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May 25, 2022
In the the following interview from April 6, 2022, Bro. Levi Myers and Bro. Levi Gelineau speak with Sis. Rachel Hocking of Brisbane, Australia about her role in the creation of the Purple and Orange Worship Books. These are compilations of Christadelphian-authored compositions which have greatly contributed to music in our community.
May 25, 2022
Easter weekend of April 15-18 marked the 50th Bible School held in Guyana.
April 29, 2022
Why do we have two accounts for the “Sermon on the Mount”?
April 25, 2022
As they’d agreed, they meet while it’s still dark.  A few of them have brought what spices they’ve been able to locate.  Quietly, they take the short walk out of the city to the cemetery.  The moon is going down as the sunrise begins. 
April 25, 2022
In our continuing series of courageous women in the Bible, Sis. Melinda Flatley looks at six women who played significant roles in the life of Moses.
April 25, 2022
Whoever is generous to the poor lends to the Lord, and he will repay him for his deed. (Prov 19:17 ESV).
April 25, 2022
Basic Truths of God Applied in Our Lives
April 25, 2022
Sometimes when we’re in the middle of troubles, God will seem distant. We’ll be left looking for assurance and comfort, and we will sometimes wonder where God is because He won’t be as obvious as we’d like.
April 25, 2022
To deal with the inner demons that can plague us, often we turn to the Psalms. They’re a source of comfort for all kinds of situations we find ourselves in.
April 25, 2022
Adam and Eve’s first mistake was to go near the tree. They shouldn't have been anywhere near it. If they completely avoided it, they wouldn't have been influenced to go against God’s will.
April 25, 2022
WCF is committed to helping disciples of Christ grow faith across the whole arc of life. The Apostle Paul compares this journey to running a grand race, a race won by a persevering faith.
April 25, 2022
Some still think that it did not rain until the time of the Flood in the days of Noah... If Scripture actually stated this, it would be difficult to imagine.
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