Preaching and Teaching
May 25, 2022
Easter weekend of April 15-18 marked the 50th Bible School held in Guyana.
April 25, 2022
Brother Ben Drepaul shares stories from his visit to Barbados.
April 25, 2022
Brother Martin and Sister Lois Webster share details of their recent trip to St. Lucia.
February 25, 2022
The three-day Christadelphian Youth Sierra Leone Coalition Conference brings together over one hundred young Christadelphian young people from different Christadelphian ecclesias across Sierra Leone.
February 25, 2022
We all left with renewed enthusiasm to build up our little meetings and strengthen our fellowship in countries where there are Spanish-speaking brethren and sisters.
February 25, 2022
The Bible School was a huge success, due to the hard work behind the scenes. It also provided spiritual nourishment to all in attendance, both in-person and virtually.
January 25, 2022
On the stage there were some foreigners who were preaching... and I felt something inside my heart and soul. What should I do? Should I confess or just go out of the hall? I don't know what happened to me. My feet were as if they were stuck there. I could not move out of that place.
January 25, 2022
I arrived at the airport near the southern tip of St. Lucia in the afternoon of Sunday, November 7. The passenger intake through the COVID screening and customs was smooth and well-organized.
December 24, 2021
Enjoy this article written by Sis. Antonia Giordano from an interview with Bro. Ray Arthurs from the Broughton Ecclesia in Jamaica.
December 24, 2021
November 25, 2021
The terrible sounds of bombs and explosives during the Biafran war was ironically the same boom the Almighty used to ignite the fast spread the of truth in Nigeria and beyond.
October 25, 2021
Living in La Paz, Bolivia for a year (with the support of the CBMA) was vastly different from what we were expecting, yet so rewarding.
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