August 25, 2022
In a divided world we come to realize more than ever how important it is for us to live together in unity.
May 25, 2022
We all take great confidence in knowing that the Lord Jesus Christ will raise the dead and judge the “quick and dead at his appearing and his kingdom.” (2 Tim 4:1).
April 25, 2022
Our Lord himself was constantly focused on prayers for others. Praying for others, not only ourselves, is part of what defines a child of God.
February 25, 2022
It is the prayer of the Tidings Committee that the launch of the EcclesiaSafe program in your ecclesia will not only result in a program to prevent abuse but will also help to generate healthy dialog among us about the care of one another.
January 25, 2022
There is a place of refreshing unlike any other on earth. It is like a green pasture beside still waters. A place designed by God to refresh us.
December 24, 2021
There are a multitude of reasons why brothers, sisters and young people leave the Truth. I won’t attempt to list them here. But I will say that for some, it doesn’t mean they stopped believing.
November 25, 2021
Poverty has played a big part in generating interest. Two of the poorest countries, Mozambique and Malawi, account for over half our brothers and sisters in Africa. There remains a noticeable inverse relationship between riches and faith.
November 25, 2021
In just over two decades Christadelphians have become a much more diverse and global community. This is one of the greatest and most positive developments in the history of our community.
October 25, 2021
Life can be so confusing. Never in the history of man has a generation been so flooded with information and hugely diverse views on just about every topic. We are left to sort out what to embrace and what to discard.
September 2, 2021
To be a registered voter is to make a conscious and public declaration that you choose to be part of the political process of one of the Kingdoms of Men.
August 25, 2021
Scripture does not shield us from the disappointment that faithful men and women experienced when their own sons and daughters failed to adhere to the commandments of God. In fact, as we survey the Scriptures, there are many who stray from their parents’ commitments.
May 25, 2021
Being able to trust is essential for our lives. When we are children, we have unequivocal trust in the loving care of our parents. Marriages are built on trust. When these bonds are broken, they shake the very foundation of our lives. Likewise, fellowship is based on trust.