February 21, 2022
Frustration and anger arise out of expectations not being met.  Something ought to be, and it isn’t.  Is this something God experiences?
February 17, 2022
I believe there is a reason God leaves us in the dark when it comes to many of the things we struggle to understand.
February 11, 2022
What saved David? Under the law, he was condemned twice because he committed both adultery and murder. But Paul says that God’s righteousness, faithfulness, and steadfast love are more powerful than man’s sin...
February 7, 2022
The Psalms are Spirit-inspired prayers, expressing every kind of emotion I myself have. In them I can find expression of what’s in my heart. 
January 30, 2022
Paul is saying that the Judgment decision will be based on how we treat others. God will treat us how we treat others.
January 25, 2022
The Joneses believed in God, and taught their children stories from the Bible, even if they did not own a Bible. We don’t know if they got all their facts straight, since they had no Bible themselves, and could not read a Bible even if they had one.
January 17, 2022
God created man and woman in his image and likeness. That means we’ve been designed to manifest God in our lives. When it comes to the woman, what role does she primarily have in being such an agent of the Almighty God?
January 10, 2022
What kind of servant should we be? 
January 8, 2022
The Tabernacle was beautiful, in fact dazzlingly beautiful.  It only makes sense that the wood would be as beautiful as all the rest. But there’s an odd thing.  All of the wood was covered over!  Not one bit of it was visible. 
January 5, 2022
If we aren’t reconciled to our brothers and sisters, does our religious activity even count for anything? The oneness, peace, and reconciliation associated with our relationships as brothers and sisters are right at the core of the gospel message.
January 2, 2022
Do we reflect on the great things God has done for us, and do we glorify God and esteem his name by talking about those things to each other?
December 24, 2021
Of course, angels have wings! But wait. Not so fast.
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