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October 7, 2021
Wait, just a little longer.  But we’re like children; “a little longer” feels like forever.
October 3, 2021
Yearning is defined as “longing” for something.  Some dictionaries add that it’s “persistent”, some describe it as “often melancholy”, some add “especially for something you cannot have”. 
September 25, 2021
God’s teachings are so often done via metaphor, and the harvest is a rich one.
September 25, 2021
When I was looking at the back cover of the July/August special issue, I was struck by a statement made on that page
September 25, 2021
At times when you dig into a subject thoroughly, you might come to a startling conclusion that does not align with what you were taught. What do you do with these revelations? How do you validate your conclusions?
September 25, 2021
It is important for us to remember the principles laid down in scripture for our guidance in scriptural disputes.
September 25, 2021
The Tidings October 2021 issue is dedicated to identifying and appreciating the Scriptural principles of godly disagreement.
September 25, 2021
How we deal with disagreement is crucial for the social well-being of our community, its unity, and reflects on the second great commandment, that we love one another as we love ourselves.
September 25, 2021
I thought I was sharing wisdom. I thought I was defending the Gospel message. In reality, I was a fool that only cared about my thoughts being heard. I failed to consider this person was also a member of God’s family that also derived their core values from the Bible.
September 25, 2021
There will inevitably be disagreements among us, even about how to live a godly life. There are two challenges for us in dealing with disagreement. The first is to discern how important the issue is. The second is to know how to conduct ourselves. There is plenty of guidance for us in the Scriptures but we can’t find much better than Romans 14:1- 15:7.
September 25, 2021
All considerations of how we should behave must start with the golden rule, to treat each other as we want to be treated; and the new commandment, to love one another as Christ loved us.
September 25, 2021
Vaccination has nothing to do with our walk together to the Kingdom. It’s the walk we have in common.
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