Job’s Quest
Archard, Ethel | Published in 2022 | Paperback (166 pages)
After his upright, comfortable life falls apart, Job embarks on a quest for answers, culminating in a spiritual transformation. Through devastating losses, physical suffering, rejection and false accusations, he persists in trying to understand his seemingly arbitrary and punitive God. Finally, God Himself intervenes, bringing Job to an awesome and humbling appreciation of his Creator and his own lived experience. Job’s Quest explores the context, historical background, literary form, imagery and universal message of this fascinating biblical masterpiece.
Or, purchase the Student Edition (black & white).
Benjamin and Grace
Ojike, Peter | Published in 2022 | Paperback, Kindle
A powerful work that demonstrates the gracious hand of God in the life of Benjamin. Beginning by examining the relationship between Benjamin and his older brother, Judah and then developing the story of the failure of the house of Saul, and the mercy to be shown to David’s son. We then go to the First Century, where Benjamin’s Saul of Tarsus ravens as a wolf, but is transformed by the gospel of grace. Finally the book demonstrates how this will all culminate in the Kingdom of God, when Christ will sit on the throne of grace in Zion. Benjamin and his descendants teach us about grace in ways we may not learn from any other character in the Bible, apart from Christ.
Within the Camps
Hemingray, Peter | Published in 2021 | Paperback (253 pages), Kindle
How many know about Ernest Wells, who died in Leavenworth Prison for his faith. Or of those who suffered torture, imprisonment, and shipment overseas so that succeeding generations might be able to avoid such treatment. Christadelphians in North America suffered greatly in WW1 to establish the principle that they could not, in good conscience, serve in the Armed Forces in any capacity, so they were, at best, forced into Army camps after conscription, or sentenced to prison. In WW2, they were sent to camps to perform manual labor under sometimes harsh conditions in remote locations – and in the case of the USA, forced to pay for the privilege. It is to remind us of their sacrifice for their faith that this book was written, and it is to be hoped that it will help ensure their sacrifice in the camps was not in vain.
Exploring Bible Language
Fowler, Alan and Margaret | Reprinted in 2020 | Paperback (223 pages), PDF, eBook
In Exploring Bible Language, Alan and Margaret Fowler combined an in-depth knowledge of the languages in which the Bible was originally written with a scientific, scripture-based view of the physical world. This new edition brings their keen insights to today’s Bible students. Click on any of the links below to find out a bit more about this book!
Minute Meditations – Complete (11th) Edition
Lloyd, Robert | Published in 2020 | Paperback (586 pages), eBook
Encouraging, uplifting and spiritual insights into everyday life by Brother Bob Lloyd. It only takes a minute… This 11th, and Complete Edition, contains every one of Bob’s Minute Meditations printed in the Christadelphian Tidings over a 57-year period.
The Joy of Sunday Schooling
Harper, Jim | Published in 2019 | Book (417 pages)
An extensive resource to help Sunday school teachers and youth leaders in their important work. It draws on a wealth of Sunday school expertise, with 44 chapters, divided into three main parts:
- Part 1 – Sunday School Matters. (How to be an effective teacher, from curriculum, to teaching methods, to meeting today’s challenges.)
- Part 2 – What Others Have Done. (Personal stories. Examples of successful approaches to involve students in the learning process, contributed by teachers, parents, and students.)
- Part 3 – Ready to Use. (Resources to integrate into any curriculum, such as decision-making activities, case studies, life-applications, plays, object lessons, games, puzzles, and more.)
Little Words
Bilello, John | Published in 2017 | Paperback (272 pages)
Explore the meanings of key Bible words, their subtleties of meaning and their applications to our walk in Christ. This book shows there is no need to be a specialist in ancient Hebrew and Greek to properly understand the Word – the Bible conveys God’s Truth irrespective of time, culture, and language of translation.
Cain – His Life, His Legacy
Harrison, Matt | Published in 2016 | Paperback, 106 Pages
Cain, Abel and their descendants were real people who lived in a unique historical context that is relevant even now. This study probes the lessons of the period before the Flood and explores questions Bible students have long asked, such as:
- What was the mark of Cain?
- Did Enoch die like every other mortal?
- Who were the Nephilim?
Cain is named several times in the New Testament, although the Old Testament mentions him only in Genesis 4. Find out why was he was so significant to the early ecclesia.
A Bible Journal – Observations Along the Way
Booker, George | Published in 2015 | Paperback (305 Pages), eBook
This sequel to On the Way is the album of a spiritual journey, offering encouragement and food for thought to fellow travelers along the Way. Its pages present in-depth studies and thoughtful exhortations, as well as lighter meditations and musings. The subject matter is wide-ranging: practical issues, Bible exposition, biographical sketches, reflections on today’s world, personal viewpoints, and more.