August 25, 2023
Knowledge alone has never been the intent of our God. But we are also encouraged to savor the tasty morsels of wisdom in Scripture.
July 25, 2023
With two simple words, Shawn was exhorting her children and mine to fall asleep thinking about the incomparable joys of the Kingdom. (Rom 8:18). 
May 25, 2023
God has always deeply cared about those most vulnerable.
April 25, 2023
When we see fragmentation and division of believers, what Godly principles may we find to heal the breach and glorify our Heavenly Father as one?
March 24, 2023
All people enter the wilderness. It is a land of solitude, where one stands completely alone and is tested. It is a time when we learn about ourselves and what matters to us.
February 24, 2023
God provides spiritual strength to men and women who have faith in him. Those of the Spirit are given an ability that the flesh cannot accomplish—to discern spiritual things.
January 25, 2023
The phrase, edify or edification, is used exclusively by the Apostle Paul in Scripture. It carries the concept of building, either physically (like a house) or as a metaphor for promoting spiritual growth. In all cases, it is a positive term.
December 23, 2022
Pride has been man’s enemy since the Garden of Eden. It was pride that responded to the temptation of the serpent.
November 25, 2022
 When we carefully read our Scriptures, we are awed by the “project management” we see by our God and His angels. He is steadily working in the nations to bring about the fulfillment of His will.
October 25, 2022
We are pleased to share this guest editorial by Bro. John MacDougall. It was originally part of an exhortation given at the Portage Ecclesia, IN. The wisdom of Bro. John in this article is of utmost value to our community.
September 25, 2022
God would provide ecclesias with what was needed to make it through the challenges to their faith
August 25, 2022
The Truth has been growing in Mexico, Central, and South America since the late 1950s, when missionary families began residing in several countries. Currently, our mission workers support seventeen ecclesias in fifteen countries across Latin America.
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