Life Application
February 24, 2023
If you are same-sex-attracted, single, or just trying to support someone else who is facing these challenges, you are going to find a lot to help in the pages of this book.
February 24, 2023
Have you ever really considered what Jesus was trying to help us accomplish when he instituted the Breaking of Bread all those years ago with his disciples? Is it the Last Supper? Or the First Supper?
January 25, 2023
I have gone to God in sincere and earnest prayer on many occasions and not had my prayer answered... How do we make sense of this? How do we reconcile God’s prayer guarantees with our experienced reality?
January 25, 2023
Have you ever wondered about Apostle Paul's warning about eating the bread or drinking the cup of the Lord in an unworthy manner (1 Cor 11:27)?
January 25, 2023
This new book, by Brother Peter Ojike of Nigeria is a powerful work that demonstrates the gracious hand of God in the life of Benjamin.
December 23, 2022
This article suggests undisciplined disciplined prayer can be life changing. In fact, it has changed my life.
December 23, 2022
In the previous article, part 1 of Jephthah’s daughter’s story, we solved many mysteries
December 23, 2022
All things in moderation. Eat well-balanced meals. Live a balanced life. We’re familiar with these common sayings about balance.
November 25, 2022
Over the next two issues, we will be previewing Bro. John Pople's new book, "Leading Ladies," which is being planned for publication in early 2023, Lord willing. We will begin by previewing the story of Jephthah's daughter.
November 25, 2022
“Casting All Your Care Upon Him” is designed to provide you with daily meditations and reminders of the help and encouragement contained in God’s word.
November 25, 2022
We live in an attention economy. Put simply, this means that organizations have realized that our attention is a valuable commodity.
October 25, 2022
Jewish tradition attributes the Book of Job to Moses, making it the oldest book in the Bible. Yet it offers no hint of the Red Sea crossing, the giving of the Law, or the Israelites’ wilderness wanderings. This suggests Job’s trials and their dramatic retelling took place before Moses led the Israelites out of Egypt.