August 25, 2022
Few know that Robert Roberts, the first Editor of The Christadelphian, and the source of much of our original literature, was on the continent seven times from 1871 to 1898. He crisscrossed west to east, north to Nova Scotia, and south to Virginia.
May 25, 2022
If you rely on Hollywood to teach you history you would be led to believe that there was only one Pharaoh of the Exodus, namely Rameses.
May 25, 2022
There is a strong mistrust in society today, a spirit of suspicion and skepticism that is almost pathological.
April 25, 2022
In our continuing series of courageous women in the Bible, Sis. Melinda Flatley looks at six women who played significant roles in the life of Moses.
April 25, 2022
Whoever is generous to the poor lends to the Lord, and he will repay him for his deed. (Prov 19:17 ESV).
April 25, 2022
Adam and Eve’s first mistake was to go near the tree. They shouldn't have been anywhere near it. If they completely avoided it, they wouldn't have been influenced to go against God’s will.
April 25, 2022
Some still think that it did not rain until the time of the Flood in the days of Noah... If Scripture actually stated this, it would be difficult to imagine.
February 25, 2022
The mighty Samson could not bind sin, so sin ruled in his house. But Jesus was always the Lord of his house... Jesus would not be under its dominion.
February 25, 2022
God has given us free will; the question is who will we serve? Self, sin, which leads to death? Or God’s right ways?
January 25, 2022
God, who knows our hearts, knows the spiritual mind-set we have. When we serve Him, we make choices in our lives which put His will before our own.
January 25, 2022
In our continuing series of character studies about valiant and virtuous women in the Scriptures, Sis. Carmel Page draws our attention to a great woman of faith. ~ Editor
December 24, 2021
I prefer not to call her “Rahab, the prostitute.” I’m not particularly eager to reduce her merely to one of the ways she made money. Rahab was a very hard worker. So why do we reduce her life to this one aspect, as if it was the only thing noteworthy about her? Her actions, those of a strong, spiritual woman, changed the course of her family members’ lives. Her story is pretty incredible.