November 25, 2020
As the world now completes more than a half-year under the COVID-19 pandemic, there is news that several vaccines may be available to the public in the coming months.
November 25, 2020
The same God who created every living thing on this earth also provides mankind with the intelligence and the resources to make vaccines.
October 25, 2020
Our challenge is to adhere to the principles of the Truth, yet have mercy in how we apply those principles.
September 25, 2020
From the bottom of my heart I thank the brothers and sisters who sat with my father and permitted him to have a heart-to-heart chat. While there is only one who can change lives, and that is our Lord, our role is to support one another, to love, and to listen.
August 25, 2020
We have all watched the scenes in urban centers of North America being filled with protestors of every race. These marchers embody the idea that discrimination must stop immediately. This is not a new battleground but has been part of the American social landscape since its earliest days.
May 27, 2020
I’d like to begin by thanking Bro. Peter Hemingray for his thoughtful leadership as Editor of The Tidings for this past decade. Peter rightfully positioned the magazine as a mechanism for edification in our community.
May 27, 2020
In 1997, I read a fascinating book called, The Death of Distance, by Frances Cairncross. Before the digital revolution really was underway, Ms. Cairncross predicted that life would be significantly altered with Internet technologies. Global, real-time communications would be enabled. Employers would soon be able to look for talent, not only in their own urban area but from a mountaintop far away....
May 5, 2020
I had big shoes to fill when I somewhat reluctantly agreed to become the new Editor of The Tidings, beginning in May 2010. Bro. George Booker and the late Brethren Don Styles and Bob Lloyd had, between them, been editors since 1957. Four editors in 63 years is not too bad, as we reflect on the changes in society, technology, and the world.
April 6, 2020
What do you remember? I have probably heard about 3,000 exhortations in my life. Apart from the last few, how many do I remember? Well, frankly, very few. And what are the characteristics of the ones that I do remember?
March 8, 2020
Back in 2012, Bill Gates declared the book The Better Angels of Our Nature, by Steven Pinker as the most important book he had ever read. In it, Pinker argues that war and violence are declining and that our world is now more peaceful than ever in recorded history. I have read the book, and Pinker marshals an impressive array of statistics in 800+ pages.  His notion has almost become an accepted viewpoint.
September 15, 2014
Most Christadelphians know about the origin of the name of our denomination: indeed, the name “Christadelphian” has quite a history, as well as great significance. It was coined to provide the small company of believers in USA during the Civil War with a name.
July 15, 2014
There are indeed many ways of destroying the ecclesia, and unfortunately, we can truly see the prophecy of Paul coming to pass in these last days. Independent of the pressures from the world around us, all too often the problems we encounter within our ecclesias are inflicted from within.
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