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December 22, 2022
There she was in bed, dying, and the next thing she knows, she is here. 
November 25, 2022
Our visits have been focused on maintaining the Ecclesia and holding Bible Classes and drop-in sessions with some of our regular visitors.
November 25, 2022
Many of us are familiar with archaic English only from reading the King James Version of the Bible, such as "thou" and "thee" instead of "you," and all the strange verb forms ending with "eth" or “est.” Where did such words come from? Why did they disappear? And is there any reason to perpetuate them today?
November 25, 2022
This grace was given me: to preach to the Gentiles the unsearchable riches of Christ. (Eph 3:8)
November 25, 2022
Over the next two issues, we will be previewing Bro. John Pople's new book, "Leading Ladies," which is being planned for publication in early 2023, Lord willing. We will begin by previewing the story of Jephthah's daughter.
November 25, 2022
“Casting All Your Care Upon Him” is designed to provide you with daily meditations and reminders of the help and encouragement contained in God’s word.
November 25, 2022
Last month, we looked at the initial reaction of the Athenians to Paul’s preaching. They thought, by teaching about Jesus and the resurrection, that Paul was talking about some new gods—or demons—that they had never heard of before. Paul will take advantage of the situation using Greek rhetoric to get his point across.
November 25, 2022
In every generation, there needs to be a Phinehas if the truth is to thrive and survive the onslaught of immorality.
November 25, 2022
It was very early in the morning. The sun had barely begun to lighten the sky when the old man arose and hurriedly roused two of his servants. Then he went to wake his son.
November 25, 2022
The Simi Hills Preaching Fund (SHPF) was started 22 years ago for the purpose of assisting ecclesias in their efforts to accomplish their mission to preach in their communities, and to serve their ecclesial members.
November 25, 2022
 When we carefully read our Scriptures, we are awed by the “project management” we see by our God and His angels. He is steadily working in the nations to bring about the fulfillment of His will.
November 25, 2022
We live in an attention economy. Put simply, this means that organizations have realized that our attention is a valuable commodity.
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