All God’s Children Have Names, Part 12
The concluding doxology (praise to God), though briefer, is like the previous doxologies in Romans 8:31-39 and 11:33-36.

The concluding doxology (praise to God), though briefer, is like the previous doxologies in Romans 8:31-39 and 11:33-36.
Romans 16:25:
Now to him who is able to establish you by my gospel: The apostle was confident that God could do for his readers whatsoever they needed (cp Rom 1:11; Eph 3:20; Phil 4:13). The gospel is God’s primary instrument to accomplish that end. Paul called it “my gospel” because he had preached it widely and had explained it in this letter.
The gospel first had to be revealed, in its fullness, after which it could be proclaimed to the Gentiles.
And the proclamation of Jesus Christ: The “proclamation, or preaching, of Jesus Christ” is another name for the gospel (good news) with the emphasis on its subject: the gospel is about Jesus Christ. The phrase may also mean: “the preaching by Jesus Christ,” but the first option is more reasonable here.
The gospel first had to be revealed, in its fullness, after which it could be proclaimed to the Gentiles. The gospel had been hidden (“sigao,” more literally, “kept silent”) in past times until God spoke of it first in the Old Testament and then more fully in the New Testament.
According to the revelation of the mystery: Revelation” translates the Greek “apokalupsis”: to uncover or reveal. It is of course the name of the last book in the New Testament, but — more than that — it is also another way of describing the preaching and teaching of the gospel.
Elsewhere, the mystery plainly has to do with the gospel which would be proclaimed to and believed by the Gentiles as well as the Jews. This is stated in the following:
“The unsearchable riches of Christ” were to be “preached to the Gentiles” (Eph 3:3,4,8,9).
God gave Paul a commission to preach the word of God, which consists of
Hidden for long ages past: As noted above, the Greek word for “hidden” literally means ‘kept secret (i.e., KJV) or silent’. However, when Paul discussed the same theme in Ephesians 3:9 and Colossians 1:26, he used a different word (“apokrypto”), which really does mean “kept hidden”—compare the English word “cryptic.” “Apokrypto” (to conceal away from sight, and thus to hide) is the opposite of “apokalupsis” (to take the cover away, and thus to reveal).
Romans 16:26:
…but now revealed and made known through the prophetic writings: Even though the Old Testament prophets revealed the gospel to some extent, they did not always grasp all of its implications (1 Pet 1:10-12; see Rom 1:2). It remained for Jesus, the apostles, and the New Testament to “reveal” this gospel more fully. The word is “phaneroo,” which means to display, disclose, or “make manifest” (KJV).
…by the command of the eternal God: God, through His Son, commanded this revealing or making known of the gospel to all nations, in what is often called “the Great Commission”—a commission which embraces all nations in the divine purpose which it proclaims:
This recalls the language which Paul used in speaking of his calling (Rom 1:1,5; Titus 1:3). Col 1:25-27, quoted above (see v 25), is in the same vein. Paul had a special commission and concern to reach the Gentiles, as their special apostle (Rom 11:13).
…so that all nations might believe and obey him…: Paul is stating plainly the “mystery” of verse 25 has to do with the gospel being proclaimed to “all nations,” that is, all non-Jews, referred to in the Bible as “Gentiles,” or nations—“goyim” in Hebrew, and “ethnos” in Greek.
Romans 16:27:
God is described under two terms, “only” and “wise”:
- “Only” (cp 1 Tim 1:17) recalls the line of thought in Rom 3:29,30. He is the only God of both Jew and Gentile—there cannot possibly be any other—who offers salvation to both groups through the good news of His Son. The simple fact that one God is the Father and Savior of all humankind should encourage love and brotherhood among all people, as much as is possible. After all, all human beings “are his offspring” (Acts 17:28), and we are, all together, “neighbors” of one another (Matt 22:39; Mark 12:31; Luke 10:27- 37).
- “Wise” invites the reader to recall Paul’s outpouring of praise to God in His wisdom (Rom 11:33), which brings to a close the long review of His dealings with Israel in relation to His purpose with the Gentiles. Wisdom is also allied to the hidden/revealed tension noted in verse 25, as we gather also from 1 Cor 2:6,7.