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August 31, 2022
We make Jesus angry when we are unforgiving.
August 28, 2022
So, it’s good, as Paul did, to make plans to get together—even if it involves traveling long distances to do so.  And good to pray for God’s blessing on the plans we make.
August 25, 2022
God recognizes and loves those who give their life to create a divine legacy.
August 25, 2022
The Truth has been growing in Mexico, Central, and South America since the late 1950s, when missionary families began residing in several countries. Currently, our mission workers support seventeen ecclesias in fifteen countries across Latin America.
August 25, 2022
A new Sunday School endeavor.
August 25, 2022
Sister Karen Hutchinson, of Austin, age 63, died on May 11. I know that she would be embarrassed to hear what I am about to say, but since she can’t hear it, I feel free to speak.
August 25, 2022
When we think of first principles, we talk about fundamental things to our faith and religion. So, what is the most basic of all first principles, the foundation on which everything else gets built? The question answers itself.
August 25, 2022
My mother sat down on the edge of my bed and tucked me in for the night. My brother and sister were in the same room, and we all waited eagerly for the story. What was it going to be this time?
August 25, 2022
There are at least eight people featured in the crucifixion account. We will consider these people, and the likelihood they would become disciples.
August 25, 2022
The Barbados Ecclesia is blessed to have a number of very good Bible students who love the word and are excited by it.
August 25, 2022
We may love singing the Psalms, but we can also just enjoy them as they come to us in Scripture, as poetry. The following is a collection of reflections written by Christadelphian about the Psalms that speak most loudly in their own lives.
August 25, 2022
A long weekend bible school.
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