Breaking the Cycle: A Scriptural Approach to Domestic Violence – North American Edition
Weller, Andrew and Julie / Published in 2024 / Paperback (194 Pages), Kindle
Breaking the Cycle pulls back the curtain on the hidden reality of domestic violence, revealing its impact where we least expect it. This book uncovers the painful cycle that binds victims, and the subtle ways abuse takes root. We might wonder how such harm could exist in our faith community, or what Christ-like support it demands. With a Scriptural lens and the use of heartfelt stories, the authors guide readers to recognize abuse, respond with compassion and to set at liberty the oppressed. Through reflections and practical guidance, Breaking the Cycle is hopeful and empowers readers to break free from silence and be a source of light in the face of darkness.

Breaking the Cycle: A Scriptural Approach to Domestic Violence – Australia, New Zealand & United Kingdom Edition
Weller, Andrew and Julie / Published in 2024 / Paperback (194 Pages), Kindle
Breaking the Cycle pulls back the curtain on the hidden reality of domestic violence, revealing its impact where we least expect it. This book uncovers the painful cycle that binds victims, and the subtle ways abuse takes root. We might wonder how such harm could exist in our faith community, or what Christ-like support it demands. With a Scriptural lens and the use of heartfelt stories, the authors guide readers to recognize abuse, respond with compassion and to set at liberty the oppressed. Through reflections and practical guidance, Breaking the Cycle is hopeful and empowers readers to break free from silence and be a source of light in the face of darkness.

The Gospel According to Adam
Sleeper, Ted | Published in 2024 | Paperback (95 pages), Kindle
“Can you see the picture that is being put before us?” I asked the young man studying the Bible with me. Being able to understand words is one thing, but to see the picture God is painting is altogether another dimension.
If you are a regular Bible reader, you will have read the early chapters of Genesis many times over the years, probably at times feeling perplexed, and at other times excited and encouraged. So much of what we read in early Genesis is foundational to the rest of the Bible. We have the beginning of God’s great creative work of the heavens and the earth, the beginning of the first man, then first woman, the beginning of marriage and family. And, sadly, also the beginning of sin and its evil companion, death.
The rest of the Bible stands on these foundation stones; appreciating the lessons that are here can help our appreciation and understanding of what follows these early chapters. This book arises from my own personal meditations over many, many years on these early chapters of the Bible. I have found the lessons to be deep and powerful. You may already have lessons you have found and marveled at.
I hope this book will help you see the picture put before us in the early chapters of Genesis. I hope the book will add to your understanding and appreciation of God’s word, but more, I hope it will provide encouragement in those things that keep us strong in our faith and love of the Eternal One.

Actually True!
Farrar, William | Published in 2024 | Paperback (398 pages), Kindle
The gospels claim to be eyewitness accounts of real people and events. Yet many today think of them as made-up stories about a man called Jesus.
If the gospels are tales written long after the supposed events, Jesus and his teachings may be mere fables. But if they are accounts solidly rooted in the historical reality of the time, they should be taken seriously—because the likelihood is that they are, as claimed, God’s message to humanity.
This book addresses the claims of skeptics and offers evidence for those who seek an informed faith. It examines details and allusions in the gospel records through the eyes of secular historians, geographers, philosophers, politicians, poets and lawyers, from antiquity up to the twenty-first century.

The History of the San Diego Ecclesia
Hensley, Gordon | Published in 2024 | Paperback (84 pages), Kindle
This is the story of a Christadelphian Ecclesia in California that over the last 150 years went through several thrilling beginnings and disappointing endings. Regardless of how smooth or rocky the life (or death) of an ecclesia may be, its history is really the story of the people that it’s made up of, and how God works through them.
The first attempt to establish an ecclesia in San Diego involved a group of hearty settlers from Kansas. While this beginning eventually ended in failure, a final successful attempt was made 100 years later by two determined young couples. Their determination, and their reliance on God, has resulted in an ecclesia that has been thriving for 50 years. This shows us that our timetable is very different from God’s. What we believe is a failure, may over time and in God’s hands, turn out instead to be a success.

John Thomas – His Friends & His Faith (Second Edition)
Hemingray, Peter | Published in 2024 | Paperback (336 pages), Kindle
In the twenty years that have passed since the first edition, there has been uncovered much additional information as myself and others have continued to investigate John Thomas and his times. Also, information on the internet has greatly increased. This expanded edition therefore includes:
- An extended introduction to additional people who had major religious influences on John Thomas, and the impact of technology on his travels.
- Additional information on the family of John Thomas, especially a more developed relationship with his brother, Robert Innocence, who housed the rest of the Thomas family for years.
- Information on the early churches associated with John Thomas
- An introduction to his final baptizer, John Tomline Walsh, and the first Christadelphian Church building.
- Recently uncovered evidence on the early activities of Dr. Thomas as a doctor in Cincinnati, and additional information on Albert Anderson, the first and longest convert.
- An expanded section of military service and the Civil War in the South.

You Are Those Who Stood by Me
Paul Zilmer / Published in 2024 / Paperback, 212 pages
This book is historical fiction and the purpose is to help us see what that loyalty and friendship looks like, how it develops. We’re intended to see the men and women we meet in the Bible as examples, good and bad. We find the loyalty and friendship of those around Jesus are imperfect, full of ups and downs. What we’ll try to do is look through the eyes of some of those who proved to be loyal, who stood by Jesus. There are eleven Jesus speaks to in the upper room that night, but there are more friends than these, and we’ll spend time with some of them too.