Guyana Bible School
This year the Kilcoy Berbice Ecclesia hosted the 51st Guyana Bible School, the first in-person Bible school in Guyana since the pandemic.

Attendees came from the six ecclesias in Guyana, Trinidad & Tobago, Barbados, Canada, the US, and as far away as Australia. The theme of the Bible School was “As children of light, let not the day of the Lord overtake you as a thief,” and the speakers were Bro. Rafeek Soolaman (BC) and Bro. John Pillion (WA).
The Kilcoy Ecclesia is a small ecclesia with only two brothers and a handful of sisters. Still, it had the monumental task of planning the school, finding accommodations, and cooking for close to 100 attendees as well as 30+ children who were invited from the village to participate in the Sunday School program.
The Bible School’s schedule was well-packed. As customary for Guyana Bible Schools, a lively question-and-answer period followed each class session. It was also the first opportunity since the pandemic for many members to join their voices together in singing with thanks to Sis. Alina, who lent her talents as a violinist to accompany the piano.
The Sunday School program in Kilcoy is a testament that even though the laborers are few, the harvest is plentiful. Preaching to the community through providing an open Sunday School and encouraging the children from the community to attend has always been an effective preaching tool in this area.
Kilcoy was once the largest and most active ecclesia in Guyana, with nearly 100 Sunday school Children—many of whom are now brothers and sisters living in various parts of the world. However, over the last few decades, a massive exodus of brothers and sisters from Guyana has left the ecclesia with its few members today. Still, the work continues today to spread God’s message of salvation to the children in the area.
The dozens of children invited to the Bible School this year did not come from Christadelphian parents but rather from a variety of religious backgrounds and levels of poverty, and some of them without access to a full education. The children were so eager for classes each day that many arrived an hour early and would sit patiently, wide-eyed, and keen to learn with us under the sweltering heat of the canopy for 3-4 hours at a time. They enjoyed engaging in singing, crafts, and lessons. Sis. Sharon and Sis. Carmel Glumac from the US helped with the teaching and activities.
Starting in 2022, Bro. John and I have been working closely with a group of young people that make up the Kilcoy CYC, giving weekly classes over Zoom while they attend in person at the Hall. We have about ten committed and consistent attendees, ages 13-22 years old.
The work and zeal of our Kilcoy brethren brought these contacts into their hall, and they continue to encourage and support this group of young people. This once shy group now asks challenging and thought-provoking questions as we teach first principle topics. We have forged a strong relationship with each of the young people, and it was extraordinary to meet them in person for the first time and spend several days getting to know each other better. We hope and pray they consider a commitment to Christ through baptism.
Many left the Bible School with their spirits revived and energized for the work of the Truth.
While visiting Guyana, we had the opportunity to hold a CYC in the New Amsterdam area, which was the first CYC since the pandemic and was attended by some of the young people in that area. We look forward to continuing to engage with this new group in learning about God’s word.
Please pray that God will prosper the work in this area and grant the increase. The Guyanese brethren have a special place in our hearts, and we remain committed to continuing the LORD’s work with the youth in this area. The ongoing work in the Kilcoy area filled us with hope and was reminiscent of the zeal and efforts of a time bygone when the ecclesia was first established. Many left the Bible School with their spirits revived and energized for the work of the Truth.
Dinah Pillion,
Monroe Ecclesia, WA