November 25, 2020
I grew up playing piano and guitar. By the age of 14, I had stopped attending anything to do with the ecclesia, and I was off following my other interests. For those four or five years I did not have any real connection with Christadelphian meetings—my parents both went to the ecclesia regularly, but I had always found it so boring!
November 25, 2020
I hope, brothers and sisters, that this short story will fill your hearts.
November 25, 2020
As the world now completes more than a half-year under the COVID-19 pandemic, there is news that several vaccines may be available to the public in the coming months.
November 25, 2020
Imagine what would happen if everyone attended services in their underwear? Or is it best not to imagine!? WHO? WHAT? WEAR?
November 25, 2020
The same God who created every living thing on this earth also provides mankind with the intelligence and the resources to make vaccines.
November 25, 2020
The book of Exodus presents two perspectives: those of Yahweh and those of Pharaoh. One of the crucial exhortations for the children of Israel concerns which viewpoint they would adopt. Would they take after Pharaoh or seek after God?
November 23, 2020
A few days ago I read Psalms 111 and 112 (which, most scholars agree, are a pair that are linked together). I was powerfully struck, once again, by the lessons in these psalms.
November 19, 2020
What was in Peter’s mind, that he ended up in the courtyard at the high priest’s house while Jesus was on trial inside? What did he think his presence there would do?
November 17, 2020
It’s possible to teach simplified versions of Bible stories to our children, and then feel like we ourselves have outgrown those stories. But the reality is that the originals are stories for grownups. Just because we may have outgrown the simplified version doesn’t mean there’s nothing more there for us.
November 13, 2020
It’s not that human beings are incapable of good. If we were incapable, then what would be the sense of all the commands and exhortations we read, all the imploring by the Almighty and His Son? They beg us to do good, to do right. It must be that we are capable of heeding them.
November 10, 2020
God demonstrates inclusivity throughout scripture and requires it of His people.
October 25, 2020
Music is a God-given tool for our spiritual walk. We can use it to express adoration and thankfulness to God and to draw us closer to Him in reverent and heartfelt communion. Music can motivate, teach, comfort, exhort, remind and inspire.