Book Review: “Starters”
The aim is that the studies will draw the listener to Christ, to loving service, to a fresh love of God's word.

Written by Bruce Parker
Reviewed by Mike Hardy
“Starters” consists, as the title says, of fifty-two ideas that act as a starting point for talks, sermons, discussions, and private study. It is the intention of the writer and of the publisher that they will reach a wider readership than our community, so the content lacks a particularly Christadelphian “flavor.” Each chapter is short enough not to be prescriptive and long enough to provide sufficient material for development. They avoid the danger of predictability, remaining lively, inventive and enjoyable.
The topics are organized under the headings: Christian Walk, Relationships, Bible, God and Jesus, Trials and Faith. The appendix gives examples where the framework has been worked up into a complete presentation.
William Barclay wrote that the success of a talk depended on three things: “You must give your listeners something to learn, something to feel and something to do.” We are good at “something to learn.” Most of our talks are consistently Bible-based. One of the virtues of this book is that it also addresses the other two categories. Unless the “something to learn” generates an emotional response in us, it remains an academic exercise, and we can keep at arms’ length any implication that we need to make a change in our life. The need for “something to feel’ is addressed in the book by suggestions for further prayer and meditation. Starters is also an intensely practical book with suggestions for further action: “something to do.”
Bro. Parker writes that “The aim is that the studies will draw the listener to Christ, to loving service, to a fresh love of God’s word.” Personally, I have found the book most useful in private study, leading and challenging my thoughts and providing encouragement for my own Christian walk.
Mike Hardy,
Kindal Ecclesia, UK
To purchase “Starters” online, see our Publications page