Preaching and Teaching
June 30, 2020
One out of every four Christadelphians live in Mozambique. 15% of all Christadelphians live in Malawi. When you read those two statements above, what thoughts come to mind? For some people this might be information that they are very familiar with, but for the majority of brethren in North America I think those two statements will be quite startling.
June 30, 2020
The gap between the tremendous preaching successes in Africa and India and the obstacles to growth we face in traditional areas is astounding. We need to rejoice in the former and overcome the latter. The Tidings will do all we can to encourage both. We’ll be eager to provide an ongoing forum for continued discussion and reporting of progress.
May 29, 2020
A few months ago David and I were visiting with the Harvey River ecclesia at the home of its recording brother, Matthew Williams. The drive is a rough one, winding along pothole studded bamboo shaded roads, up through the hills, almost an hour from the closest main city, Lucea.
May 29, 2020
Well it has been just over four weeks now since Isaiah and I safely arrived at our apartment here in La Paz, Bolivia. It was quite the journey to get here, and we were not entirely sure that we would even make it!
May 29, 2020
“Come to Macedonia!” Paul received this vision during his second missionary journey, a lesson I had recently taught to my Sunday School scholars. And so he went, not doubting the directive.
May 6, 2020
Bro. Jerry Hirst (San Francisco Ecclesia) and I recently made a trip to Trinidad and Tobago (T&T) at the end of February, right about the time the Coronavirus concern was ramping up.  Earlier, we had considered not going, but at the time...
April 29, 2020
Bro. Mark Carr asked me to accompany him this past January for a two-week pastoral visit to Guyana, South America. When we landed at the airport outside of Georgetown...
March 4, 2020
The Convivencia this past November in Chile, the southern cone of South America was a special one: brothers and sisters came from many countries in Latin America, there were two baptisms...
February 5, 2020
It was a joy to visit our brethren, sisters and friends in Peru and Chile. As usual, a series of lectures was held in the Hotel Kamaná in the historic center of Lima. The immensity of the city with its 10 million residents and heavy traffic has made it difficult to find a venue accessible to everyone.
January 5, 2020
Bro. David and Sis. Cassie Giordano have been full-time field workers on the island since January 2018, and will be heading home in March 2020. To continue building on their work in 2020 and beyond, we hope to sponsor more fieldworkers as soon as possible.
October 6, 2019
Maybe you, like me, think about the Truth somewhat incrementally. Over time, we have seen outreach produce a few baptisms, and ecclesial results are generally measured by the handful, not by the bushel. But this may be due to our own faulty thinking and limited experience...
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