul quotes heavily from the prophecy of Isaiah.
May 25, 2021
Our story begins with the humanist scholar and theologian, Desiderius Erasmus, whose motto was ad fontes—to the sources.
May 25, 2021
We are willing to be open about our sins with our brothers and sisters, laying our hearts before God, asking for His help to be more like His beloved Son.
May 25, 2021
We are called to become a connected, united family of faith, through which all nations will be blessed.
April 25, 2021
April 25, 2021
Let's examine the history of when the Bible was first translated into English and see how that process became part of the need and desire for textual criticism.
April 25, 2021
Scripture is liberally seasoned with the provision of food and woven with the golden thread of hospitality. How might we practically use ideas about food to follow Jesus?
April 25, 2021
As Christians, we must strive to overcome our survival instincts and to accept the portion of blame, however small or large it may be, that lies at our door.
March 25, 2021
In Part 3, we show how the ethical and moral values of the people were now based on what seemed right in their own eyes and we'll consider several ways in which the same thing could so easily happen in our lives.
March 25, 2021
There is no power strong enough to batter God's truth down, so don’t be afraid of approaching Scripture with an open mind.