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January 25, 2021
The human body has several defense mechanisms to protect us from injury or illness. But few are more underappreciated than the small, yet powerful, taste buds.
January 25, 2021
This winter, The Garden Outreach Project was blessed with both the support of the WCF and the engagement of the Christadelphian community in launching our first National Outreach Initiative!
January 21, 2021
How did Jesus ever come to be in what we now call Lebanon?  We know about his excursion there because of his encounter with a woman, called Syrophoenician by Mark, Canaanite by Matthew.  Why was he there? 
January 17, 2021
It’s become a cliché to say that something is “a marathon not a sprint”.  There are certainly times in life when a brief very intense effort is called for.  Yet most of life shows the cliché is the reality—most things in life require long-term, sustained effort.
January 15, 2021
Thirty years, and he still surprises her!  Meal follows meal, day follows day, year follows year…and things you shouldn’t forget just seem to fade into the background.  You shouldn’t be surprised, but you are.
January 14, 2021
I can’t remember the last time I heard a speaker or teacher direct my attention to the prophet Habakkuk.  Rereading his short, three chapter book, I’m wondering why.  There’s a lot there to build up believers, as the New Testament writers clearly understood. 
January 13, 2021
Unanimity is an exceedingly rare commodity.  Agreement across cultures, languages, religions, political leanings…well, you know how often that happens.  But here we are, looking at a unanimous opinion of the year that’s ending:  “Good riddance!” 
January 11, 2021
Toward the end, God is going to really shake things up. 
December 30, 2020
If you are following just about any Bible reading plan (I hope you are!) then here at the end of the year you are almost certainly reading Revelation.  This book puts many people off.  It is filled, as we all know, with a lot of symbolic imagery.  Figuring out the symbols is a life-long endeavor for some, and differing conclusions are reached.  Resulting in arguments, of course—all the students being human beings.  It’s this outcome that puts many off.
December 28, 2020
The record of King Jehoshaphat’s victory over the confederate Moabite invaders, found in 2nd Chronicles 20, is one of the most unique and inspiring battles in the Bible.
December 28, 2020
The biggest mistake we can make is to retire spiritually. Retirees may face various challenges including loneliness, loss of loved ones, aches and pains, short-term memory loss and other health-related issues. But these trials can be opportunities for our community of retired believers to offer love and support.
December 28, 2020
Ecclesias are our cities of refuge in this life. In a world filled with chaos and confusion, our ecclesia is the place where we find like-minded brothers and sisters, with similar priorities.
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