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June 10, 2020
Patience doesn’t come naturally to many of us, especially in this fast food world. We are used to instant gratification and waiting for something can make us grumble. In our reading from James 5 we have a section on patience where he exhorts us to wait patiently for the coming of the Lord.
June 9, 2020
James is the Greek form of the name Jacob and he seems to have his namesake in mind when he writes his epistle. He writes “To the twelve tribes in the Dispersion” (James 1:1). When Jacob fled into Syria it was a foreshadowing of that dispersion...
June 8, 2020
Woven through the last chapter of Hebrews 13 is the story of Joseph. Which is interesting because verse 1 – “Let brotherly love continue” – is certainly not what Joseph experienced early on in life from his brothers. But despite what they did to him, by selling him into slavery, it didn’t stop him showing brotherly love to them when they came down to Egypt.
June 7, 2020
In today’s reading from James 1 we have a very succinct summary of what true religion entails – “Religion that is pure and undefiled before God the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.” (James 1:27). It’s a curious verse for several reasons, one of which is James’ use of the word “religion”.
June 6, 2020
Woven through the last chapter of Hebrews 13 is the story of Joseph. Which is interesting because verse 1 – “Let brotherly love continue” – is certainly not what Joseph experienced early on in life from his brothers. But despite what they did to him, by selling him into slavery, it didn’t stop him showing brotherly love to them when they came down to Egypt.
June 5, 2020
Racial prejudice is one of the greatest worldwide moral and political problems of our age. While the intensity of the problem and the degree of personal involvement may vary depending on our local circumstances, as brethren of Christ we cannot avoid confronting so important a moral issue.
June 5, 2020
Cities are reeling from mass protests across America since the tragic death of George Floyd. People of all races have banded together to protest what they believe are systematic injustices toward people of color. They see the repeated behaviors of injustice as being actions that are incongruent...
June 5, 2020
The beginning of Hebrews 12 carries on where chapter 11 finishes, with the ultimate example of living by faith seen in the Lord Jesus Christ, the “founder and perfecter of our faith” (v2). Another way we could translate that phrase is...
June 4, 2020
Hebrews 11 is not the faith chapter. It’s the LIVING by faith chapter. The writer introduces it in the previous chapter with a quotation from Habakkuk – “but my righteous one shall live by faith” (Heb. 10:38).
June 3, 2020
Why does the author of Hebrews go to such great lengths to convince his readers of the superiority of Jesus Christ over the things connected with the Law of Moses? The broad answer to that question is given at the beginning of chapter 10...
June 2, 2020
It may come as a bit of a surprise that the phrase “the blood of Christ” we read about in our reading today from Hebrews 9, only occurs six times in the Bible. Ironically a lot of blood has been spilled over the controversy surrounding the shedding of Christ’s blood...
June 1, 2020
The author of Hebrew’s exposition of Melchizedek gives us inspired details about an intriguing topic. He tells us that the very brief mention of Melchizedek in Genesis is written into the text “resembling the Son of God he continues a priest forever.” (Heb. 7:3). When he says in the same verse...
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