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February 25, 2022
God has given us free will; the question is who will we serve? Self, sin, which leads to death? Or God’s right ways?
February 25, 2022
When we focus on outward actions and those that are trivial, we have completely missed the higher principles God wants us to follow.
February 23, 2022
Much evil has been committed in the name of religion when people are obsessed with spiritual purity and set up an authoritarian system to prevent spiritual contamination.
February 21, 2022
Frustration and anger arise out of expectations not being met.  Something ought to be, and it isn’t.  Is this something God experiences?
February 17, 2022
I believe there is a reason God leaves us in the dark when it comes to many of the things we struggle to understand.
February 11, 2022
What saved David? Under the law, he was condemned twice because he committed both adultery and murder. But Paul says that God’s righteousness, faithfulness, and steadfast love are more powerful than man’s sin...
February 7, 2022
The Psalms are Spirit-inspired prayers, expressing every kind of emotion I myself have. In them I can find expression of what’s in my heart. 
January 30, 2022
Paul is saying that the Judgment decision will be based on how we treat others. God will treat us how we treat others.
January 25, 2022
On the stage there were some foreigners who were preaching... and I felt something inside my heart and soul. What should I do? Should I confess or just go out of the hall? I don't know what happened to me. My feet were as if they were stuck there. I could not move out of that place.
January 25, 2022
Our corporate responsibility goes beyond our fellow brothers and sisters to include the community around us.
January 25, 2022
God, who knows our hearts, knows the spiritual mind-set we have. When we serve Him, we make choices in our lives which put His will before our own.
January 25, 2022
I arrived at the airport near the southern tip of St. Lucia in the afternoon of Sunday, November 7. The passenger intake through the COVID screening and customs was smooth and well-organized.
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