Life Application
July 23, 2022
Before we get to the conclusion, let’s go back to the beginning. The Tidings Committee annually works to decide on a theme for a Special Issue as a combined July/August issue. This year the theme selected was “Contemporary Issues.” 
July 23, 2022
Some families of the Bible are shockingly dysfunctional...
July 23, 2022
For many of us living in the western world, the idea of being forced to flee our homes is unthinkable.
July 23, 2022
Back in college, years ago, I knew a young woman, a friend of a friend, you might say. She was a pleasant young lady, unoffensive in her demeanor and polite for the most part, but she had a rather promiscuous lifestyle.
July 23, 2022
My wife and I are shopping for our first home. It’s exciting, but also a little overwhelming.
July 23, 2022
Take a few seconds and think of the food you like the least...
July 23, 2022
"I can’t let Sister J. drive my kids to ecclesial functions anymore. We never know when she’s going to be under the influence.” “Brother and Sister X are getting divorced. She can’t deal any longer with his behavior while drinking. He continues to drink and becomes abusive to her and the kids when he does.”
July 23, 2022
It's a Sunday morning. You’re at the meeting, and the Recording Brother goes up to the podium to give the ecclesial announcements...
May 25, 2022
Witchcraft is a widespread and grave issue in African culture, and in other countries around the world. African media, including news, entertainment, and even magic programs on satellite TV, describe witchcraft as a dangerous threat that needs to be confronted.
April 25, 2022
Basic Truths of God Applied in Our Lives
April 25, 2022
WCF is committed to helping disciples of Christ grow faith across the whole arc of life. The Apostle Paul compares this journey to running a grand race, a race won by a persevering faith.
February 25, 2022
It is our relationship with God that saves us, not solely our knowledge of Him.
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