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Letters to the Editor (October 2024)

Two short comments from articles this past spring.
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The Power of Being Apolitical

I read your editorial in the June issue of Tidings (“The Power of Being Apolitical”—June 2024) with much profit. Although here in the UK we don’t have the issues relating to Christian nationalism to the same extent as in the USA, you will have heard that we now have a General Election coming up on 4 July (USA Independence Day, if memory serves correctly!). Some of the Biblical principles and thoughts you express are timeless and relevant worldwide.  

Ivor Southgate,
Bracknell Ecclesia, UK

The Devil and Demons in Jerusalem

I just wanted to share how helpful and timely “The Devil and Demons in Jerusalem” (May 2024) was, as I had literally been thinking about this topic one week ago, wondering how superstitions like spirits and demons crept into Jewish beliefs. Bro Jason’s article is really interesting and very informative and definitely prepared me for my next encounter with a Devil-believer! 

Graham Edwards,
Singapore Ecclesia

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